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Complete DSA Preparation
Complete DSA Preparation Course

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"For coding interview preparation, LeetCode & GeeksforGeeks is one of the best online resource providing a rich library of more than 500+ real coding interview questions for you "

Table of Contents

🟩 🟧 πŸŸ₯


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 Absolute value Theory 🟩 Easy abs()
2 Celsius To Fahrenheit Theory 🟩 Easy Math
3 Roots of Quadratic equation Theory 🟩 Easy Math
4 Factorial Of Number 🟩 Easy Math
5 Count digits in a factorial 🟩 Easy Factorial, Math
6 Series GP 🟩 Easy Basic Math
7 Prime Number 🟩 Easy Basic Math
8 Exactly 3 Divisors Theory 🟩 Easy Basic Math
9 Addition Under Modulo Theory 🟩 Easy Modulo
10 Multiplication Under Modulo Theory 🟩 Easy Modulo
11 Modular Multiplicative Inverse 🟩 Easy Modulo
12 Trailing zeroes in factorial 🟧 Medium Logic
13 Prime Factors 🟧 Medium Prime

Bits Manipulation

# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 Find first set bit 🟩 Easy Bits, Modulo
2 Rightmost different bit 🟩 Easy XOR, Modulo
3 Check whether K-th bit is set or not 🟩 Easy XOR, Modulo
4 Count total set bits 🟧 Medium RIght shift
5 Bit Difference 🟩 Easy Bits
6 Number is sparse or not 🟩 Easy Bits
7 Longest Consecutive 1's 🟩 Easy Bits
8 Gray Code 🟩 Easy Xor, Right Shift
9 Gray to Binary equivalent 🟩 Easy Xor, Right Shift
10 Power of 2 🟩 Easy AND
11 Swap all odd and even bits 🟩 Easy OR
12 Maximum AND Value 🟧 Medium AND


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 Print 1 to n without using loops 🟩 Easy Recursion
2 Sum Of Digits 🟩 Easy Recursion
3 Count Total Digits in a Number 🟩 Easy Recursion
4 Digital Root 🟧 Medium Recursion
5 Fibonacci Using Recursion 🟩 Easy Recursion
6 Tower Of Hanoi 🟧 Medium Recursion
7 Josephus problem 🟧 Medium Recursion


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 What is Multidimensional Arrays c++ Pdf Video 🟩 Easy Matrix, Array
2 Sum of upper and lower triangles Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy Matrix, Array
3 Transpose of Matrix Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy Matrix, Array
4 Rotate by 90 degree Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy Matrix, Array
5 Multiply the matrices c++ Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy Matrix, Array
6 Spirally traversing a matrix c++ Pdf Solution 🟧 Medium Matrix, Array
7 Interchanging the rows of a Matrix c++ Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy Matrix, Array
8 Matrix Interchange Practice 🟩 Easy Matrix, Array
9 Search in a row-column sorted Matrix c++ Pdf Solution 🟧 Medium Matrix, Array
10 Boolean Matrix c++ Pdf Solution 🟧 Medium Matrix, Array


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 What is Hashing Data structure Pdf Theory 🟩 Easy Hashing
2 Code of Hashing in c++ c++ Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy Hashing
3 Direct Access Table Pdf Theory 🟩 Easy Hash
4 What is Hash Function and collision Pdf Theory 🟩 Easy Hash
5 What is chaining in collision handling Pdf Theory 🟩 Easy Hashing
6 What is unordered_set c++ Pdf Theory 🟩 Easy Hash
7 What is unordered_map c++ GFG Theory 🟩 Easy Hash
8 Non Repeating Element c++ Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy Hashing
9 First Repeating Element c++ Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy Hashing
10 Union of two arrays Practice 🟩 Easy Hashing
11 Intersection of Two Arrays c++ Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy unordered_set
12 Key Pair c++ Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy unordered_map
13 Subarray with sum 0 c++ Pdf Solution 🟧 Medium unordered_set
14 Winner of an election c++ Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy unordered_map
15 Pairs with Positive Negative values c++ Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy map, Vector
16 Print Anagrams Together / Group Anagrams c++ Pdf Solution 🟧 Medium unordered_map, string
17 Relative Sort Array / Sort an array according to the other c++ Pdf Solution 🟧 Medium Map
18 Custom Sort String c++ Pdf Solution 🟧 Medium map
19 Sort Array by Increasing Frequency c++ Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy map, Lambda
20 Longest Consecutive Sequence Practice 🟧 Medium map


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 Naive Pattern Search Important 🟩 Easy Pattern
2 Implement strStr() c++ pdf 🟩 Easy Pattern
3 Binary String 🟩 Easy string
4 Anagram 🟩 Easy string
5 Check if string is rotated by two places 🟩 Easy string
6 Check if strings are rotations of each other or not 🟩 Easy string
7 Isomorphic Strings 🟩 Easy string
8 Check if a string is Isogram or not 🟩 Easy string
9 Keypad typing 🟩 Easy string
10 Repeated Character 🟩 Easy string
11 Non Repeating Character c++ solution 🟧 Medium string
12 Maximum Occuring Character 🟩 Easy string
13 Remove common characters and concatenate 🟩 Easy string
14 Reverse words in a given string 🟩 Easy string
15 Sum of numbers in string c++ pdf solution 🟧 Medium string
16 Pangram Checking 🟩 Easy string
17 Minimum indexed character 🟩 Easy string
18 Smallest window in a string containing all the characters of another string 🟧 Medium string
19 Nth number made of prime digits 🟩 Easy Prime, string

Linked List

# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 Introduction to Linked list Playlist c++ Theory 🟩 Easy Linked List
2 Data structures Competitive Programming Theory 🟩 Easy DSA
3 Arrays in Data Structures Theory 🟩 Easy Arrays
4 Pointers in C++ with code Practice Theory 🟩 Easy Pointers
5 Struct in c++ Theory 🟩 Easy Struct


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 What is stack GFG Link Solution 🟩 Easy Stack, Array
2 Implement stack using array 🟩 Easy Stack, Array
3 Implement Stack using Linked List 🟩 Easy Stack, Linked List
4 Implement Stack using Linked List 🟩 Easy Stack, Linked List
5 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String 🟩 Easy Stack, string
6 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II 🟧 Medium Stack, string
7 Valid Parentheses 🟩 Easy Stack, string
8 Implement two stacks in an array 🟩 Easy Stack, Array
9 Valid Parentheses 🟩 Easy Stack, string
10 Get min at pop 🟩 Easy Stack, Array
11 Min Stack 🟩 Easy Stack, Array
12 Delete middle element of a stack 🟩 Easy Stack, STL
13 Infix to Postfix 🟩 Easy Stack
14 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 🟧 Medium Stack, Evaluation of Postfix Expression
15 Online Stock Span 🟧 Medium Stack, Stock span problem
16 Next Greater Element II 🟧 Medium Stack, Array
17 Largest Rectangle in Histogram πŸŸ₯ Hard Stack, Array
18 The Celebrity Problem 🟧 Medium Stack, Array


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 What is Queue GFG Link Solution 🟩 Easy Queue, STL
2 Implement Queue using array 🟩 Easy Queue, Array
3 Implement Queue using Linked List Scaler Topics Link 🟩 Easy Queue, Linked List
4 Queue Reversal 🟩 Easy Queue, Stack
5 Queue using two Stacks 🟩 Easy Queue, Stack
6 Implement Queue using Stacks 🟩 Easy Stack, Queue
7 Stack using two queues 🟩 Easy Stack, Queue
8 Generate Binary Numbers 🟩 Easy Queue
9 Reverse First K elements of Queue 🟩 Easy Queue, Stack
10 Circular tour 🟧 Medium Queue, Sliding window


# Question Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 What is Tree pdf Solution1, solution2 🟩 Easy Tree, Theory
2 What is Binary tree pdf solution 🟩 Easy Tree, Binary Tree
3 How to code binary tree c++ Solution 🟩 Easy Tree, Code
4 Properties of Binary tree pdf solution 🟩 Easy Tree, Node
5 Types of Binary tree pdf solution 🟩 Easy Binary Tree
6 Tree Traversal pdf solution1, solution2 🟩 Easy Traversal, Inorder
7 Code of Inorder Traversal c++ pdf solution 🟩 Easy Inorder Traversal
8 Code of Preorder and Postorder c++ Solution 🟩 Easy Preorder, Postorder
9 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal c++ Solution 🟩 Easy Recursion, Tree
10 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal Practice 🟩 Easy Recursion, Tree
11 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Practice 🟩 Easy Recursion, Tree
12 Same Tree c++ Solution 🟩 Easy Tree Traversal
13 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree c++ Solution 🟧 Medium Recursion, Tree
14 Children Sum Parent c++ Solution 🟩 Easy Recursion, Tree
15 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal c++ Solution 🟧 Medium Queue, Tree
16 Level order traversal Line by Line Practice 🟩 Easy stack, Tree
17 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal c++ Solution 🟧 Medium Queue, Tree
18 Maximum Width of Tree 🟩 Easy Tree
19 Balanced Binary Tree c++ Solution 🟩 Easy Tree
20 Left View of Binary Tree 🟩 Easy Tree
21 Right View of Binary Tree 🟩 Easy Tree
22 Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree 🟧 Medium Tree
23 Diameter of Binary Tree 🟩 Easy Tree
24 Vertical Width of a Binary Tree 🟩 Easy Tree
25 Mirror Tree 🟩 Easy Tree
26 Check if subtree 🟧 Medium Tree
27 Make Binary Tree From Linked List 🟧 Medium Tree

Binary Search Tree

# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 Inorder traversal of a BST 🟩 Easy BST, Tree
2 Search in a Binary Search Tree 🟩 Easy BST, Tree


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 Heap sort Solution 🟩 Easy Heap Basic
2 Kth Largest Element in an Array Solution 🟩 Easy Heap Basic
3 Kth Largest Element in a Stream Solution 🟩 Easy Heap Basic
4 Top K Frequent Elements Solution 🟩 Easy Heap Basic
5 Minimum Cost of ropes Solution 🟩 Easy Heap Basic
6 Find K Closest Elements Solution 🟧 Medium Heap Medium
7 Merge k Sorted Arrays Solution 🟧 Medium Heap Medium
8 Find median in a stream Solution πŸŸ₯ Hard Heap Hard


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 Graph Introduction Solution 🟩 Easy Graph Theory
2 Adjacency Matrix in graph Solution 🟩 Easy Graph Basic
3 Adjacency List in graph Solution 🟩 Easy Graph
4 How to code graph Solution 🟩 Easy Graph
5 BFS Of Graph Solution 🟩 Easy Graph Theory
6 Find If Path Exists in Graph C++ Solution 🟩 Easy Graph BFS
7 Find the Town Judge C++ Solution 🟩 Easy Graph BFS
8 DFS Of Graph Solution 🟩 Easy Graph Theory
9 Number of Islands C++ Solution 🟧 Medium Graph DFS
10 Flood Fill C++ Solution 🟩 Easy Graph Theory
11 Detect cycle in undirected graph Solution 🟩 Easy Graph
12 Topological sort (Kahn's BFS) C++ Pdf Solution 🟩 Easy Graph
13 Topological sort using DFS C++ Pdf Solution 🟧 Medium Graph DFS
14 Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph C++ Pdf Solution 🟧 Medium Graph GFG


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag

Dynamic Programming

# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 Fibonacci Numbers - Top Down DP 🟩 Easy Recursion


# Title Code Document Video Difficulty Tag
1 Insert and Search 🟧 Medium Trie

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