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This library provides some base classes for implementing a domain driven design in PHP. Helpful tools are provided for usage with Symfony and Doctrine, however you are not required to use those.


Use composer to install the lib from packagist.

composer require fusonic/ddd-extensions


    # This service dispatches the domain events raised on aggregate roots to the given message bus.
            $bus: '@Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface'
            # Note: The listener has to be tagged individually for each event
            - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: 'postPersist', priority: 500 }
            - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: 'postUpdate', priority: 500 }
            - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: 'postRemove', priority: 500 }
            - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: 'postFlush', priority: 500 }

    # Optionally configure a ModelDescriber if you are using NelmioApiDocBundle to display EntityId objects in the 
    # generated documentation
            - { name: nelmio_api_doc.model_describer, priority: 1000 }
    # Optionally configure a normalizer to automatically serialize/deserialize AbstractIntegerId objects
            - { name: serializer.normalizer }

Usage and recommendations

For an example, see the examples in the tests.

Value objects

Value objects must extend Fusonic\DDDExtensions\Domain\Model\ValueObject. Value objects must be immutable. All the properties that it needs must be set when initiating the object. The value object can not have any setter properties.

For comparing value objects you must implement the equals function.

Aggregate roots

Aggregate roots are the entry points to the bounded context. Domain objects that extend Fusonic\DDDExtensions\Domain\Model\AggregateRoot are aggregate roots. Only the aggregate roots can be created/modified directly outside of the bounded contexts. All sub-entities are modified/created through the aggregate root.

Domain entities

Domain entities must implement Fusonic\DDDExtensions\Domain\Model\EntityInterface.

You should not do operations on domain entities (that are not aggregate roots) directly. Everything should go through the aggregate root.

The "id" returned by getId() can return anything, however it is recommended to create a dedicated "id" class for each domain entity. For example a User class with a UserId class. The EntityId extended class must implement a __toString method and a getValue() method which will return the internal value. The implementation of the internal value is up to you. For Doctrine you could use an integer and use the Fusonic\DDDExtensions\Domain\Model\EntityIntegerId class as a base class, see this example.

In order to have consistent return types and to avoid null-checks everywhere, you cannot return null. If you use the AbstractIntegerId base class, the default internal value will be 0. To check for this a convenient isDefined() method is implemented.

public function getId(): UserId
    return new UserId($this->id);


The domain layer does not depend on any validation services. Validation logic has to be inside the models themselves. For assertions in the domain there is a static helper class with common assertion functions. See: Fusonic\DDDExtensions\Domain\Validation\Assert.

Domain exceptions

Domain exceptions can only be thrown from within the domain. All domain exceptions must implement the Fusonic\DDDExtensions\Domain\Exception\DomainExcetionInterface.

Domain events

Domain objects that extend Fusonic\DomainDrivenDoctrin\Domain\Model\AggregateRoot can raise events. Inside the class you can call $this->raise(...) with an event that implements Fusonic\DDDExtensions\Domain\Event\DomainEventInterface.

All raised domain events will be dispatched when Doctrine flush is called. The Fusonic\DDDExtensions\Doctrine\LifecycleListener\DomainEventLifecycleListener handles this.

ORM Mapping

You must not use PHP annotations or attributes for defining your ORM mapping. Mapping should be configured outside of the domain. For Doctrine, you can use XML or PHP mapping.

Value objects as embeddables

Value object mapping can be done using Doctrine embeddables, but only if it is a one-to-one relation. The advantage of embeddables is that you can use the Doctrine query language to query the fields easily.

Value objects as JSON

Another way to map value objects is to define a custom Doctrine type. Extend the Fusonic\DDDExtensions\Doctrine\Type\ValueObjectType and implement the convertToDatabaseValue and convertToPHPValue methods to define the mapping for a value object. The class provides four helper methods for serialization: serialize, deserialize and serializeArray, deserializeArray in case you want to store and array of the value objects (one-to-many relation). Example here and here. Inside the database the objects will be stored as json.

After implementing the custom type you need to register it.

Querying for json data is not possible out-of-the-box in Doctrine, it is however possible using extensions (example).