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Installing development version

daid edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 6 revisions

While the stable releases can always be found at: downloads

There are people that rather run the latest development snapshot because it offers new features and fixes. Running the development version is at your own risk, as stuff could be broken from time to time.

Running development without installing git

But if you want to run the development version, follow the following steps:

  • Download the latest stable release from: downloads page
  • Download the full github repository from: github zip download
  • Install the stable release zip
  • Remove the Cura folder from the release
  • Extract the development zip into the same folder you installed the stable version
  • Now you should have a new Cura folder, with the latest sources.
  • Run in the same way you would start the stable version, now you are running the unstable snapshot.

Running development with git

If you want to help with development, it's better to setup git as found on the github help pages. Make your own fork, and clone that repository. You can use the same procedure as for the "git-less" version, but instead of downloading the development zip, you use git to get those files. While still using the python and pypy from the stable release.