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Python tools for rdlevels, adds a few helpful functions for downloading and parsing levels.


Just run pip install pyvitals!
You can also run pip install git+ to install the latest bleeding edge version from the GitHub repo directly.


import os

import pyvitals

# Get the list of levels from the rdlevels API
data = pyvitals.get_sheet_data()

# Only get verified levels
data = pyvitals.get_sheet_data(verified_only=True)

# Download the first level in the list to the current directory, unzipping it in the process
path = pyvitals.download_level(data[0]['download_url'], './', unzip=True)

# Parse the rdlevel from the recently download level
level_data = pyvitals.parse_level(os.path.join(path, 'main.rdlevel'))

# Parse a rdzip's main.rdlevel directly
level_data = pyvitals.parse_rdzip(data[0]['download_url'])


There's no documentation yet :(, but I'll probably get to it eventually. For now, you can check out the docstrings.