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How to publish the Bean Bag online

CaroleSinou edited this page Nov 29, 2023 · 1 revision

This tutorial has been created by Carole Sinou and Charlotte Hagelstam Renshaw.
It is intended to provide information on how to transform the content of the PDF version of the Bean Bag to the online version.

How to access files and folders

All files for the Legume Data Portal are available on the GBIF GitHub hp-legume repository (
If you need admin rights, please contact Carole Sinou.
You can use a desktop application, like GitHub Desktop or directly work within GitHub.

How to create the skeleton of the online Bean Bag

  1. In the folder "_data", open the file "sidenav" (both in the main "_data" folder and in the "fr" folder within "_data"). At the top of each file (en and fr versions), you need to add the information for each section. See examples from older issues of Bean Bag.
    This information will be displayed in the left panel of each BB page on the portal (side navigation).

  1. In the folder "beanbag", create a folder for the new issue, based on the number of the issue (ex. 69).
    Within that folder, create a file called (replacing XX by the issue number).
    This file create the ‘Content’ page for that issue (

    This page is the equivalent to the Table of Content in the PDF version.
    You can open the file available for older issues to understand how it is constructed.
    The first part of the file (at the top of the file) is called "Front Matter" and allows to specify parameters.

    layout: post
    lang-ref: /beanbag/69content
    title: Issue 69, Year 2022
    background: /assets/images/69/welcome_mimosa.jpg
    description: Content of the issue 69 (2022)
    height: 70vh

    • Layout specifies the type of layout used for the page
    • lang-ref gives access to the page in the selected language. Note: we do not translate BB content, and we do not create a French version of each file
    • title is the title displayed on the page
    • background is used to specify the image used in background
    • description is a short description displayed after the title
    • height specifies the size of the image (the part that will be displayed)

    After the front matter, you will be able to copy-paste the text from the Table of Content of the PDF version of the Bean Bag, and you will need to format it.
    You can find more information about mardown basic syntax here.

    To include images within the page, you can use markdown syntax or html (when you want the image to be embended within the text, like in this page:

  2. In folder /assets/images/, create a folder corresponding to the volume number.
    All images you want to include in the Bean Bag needs to be place in this folder.

  3. In folder /media/, add the PDF version of the Bean Bag. Please try to use the same name formatting as the older versions.

  4. In "_data", open the file "" (also the same file within "_data/fr/").
    Just after the line starting by "features", add these information:

    - preTitle: Year XXXX # corresponding year of the volume
    title: Issue XX # XX is the number of the volume
    background: /assets/images/XX/Name_of_the_image_on_the_cover.jpg
    href: /beanbag/XX/XXcontent # replace XX by the number of the volume
    - text: Download
    href: /media/The_BB_Newsletter_IssueXX_20XX.pdf # file name of the PDF version of the BB, located in the "media" folder
    isPrimary: true
    - text: Read
    href: /beanbag/XX/XXcontent # link to the content page for the XX volume
    isPrimary: true

  1. Create a news item announcing the new issue.
    If you are not comfortable doing it yourself, contact Carole Sinou

How to add all articles and reports available in the PDF version

For each article in the Bean Bag, create a file with the name formatted like this:
For each file, you will need to add the front matter and the text.

Front Matter:
layout: documentation
lang-ref: beanbag/69/issue-69-8ILC
permalink: /beanbag/69/issue-69-8ILC
title: 8th International Legume Conference (8ILC)
description: Issue 69 - 8th International Legume Conference (8ILC)
sideNavigation: sidenav.beanbag69

  • The layout for all Bean Bag articles is "documentation"
  • lang-ref: links to the file in the right language (we do not have a French version of the Bean Bag)
  • permalink is the permanent link to the file, here the direct path to the file
  • title: Title of the page
  • description: short description of the page
  • sideNavigation: link to the file displaying the side navigation

After the front matter, you just need to copy-paste the text and format it the same way you did for the content page.

Push the content to the staging portal

Within GitHub or GitHub Desktop, push the changes you made, indicating what you have done.
You can follow the state of the Staging Portal on the JeKyll page provided by GBIF
Review all pages for the new volume and all pages regarding the Bean Bag to verify that everything is looking good.
If you need to make changes, you will have to push again the corrected files and the staging portal will be rebuild.

Release a new version of the production portal

On the GitHub page (, click on "Release" appearing on the right-side of the page.
Then click on "Draft a new release" at the top-right of the page.

Click on "Choose a tag", and create a new tag with a new version. For example "v.1.3.12". If this release contains important modifications to the website, you can change the version to v.1.4.0, or even v.2.0.0
Give an informative title and a description to the release.
Click on "Publish release" and wait a little bit while the production portal is rebuilding. It will take several minutes.
Check the portal to verify the new pages.