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Hannes Juutilainen edited this page Jul 5, 2018 · 6 revisions

Privacy Policy

Analytics Collected When Using MunkiAdmin:

MunkiAdmin (version 1.3.0 through 1.5.2) uses DevMate and includes the option to send an anonymous system profile every time the app is launched. The system profile includes the following information: MunkiAdmin version, OS X version and locale, CPU and GPU models, machine model and the amount of RAM and free disk space. This information is used solely to help understand how MunkiAdmin is used. The information sent to DevMate is not personally identifiable and does not include any information about your munki repository. You can also opt out of sending this information at any time by opening Preferences from the MunkiAdmin menu and unchecking "Send anonymous usage reports".

MunkiAdmin uses DevMate for the following features:

  • Analytics
  • Updates
  • Crash reports
  • Feedback

DevMate also has its own privacy policy.

Information received through DevMate is not (and will never be) shared, traded or sold to third parties. The same goes for any other information I may receive from you via Dropbox, in an email, as part of a GitHub issue, or otherwise. (Dropbox's privacy policy is here). If you have any other concerns, please contact me and I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.

MunkiAdmin Google Group

Google has its own privacy policy