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Job Offer Website

The project is a backend written in Django that allows job offer management. The project was modeled on and websites


  • creating a user with a possibility of resetting a password via e-mail
  • user authorization made via JWT Token
  • creating an employee and an employer and managing their data accordingly
  • creating a subscription for 4 different types of offers
  • depending on the type, the offer will be displayed in different ways on the main page
  • data can be filtered by appropriate parameter setting
  • html/css templates have been added to the project, which will be sent in emails
  • newly added offers will be sent by email to users with the skills required in the offer, Celery task queue was used to perform this operation
  • Redis was used as a broker for Celery
  • Celery clusters can be displayed via Flower at the link
  • WSGI server Gunicorn and reverse-proxy server Nginx were added to the project


Make sure you have the following installed on your computer:

  • Docker


  • django = "4.1.5"
  • djangorestframework = "3.14.0"
  • django-phonenumber-field = "7.0.2"
  • django-phonenumbers = "1.0.1"
  • djangorestframework-simplejwt = "5.2.2"
  • django-filter = "22.1"
  • django-rest-passwordreset = "1.3.0"
  • pytest-django = "4.5.2"
  • pytest = "7.2.1"
  • redis = "4.4.2"
  • flower = "1.2.0"
  • celery = "5.2.7"
  • python-decouple = "3.7"
  • faker = "16.4.0"
  • psycopg2-binary = "2.9.5"
  • gunicorn = "20.1.0"


  1. Create and start containers
$ docker-compose up -d --build



Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

$ docker exec -it <container_web_id> pytest