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Light Force Operator Tools

It's like wrapping a big fuzzy blanket around sfdx!


The goal of this is project is to aid in a command line based salesforce development workflow by automating processes that span multiple existing sfdx commands. i.e. automating describe and list commands to build a package.xml file


  • updated tool/flist to honor maxBufferMBs for looooong field lists

  • fixed meta/fest filtering namespeced being stuck always on


  1. Open Git Bash on Windows (WSL and Linux support experimental)

  2. Run

    npm i -g lfot

Optional Configuration

While amusing the telekinetic spinner may be annoying in practical use. So this can be turned off via creating a settings file.

  1. Open Git Bash on Windows

  2. Run to create the lfot settings folder

    mkdir ~/.lfot
  3. Run to write the lfot settings file

    echo "{\"showSpinnerDuration\":0,\"showSpinner\":false}" > ~/.lfot/settings.json

Disable command line feedback aside from command out put, useful for piping commands

  1. Add the following to the settings file mentioned above


Increase the default list command buffer size to prevent max buffer errors when an org has too many members in one type

  1. Add the following to the settings file mentioned above


Use command line help, will pipe text help to stdout rather than open html version in browser

  1. Add the following to the settings file mentioned above


Turn off auto help entirely

  1. Add the following to the settings file mentioned above




Check the help by running

  • Default

    lfot help


Generate a bashrc alias list of sfdx commands (Only works for Git Bash on Windows)

  • Default

    lfot tool alias
  • File output

    lfot tool alias -f ./path/filename.txt
  • Print human readable list instead of bash alias commands, overrides -f argument

    lfot tool alias -p
  • Suppress manually included overrides the developer prefers

    lfot tool alias -n

Generate comma separated list of fields

  • Default

    lfot tool flist -s Account
  • Include fields matching all(AND) provided key value pairs in object

    lfot tool flist -s Account -i {\"custom\":true}
  • Exclude fields matching any(OR) provided key value pairs in object

    lfot tool flist -s Account -e {\"custom\":true}
  • String values passed in either include or exclude objects are matched as regular expressions

    lfot tool flist -s Account -i {\"name\":\"[Ii][Dd]\"} -e {\"name\":\".*__.*\|.*__.*__c\"}
  • Will pass further args to sfdx force:schema:sobject:describe such as specifying username

    lfot tool flist -s Account -u user@name.alias


Build package.xml files for default user name

  • Default, warning do not run while multi-tasking

    lfot meta fest
  • Include only types defined in comma separated list

    lfot meta fest -i ApexClass,ApexPage
  • Include all types except the types defined in comma separated list

    lfot meta fest -e Settings,Profile
  • Include all types except the types in folders

    lfot meta fest -n
  • Include only members from the org filtering out all namespaced members

    lfot meta fest -s
  • Specifiy the location and name of package.xml

    lfot meta fest -f ./manifest/package.xml
  • Write package.xml content to stdout (overrides -f argument)

    lfot meta fest -c
  • Increase buffer size for listing processes if you get exceed max buffer errors if you have too many members in a metadata type, specify in Mbs, default is 10Mb (overrides settings value)

    lfot meta fest -m 10


Alias for sfdx force:org:open

  • Default, open your defined defualt page in your default org

    lfot open
  • Open your defualt page in specified org

    lfot open -u user@name.alias
  • Open record page by Id

    lfot open -p 001XXXXXXXXXXXXAAA

Open setup pages

  • Default, open setup home page

    lfot open setp
  • Open setup deploy status

    lfot open setp -d
  • Open setup object manager

    lfot open setp -o
  • Open setup debug logs

    lfot open setp -l
  • Open setup apex jobs

    lfot open setp -j
  • Will pass further args to sfdx force:org:open such as specifying username

    lfot open setp -j -u user@name.alias

Open record pages

  • Open record page by Id

    lfot open recd -i 001XXXXXXXXXXXXAAA
  • Will pass further args to sfdx force:org:open such as specifying username

    lfot open recd -i 001XXXXXXXXXXXXAAA -u user@name.alias


Light Force Operator Tools



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