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rzanoli edited this page May 7, 2015 · 2 revisions

This page reports the experiments did by users and the results they obtained. This allows other users to replicate those experiments under the same condition or avoid doing the experiments that have already been done.

Users that would like to share their results with the other EOP users can either upload their results into this page directly (a GitHub account is needed) or they can contact the EOP members by the provided mailing lists.

Please note that some of the experiments reported below might have been done using a previous version of the EOP. That is for those experiments whose configuration files can be used also with the current release of the EOP and whose results do not change. The only thing that people should check before using the distributed configuration files is that they refer to the correct version of the file of the resources (e.g., eop-resources-X.Y.Z) available with the current EOP release (e.g., EOP-X.Y.Z) and in case change them accordingly.

Experiments List:

EDA Data Lang Lexical Resources Results Exp
RTE-3 EN WN,CV link
RTE-3 DE 0.61250 link
RTE-3 DE WN 0.61250 link
RTE-3 EN 0.62000 link
RTE-3 EN WN 0.63625 link
RTE-3 IT 0.62625 link
RTE-3 IT WN 0.61625 link
RTE-3 DE DS,DBPos,TP,TPPos,TS 0.62875 link
RTE-3 DE GNPos,DBPos,TP,TPPos,TS 0.63125 link
RTE-3 DE GNPos,DS,DBPos,TP,TPPos,TS 0.63125 link
RTE-3 EN VO,TP,TPPos,TS 0.6425 link
RTE-3 EN WN,TP,TPPos,TS 0.6525 link
RTE-3 EN WN,VO,TP,TPPos,TS 0.65125 link

CV: CatVar, WN: WordNet, WP: Wikipedia, VO: VerbOcean, GNPos: GermaNet with POS tags, DS: DewakDistributional, DBPos: DerivBase with POS tags, TP: TreePattern, TPPos: TreePattern with POS tags, TS: TreeSkeleton



Configuration ID: BIUTEE_WordNet_CatVar_EN

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: EN
Lexical Resources: WN, CV
Results(Accuracy): ----

Author name: Omer Levy
Affiliation: Bar-Ilan University

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EditDistance EDA


Configuration ID: EditDistanceEDA_DE

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: DE
Lexical Resources: none
Preprocessing: TreeTagger
Results(Accuracy): 0.61250

Author name: Roberto Zanoli
Affiliation: Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Contact Information: zanoli [at]

Download the configuration file, model and results


Configuration ID: EditDistanceEDA_DE_WordNet

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: DE
Lexical Resources: WN
Preprocessing: TreeTagger
Results(Accuracy): 0.61250

Author name: Roberto Zanoli
Affiliation: Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Contact Information: zanoli [at]

Download the configuration file, model and results


Configuration ID: EditDistanceEDA_EN

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: EN
Lexical Resources: none
Preprocessing: TreeTagger
Results(Accuracy): 0.62000

Author name: Roberto Zanoli
Affiliation: Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Contact Information: zanoli [at]

Download the configuration file, model and results


Configuration ID: EditDistanceEDA_EN_WordNet

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: EN
Lexical Resources: WN
Preprocessing: TreeTagger
Results(Accuracy): 0.63625

Author name: Roberto Zanoli
Affiliation: Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Contact Information: zanoli [at]

Download the configuration file, model and results


Configuration ID: EditDistanceEDA_IT

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: IT
Lexical Resources: none
Preprocessing: TextPro
Results(Accuracy): 0.62625

Author name: Roberto Zanoli
Affiliation: Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Contact Information: zanoli [at]

Download the configuration file, model and results


Configuration ID: EditDistanceEDA_IT_WordNet

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: IT
Lexical Resources: WN
Preprocessing: TextPro
Results(Accuracy): 0.61625

Author name: Roberto Zanoli
Affiliation: Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Contact Information: zanoli [at]

Download the configuration file, model and results



Configuration ID: MaxEntClassificationEDA_Base+DS+DBPos+TP+TPPos+TS_DE

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: DE
Lexical Resources: DS,DBPos,TP,TPPos,TS
Preprocessing: MaltParserDE
Results(Accuracy): 0.62875

Author name: Günter Neumann
Affiliation: Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Contact Information: neumann [@]

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Configuration ID: MaxEntClassificationEDA_Base+GNPos+DBPos+TP+TPPos+TS_DE

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: DE
Lexical Resources: GNPos,DBPos,TP,TPPos,TS
Preprocessing: MaltParserDE
Results(Accuracy): 0.63125

Author name: Günter Neumann
Affiliation: Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Contact Information: neumann [@]

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Configuration ID: MaxEntClassificationEDA_Base+GNPos+DS+DBPos+TP+TPPos+TS_DE

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: DE
Lexical Resources: GNPos,DS,DBPos,TP,TPPos,TS
Preprocessing: MaltParserDE
Results(Accuracy): 0.63125

Author name: Günter Neumann
Affiliation: Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Contact Information: neumann [@]

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Configuration ID: MaxEntClassificationEDA_Base+VO+TP+TPPos+TS_EN

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: EN
Lexical Resources: VO,TP,TPPos,TS
Preprocessing: MaltParserEN
Results(Accuracy): 0.6425

Author name: Günter Neumann
Affiliation: Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Contact Information: neumann [@]

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Configuration ID: MaxEntClassificationEDA_Base+WN+TP+TPPos+TS_EN

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: EN
Lexical Resources: WN,TP,TPPos,TS
Preprocessing: MaltParserEN
Results(Accuracy): 0.6525

Author name: Günter Neumann
Affiliation: Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Contact Information: neumann [@]

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Configuration ID: MaxEntClassificationEDA_Base+WN+VO+TP+TPPos+TS_EN

Data Set: RTE-3
Language: EN
Lexical Resources: WN,VO,TP,TPPos,TS
Preprocessing: MaltParserEN
Results(Accuracy): 0.65125

Author name: Günter Neumann
Affiliation: Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Contact Information: neumann [@]

Download the configuration file, model and results

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