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Laracontact is a Contact us form for your laravel applications with spam protection through Google reCaptcha V2. The package store a contact request with (name, email, subject and message) in the database and send it by email to admins.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation



Laracontact is a Contact us form for your laravel applications with spam protection through Google reCaptcha V2.
The package store a contact request with (name, email, subject and message) in the database and send it by email to admins.


composer require omh/laracontact
  • The service provider will automatically get registered. Or you may manually add the service provider in your config/app.php file:
'providers' => [
    // ...
  • You should publish the migration and the config/contact_request.php config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laracontact-migration"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laracontact-config"
  • After the config and migration have been published and configured, you can create the contact_requests table by running the migration:
php artisan migrate


The contact us form is availabe by default at /contact-us
You can customize the form path on the config file.

Default config file contents

return [
     * Set the form path.
    'form_path' => '/contact-us',

     * Set the url redirection after submitting the contact us form.
    'redirectTo' => '/',

    * Set the contact us page title.
    'page_title' => 'Contact us',

     * Array of emails that should receive the contact request
    'notifiables' => ['admin@test.test'],

     * Set to false to disable sending emails feature
    'send_mails' => true,

     * To configure correctly please visit
    'recaptcha' => [

         * The secret key
         * get site key @
        'recaptcha_secret' => env('RECAPTCHA_SECRET'),

         * The secret key
         * get site key @
        'recaptcha_sitekey' => env('RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY'),

  • You can change the redirection url after the contact submission
     * Set the url redirection after submitting the contact us form.
     'redirectTo' => '/my-custom-redirection',
  • You can change the contact us page title
     * Set the url redirection after submitting the contact us form.
     'page_title' => 'My Custome title',
  • You can add admin's emails in the notifiables array
     *  Array of emails that should receive the contact request
     'notifiables' => ['admin@test.test'],
  • You can disable sending emails by setting the 'send_emails' to false
     * Set to false to disable sending emails feature
    'send_mails' => false,

Customize the Contact Us form

If you want to customize the contact us form you can run

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laracontact-views"

The views will now be located in the resources/views/vendor/contact_request/ directory

Use your own Maillable/Notifiable

A Laracontact\Events\ContactRequestEvent event is fired each time a contact request is submitted. You can add listeners in your app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php file and trigger your own maillable

     * The event listener mappings for the application.
     * @var array
    protected $listen = [
        Laracontact\Events\ContactRequestEvent::class => [
            // your own listeners


Laracontact is a Contact us form for your laravel applications with spam protection through Google reCaptcha V2. The package store a contact request with (name, email, subject and message) in the database and send it by email to admins.








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