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M  tests/Tests/Properties/Builder.hs
M  tests/Tests/QuickCheckUtils.hs
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Anton-Latukha committed Nov 2, 2021
1 parent ccaa346 commit 594d777
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Showing 2 changed files with 116 additions and 67 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/Tests/Properties/Builder.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ tb_formatRealFloat :: (RealFloat a, Show a) =>
tb_formatRealFloat a fmt prec = cond ==>
TB.formatRealFloat fmt p a ===
TB.fromString (showFloat fmt p a "")
where p = precision a prec
where p = unPrecision prec
cond = case (p,fmt) of
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,12,0)
(Just 0, TB.Generic) -> False -- skipping due to gh-231
Expand Down
181 changes: 115 additions & 66 deletions tests/Tests/QuickCheckUtils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..), deepseq)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Text.Foreign (I8)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat (FPFormat(..))
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16)
Expand All @@ -47,6 +50,9 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Fusion as TLF
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified System.IO as IO
import Control.Applicative (liftA2, liftA3)
import Data.Bits (shiftR, shiftL, countLeadingZeros, finiteBitSize)
import GHC.Num (integerLog2, integerLogBase)

genWord8 :: Gen Word8
genWord8 = chooseAny
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,42 +85,65 @@ newtype Sqrt a = Sqrt { unSqrt :: a }
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Sqrt a) where
arbitrary = fmap Sqrt $ sized $ \n -> resize (smallish n) arbitrary
smallish = round . (sqrt :: Double -> Double) . fromIntegral . abs
shrink = map Sqrt . shrink . unSqrt
arbitrary = coerce $ sized $ \n -> resize (smallish n) $ arbitrary @a
smallish = intSqrt . abs
intSqrt :: Int -> Int
intSqrt n =
if n < 2
then n
let b2 = shiftR (finiteBitSize n - countLeadingZeros n) 1 in
shiftR (shiftL 1 b2 + shiftR n b2) 1
shrink = coerce (shrink @a)

instance Arbitrary T.Text where
arbitrary = (T.pack . getUnicodeString) `fmap` arbitrary
arbitrary = T.pack <$> listOf arbitraryUnicodeChar -- without surrogates
shrink = map T.pack . shrink . T.unpack

instance Arbitrary TL.Text where
arbitrary = (TL.fromChunks . map notEmpty . unSqrt) `fmap` arbitrary
arbitrary = TL.fromChunks <$> coerce (arbitrary @(Sqrt [NotEmpty T.Text]))
shrink = map TL.pack . shrink . TL.unpack

newtype BigInt = Big Integer
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Arbitrary BigInt where
arbitrary = choose (1::Int,200) >>= \e -> Big <$> choose (10^(e-1),10^e)
shrink (Big a) = [Big (a `div` 2^(l-e)) | e <- shrink l]
where l = truncate (log (fromIntegral a) / log 2 :: Double) :: Integer
arbitrary = do
e <- choose @Int (1,200)
coerce $ choose @Integer (10^(e-1),10^e)

shrink ba = [coerce (a `div` 2^(l-e)) | e <- shrink l]
a :: Integer
a = coerce ba
l :: Word
l = integerLogBase 2 a

newtype NotEmpty a = NotEmpty { notEmpty :: a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

toNotEmptyBy :: Functor m => ([Char] -> a) -> m (NonEmptyList Char) -> m (NotEmpty a)
toNotEmptyBy f = fmap (coerce f)

arbitraryNotEmptyBy :: ([Char] -> a) -> Gen (NotEmpty a)
arbitraryNotEmptyBy f = toNotEmptyBy f arbitrary

shrinkNotEmptyBy :: ([Char] -> a) -> (a -> [Char]) -> NotEmpty a -> [NotEmpty a]
shrinkNotEmptyBy g f =
toNotEmptyBy g . shrink . coerce f

instance Arbitrary (NotEmpty T.Text) where
arbitrary = fmap (NotEmpty . T.pack . getNonEmpty) arbitrary
shrink = fmap (NotEmpty . T.pack . getNonEmpty)
. shrink . NonEmpty . T.unpack . notEmpty
arbitrary = arbitraryNotEmptyBy T.pack
shrink = shrinkNotEmptyBy T.pack T.unpack

instance Arbitrary (NotEmpty TL.Text) where
arbitrary = fmap (NotEmpty . TL.pack . getNonEmpty) arbitrary
shrink = fmap (NotEmpty . TL.pack . getNonEmpty)
. shrink . NonEmpty . TL.unpack . notEmpty
arbitrary = arbitraryNotEmptyBy TL.pack
shrink = shrinkNotEmptyBy TL.pack TL.unpack

data DecodeErr = Lenient | Ignore | Strict | Replace
deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum)
deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum)

genDecodeErr :: DecodeErr -> Gen T.OnDecodeError
genDecodeErr Lenient = return T.lenientDecode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,71 +196,84 @@ eq a b s = a s =^= b s
-- What about with the RHS packed?
eqP :: (Eq a, Show a, Stringy s) =>
(String -> a) -> (s -> a) -> String -> Word8 -> Property
eqP f g s w = counterexample "orig" (f s =^= g t) .&&.
counterexample "mini" (f s =^= g mini) .&&.
counterexample "head" (f sa =^= g ta) .&&.
counterexample "tail" (f sb =^= g tb)
where t = packS s
mini = packSChunkSize 10 s
(sa,sb) = splitAt m s
(ta,tb) = splitAtS m t
l = length s
m | l == 0 = n
| otherwise = n `mod` l
n = fromIntegral w
eqP f g s w =
testCounterExample "orig" s t .&&.
testCounterExample "mini" s mini .&&.
testCounterExample "head" sa ta .&&.
testCounterExample "tail" sb tb
testCounterExample txt a b = counterexample txt $ f a =^= g b

t = packS s
mini = packSChunkSize 10 s
(sa,sb) = splitAt m s
(ta,tb) = splitAtS m t

m = if l == 0 then n else n `mod` l
l = length s
n = fromIntegral w

eqPSqrt :: (Eq a, Show a, Stringy s) =>
(String -> a) -> (s -> a) -> Sqrt String -> Word8 -> Property
eqPSqrt f g s = eqP f g (unSqrt s)
eqPSqrt f g s = eqP f g $ coerce s

instance Arbitrary FPFormat where
arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum

newtype Precision a = Precision (Maybe Int)
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Precision a = Precision { unPrecision :: Maybe Int}
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- Deprecated on 2021-10-05
precision :: a -> Precision a -> Maybe Int
precision _ (Precision prec) = prec
precision _ = coerce
{-# DEPRECATED precision "Use @coerce@ or @unPrecision@ with types instead." #-}

arbitraryPrecision :: Int -> Gen (Precision a)
arbitraryPrecision maxDigits = Precision <$> do
n <- choose (-1,maxDigits)
return $ if n == -1
then Nothing
else Just n
arbitraryPrecision maxDigits = do
n <- choose (0,maxDigits)
[ (1, pure $ coerce $ Nothing @Int)
, (n, pure $ coerce $ Just n)

instance Arbitrary (Precision Float) where
arbitrary = arbitraryPrecision 11
shrink = map Precision . shrink . precision undefined
shrink = coerce (shrink @(Maybe Int))

instance Arbitrary (Precision Double) where
arbitrary = arbitraryPrecision 22
shrink = map Precision . shrink . precision undefined
shrink = coerce (shrink @(Maybe Int))

instance Arbitrary IO.Newline where
arbitrary = oneof [return IO.LF, return IO.CRLF]
arbitrary = oneof [pure IO.LF, pure IO.CRLF]

instance Arbitrary IO.NewlineMode where
arbitrary = IO.NewlineMode <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
arbitrary =
liftA2 IO.NewlineMode

instance Arbitrary IO.BufferMode where
arbitrary = oneof [ return IO.NoBuffering,
return IO.LineBuffering,
return (IO.BlockBuffering Nothing),
(IO.BlockBuffering . Just . (+1) . fromIntegral) `fmap`
(arbitrary :: Gen Word16) ]
arbitrary =
[ pure IO.NoBuffering
, pure IO.LineBuffering
, pure (IO.BlockBuffering Nothing)
, IO.BlockBuffering . pure . succ . fromIntegral <$> arbitrary @Word16

-- This test harness is complex! What property are we checking?
-- Reading after writing a multi-line file should give the same
-- results as were written.
-- What do we vary while checking this property?
-- * The lines themselves, scrubbed to contain neither CR nor LF. (By
-- working with a list of lines, we ensure that the data will
-- sometimes contain line endings.)
-- * Newline translation mode.
-- * Buffering.
-- * The lines themselves, scrubbed to contain neither CR nor LF. (By
-- working with a list of lines, we ensure that the data will
-- sometimes contain line endings.)
-- * Newline translation mode.
-- * Buffering.
write_read :: (NFData a, Eq a, Show a)
=> ([b] -> a)
-> ((Char -> Bool) -> a -> b)
Expand All @@ -245,18 +287,25 @@ write_read _ _ _ _ (IO.NewlineMode IO.LF IO.CRLF) _ _ = discard
write_read unline filt writer reader nl buf ts = ioProperty $
(===t) <$> act
t = unline . map (filt (not . (`elem` "\r\n"))) $ ts

act = withTempFile $ \path h -> do
IO.hSetNewlineMode h nl
IO.hSetBuffering h buf
() <- writer h t
IO.hClose h
bracket (IO.openFile path IO.ReadMode) IO.hClose $ \h' -> do
IO.hSetNewlineMode h' nl
IO.hSetBuffering h' buf
r <- reader h'
r `deepseq` return r
t = unline . map (filt (`notElem` "\r\n")) $ ts

act =
withTempFile roundTrip

readBack h' = do
IO.hSetNewlineMode h' nl
IO.hSetBuffering h' buf
r <- reader h'
r `deepseq` pure r

roundTrip path h = do
IO.hSetNewlineMode h nl
IO.hSetBuffering h buf
() <- writer h t
IO.hClose h

IO.withFile path IO.ReadMode readBack

-- Generate various Unicode space characters with high probability
arbitrarySpacyChar :: Gen Char
Expand All @@ -269,5 +318,5 @@ newtype SpacyString = SpacyString { getSpacyString :: String }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

instance Arbitrary SpacyString where
arbitrary = SpacyString `fmap` listOf arbitrarySpacyChar
shrink (SpacyString xs) = SpacyString `fmap` shrink xs
arbitrary = coerce $ listOf arbitrarySpacyChar
shrink = coerce (shrink @[Char])

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