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##How to setup wikipedia data in mysql and Neo4j

Get the latest dumps from wikimedia site and Unzip each of the above files

Each of the above files have sql code for creating respective tables and also data to be inserted. The tables are created using indexes which makes it very slow for the entire data to load often taking upto 1 day.

Instead of this, we can create tables without indexes, load the data and then create the indexes after the load has finished.

$grep -n "Dumping data" enwiki-latest-redirect.sql

37:-- Dumping data for table redirect

This command returns the line number that separates the table creation part and actual data part. Here it is '37'. Using this number create the following two files.

head -37 enwiki-latest-redirect.sql > redirect-creation.sql

tail -n +37 enwiki-latest-redirect.sql > redirect-data.sql

redirect-creation.sql has the following table creation code:-

CREATE TABLE redirect ( rd_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', rd_namespace int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', rd_title varbinary(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', rd_interwiki varbinary(32) DEFAULT NULL, rd_fragment varbinary(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (rd_from), KEY rd_ns_title (rd_namespace,rd_title,rd_from) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=binary;

We remove the keys from the table creation as follows:-

CREATE TABLE redirect ( rd_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', rd_namespace int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', rd_title varbinary(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', rd_interwiki varbinary(32) DEFAULT NULL, rd_fragment varbinary(255) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=binary;

The table creation codes are available for page, pagelinks, categorylinks and redirect.

The same process can be followed for other dumps as well.

mysql -uroot database_name < redirect-creation.sql

mysql -uroot database_name < redirect-data.sql

Once all the files are loaded we can add indexes to the required columns. For the redirect table, we can create indexes as follows:-

  • create index idx_rd_from on redirect(rd_from);
  • create index idx_rd_title_ns on redirect(rd_title, rd_namespace);

Indexes for other tables can be found in indexes.sql

Add column to page table so that titles can be searched using lower case (mRNA -> mrna, Usa -> usa) using following sql commands:

  • alter table page add column norm_title varbinary(255);

  • update page set norm_title = LOWER(CONVERT(BINARY page_title USING UTF8));

  • create index idx_norm_title on page(norm_title);


How to setup wikipedia data in mysql and Neo4j







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