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Hussein Alrubaye edited this page Jul 18, 2019 · 1 revision


MigrationMiner is an open source tool that provides the developer with easy-to-use and comprehensive way of extracting, from given list of input projects, existing migrations between two third-party libraries using program analysis based on Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) code representation. In a nutshell, MigrationMiner (i) detects, (ii) extracts, (iii) filters, and (iv) collects code changes related to any performed migration. For a given input project, MigrationMiner detects any migration undergone between two java libraries and returns the names and versions of both retired and new libraries. Thereafter, MigrationMiner extracts the specific code changes, from the client code, and which belong to the migration changes (it should at least have one removed method from the retired library, and one added method from the new library) from all other unrelated code changes within the commits. Next, MigrationMiner filters code changes to only keep fragments that contain migration traces i.e., a code fragment, generated by the diff utility, which contains the removed and added methods, respectively from the retired and the new library. Finally, MigrationMiner collects the library API documentation that is associated with every method in the client code. The output of MigrationMiner, for each detected migration between two libraries, is a set of migration traces, with their code context, and their corresponding documentation.

When you use this tool, please cite this paper.

  title={MigrationMiner: An Automated Detection Tool of Third-Party Java Library Migration at the Method Level},
  author={Hussein Alrubaye, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer, Ali Ouni},
  booktitle={2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)},


  • Install java JKD from here.
  • Install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from here.
  • Install MYSQL Server from here.

How to install and run the tool

To run the project on your local machine you can follow one of these two tutorials:

A- Using the tutorial video

  • You could run the project by following this video.

B- Using the following steps

  • First you need to build the dataset, by running the following script Database/MigrationMinerDBSQL.sql. Open a terminal and run the following commands
 mysql -u root -p
 source ./MigrationMinerDBSQL.sql

After running the commands, the database should be created with all tables and views.

  • Create a new Java project at eclipse IDE and set the project directory to MigrationMiner folder.

  • Set your local MYSQL username and password in this file "", which lives under MigrationMiner/src/com/project/settings/

  • Set your GitHub username and password in this file "", which lives under MigrationMiner/src/com/project/settings/ Your credentials will be used so that Migration Miner can search a large number of GitHub projects without authentication issues.

  • Update MigrationMiner/data/gitRepositories.csv with the list of git repositories that you want to use as input (they will be searched for potential library migrations).

  • Run the file that lives under MigrationMiner/src/com/main/parse/

Tool output

A- Ouput as Relational Database
  • After running, the database Tables will be filled with any migration infomation found. For each potential migration, the following information can be found in database, whose schema is as follows:

    • Repositories: Has the list of projects that scanned by the tool.
    • AppCommits: Has the list of projects' commits information (Commit Id, developer name, Commit text, and commit date).
    • ProjectLibraries: List of libraries that were added or removed at every commit.
    • MigrationRules: List of migration Rules that were detected from the Dataset.
    • MigrationSegments: List Of migration Fragments that were extract from software migration.
    • LibraryDocumenation: Library documentation associated with every library version that has been involved in any migration.
B- Ouput as HTML

There will be a generated HTML file named "MigrationMinnerOutput.html" that has the summary of all migrations detected, and for each migration, all its corresponding code fragments along with their Library documentation. An illutrative example of this file is in the following picture:


C- Ouput as Objects

You could read the output as objects by writing the following code. or run That could help you to integrate the tool with your code.

//Return list of migrations between two pairs of libraries( added/removed)
LinkedList<MigrationRule> migrationRules= new MigrationRuleDB().getMigrationRulesWithoutVersion(1);

for (MigrationRule migrationRule : migrationRules) {
 System.out.println("== Migration Rule "+ migrationRule.FromLibrary +
      " <==> "+  migrationRule.ToLibrary +"==");

 *  For every migrations, retrieve list of collected of fragments for migration at method level.
 *  every fragment has N added methods M removed methods
 ArrayList<Segment> segmentList = new MigrationSegmentsDB().getSegmentsObj(migrationRule.ID);

 for (Segment segment : segmentList) {


  // Print all removed method signatures With Docs
  printMethodWithDocs( migrationRule.FromLibrary,segment.removedCode);  

  // Print all added method signatures With Docs
  printMethodWithDocs( migrationRule.ToLibrary,segment.addedCode);

 } // End fragment for every migration

}  // End library migration

* This method takes list of methods signatures with library that methods belong to.
* It will print the signatures and Docs for every method
void printMethodWithDocs(String libraryName,ArrayList<String> listOfMethods ) {

 // For every add method print the Docs
 for(String methodSignature: listOfMethods){

  // Convert  method signatures as String to Object
  MethodObj methodFormObj= MethodObj.GenerateSignature(methodSignature);

  //retrieve Docs from the library for method has that name
  ArrayList<MethodDocs>  toLibrary = new LibraryDocumentationDB()
                                           .getDocs( libraryName,methodFormObj.methodName);

  //Map method signatures to docs
  MethodDocs methodFromDocs = MethodDocs.GetObjDocs(toLibrary, methodFormObj);

  if(methodFromDocs.methodObj== null) {
   System.err.println("Cannot find Docs for: "+ methodSignature);

MigrationMiner has been used so far in the following papers:


This software is licensed under the MIT license.