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HydraFW binary 1 Wire mode guide

Benjamin Vernoux edited this page Mar 24, 2023 · 10 revisions

HydraFW binary 1-Wire mode guide

This guide is updated towards firmware release HydraFW v0.9 Beta and later

This mode allows to control 1-Wire

  • 1-Wire pin: PIN=PB11

For more details see


Once the raw-wire mode has been selected, the following commands are available :

  • 0b00000000 Return to main mode. Returns BBIO1
  • 0b00000001 Mode identification. Returns 1W01
  • 0b00000010 Bus reset
  • 0b00000100 Read byte
  • 0b0001xxxx Bulk raw-wire transfer
  • 0b11xxxxxx Binary Auxiliary pins

Command details

Bus reset (0b00000010)

This command sends a bus reset signal on the 1-Wire bus. No value is sent back.

Read byte (0b00000100)

This command reads a byte on the 1-Wire bus, and sends it back to the user.

Bulk 1-Wire transfer (0b0001xxxx)

In this mode, the last 4 bits of the command define the number of bytes to write (from 1 to 16) (Command 0b00010000 will send 1 byte). Hydrabus will wait for the defined number of bytes, then send a 0x01 (acknowledge).

Configure 1-Wire peripheral (0b01000x00)

This allows to set the following parameters :

  • x sets the pull-up resistors (if 1 use internal on-board pull-up resistors about 50Kohm else use external on-board pull-up resistors)

See for explanation.

This commands returns 0x01 if successful, 0x00 in case of error.

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