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Online News Popularity Prediction


A recent survey has shown that people read a fair bit amount of time online and the screen time is still rising. For that matter the number of views of specific content is of interest as more views translate to more revenues. Building a system to predict whether a news article will be popular or not can help editors to identify how they could improve their content but also how they could generate significant financial returns.

In this project we create two models to solve this classification problem: one using Automated ML and one customized model with hyperparameters tuned using HyperDrive. Then we compare the performance of both the models and deploy the best performing model. Finally the endpoint produced will be used to get some answers about predictions.

Project Set Up and Installation

Before we get starting with this second project, it is important to set up our local development environment to match with the Azure AutoML development environment.

Below are the steps:

  1. Download and install anaconda
  2. Open anaconda CMD in the new folder
  3. Clone this repo
  4. cd into the local directory
  5. Run this conda env create --file hyperdrive_dependencies.yml
  6. Run jupyter notebook

Architecture Diagram



The dataset used in this project is a dataset made available on UCI Machine Learning Repository called Online News Popularity Data Set.

The dataset summarizes heterogeneous set of features about the articles published by Mashable between 2013 and 2015.

  • Number of Instances: 39797
  • Number of Attributes: 61
    • 58 predictive attributes
    • 2 non-predictive (url and timedelta)
    • 1 target column

Attribute Information:

Column Names Details
url URL of the article
timedelta Days between the article publication and the dataset acquisition
n_tokens_title Number of words in the title
n_tokens_content Number of words in the content
n_unique_tokens Rate of unique words in the content
n_non_stop_words Rate of non-stop words in the content
n_non_stop_unique_tokens Rate of unique non-stop words in the content
num_hrefs Number of links
num_self_hrefs Number of links to other articles published by Mashable
num_imgs Number of images
num_videos Number of videos
average_token_length Average length of the words in the content
num_keywords Number of keywords in the metadata
data_channel_is_lifestyle Is data channel 'Lifestyle'?
data_channel_is_entertainment Is data channel 'Entertainment'?
data_channel_is_bus Is data channel 'Business'?
data_channel_is_socmed Is data channel 'Social Media'?
data_channel_is_tech Is data channel 'Tech'?
data_channel_is_world Is data channel 'World'?
kw_min_min Worst keyword (min. shares)
kw_max_min Worst keyword (max. shares)
kw_avg_min Worst keyword (avg. shares)
kw_min_max Best keyword (min. shares)
kw_max_max Best keyword (max. shares)
kw_avg_max Best keyword (avg. shares)
kw_min_avg Avg. keyword (min. shares)
kw_max_avg Avg. keyword (max. shares)
kw_avg_avg Avg. keyword (avg. shares)
self_reference_min_shares Min. shares of referenced articles in Mashable
self_reference_max_shares Max. shares of referenced articles in Mashable
self_reference_avg_sharess Avg. shares of referenced articles in Mashable
weekday_is_monday Was the article published on a Monday?
weekday_is_tuesday Was the article published on a Tuesday?
weekday_is_wednesday Was the article published on a Wednesday?
weekday_is_thursday Was the article published on a Thursday?
weekday_is_friday Was the article published on a Friday?
weekday_is_saturday Was the article published on a Saturday?
weekday_is_sunday Was the article published on a Sunday?
is_weekend Was the article published on the weekend?
LDA_00 Closeness to LDA topic 0
LDA_01 Closeness to LDA topic 1
LDA_02 Closeness to LDA topic 2
LDA_03 Closeness to LDA topic 3
LDA_04 Closeness to LDA topic 4
global_subjectivity Text subjectivity
global_sentiment_polarity Text sentiment polarity
global_rate_positive_words Rate of positive words in the content
global_rate_negative_words Rate of negative words in the content
rate_positive_words Rate of positive words among non-neutral tokens
rate_negative_words Rate of negative words among non-neutral tokens
avg_positive_polarity Avg. polarity of positive words
min_positive_polarity Min. polarity of positive words
max_positive_polarity Max. polarity of positive words
avg_negative_polarity Avg. polarity of negative words
min_negative_polarity Min. polarity of negative words
max_negative_polarity Max. polarity of negative words
title_subjectivity Title subjectivity
title_sentiment_polarity Title polarity
abs_title_subjectivity Absolute subjectivity level
abs_title_sentiment_polarity Absolute polarity level
shares Number of shares (target)

Class Distribution: the class value (shares) is continuously valued. We transformed the task into a binary task using a decision threshold of 1400. Shares Value Range: {'<1400':18490, '>=1400':21154}


We want to know:

  • How to predict which news articles will be popular
  • What features about news articles make them more popular

This is important to:

  • Help news sites become more profitable: Generate a model and feature insights that will give a company an advantage over other platforms vying for customer consumption.
  • Raise awareness of important issues: Insights about what makes news popular can produce insights to help policy writers gain a following around their policy issue.

Trade-offs: Efficiency (popularity prediction) and fairness (even distribution of article post days and themes)


The original dataset was downloaded from UCI Machine Learning Repository. A subfolder /data was created to save this data.

The data is loaded to a remote datastore on AzureML from there we can apply both AutoML and HyperDrive approaches for modeling.

# Create AML Dataset and register it into Workspace
example_data = ''
dataset = Dataset.Tabular.from_delimited_files(example_data)
# Create TabularDataset using TabularDatasetFactory
dataset = TabularDatasetFactory.from_delimited_files(path=example_data)
#Register Dataset in Workspace
dataset = dataset.register(workspace=ws, name=key, description=description_text)

Automated ML

Azure Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) provides capabilities to automate iterative tasks of machine learning model development for given dataset to predict which article will be popular or not based on learnings from it's training data. In this approach, Azure Machine Learning taking user inputs such as Dataset, Target Metric, train multiple models (e.g. Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, XGBoost, etc.) and will return best performing model (or an ensemble) with highest training score achieved. We will train and tune a model using the Accuray primary metric for this project.


This class from Azure ML Python SDK represents configuration to submit an automated ML experiment in Azure ML. Configuration parameters used for this project includes:

Configration Details Value
compute_target Azure ML compute target to run the AutoML experiment on compute_target
task The type of task task to run, set as classification classification
training_data The training data to be used within the experiment contains training feature and a label column Tabular Dataset
label_column_name The nae of the label column 'label'
path The full path to the Azure ML project folder './capstone-project'
enable_early_stopping Enable AutoML to stop jobs that are not performing well after a minimum number of iterations True
featurization Config indicator for whether featurization step should be done autometically or not auto
debug_log The log file to write debug information to 'automl_errors.log'
verbosity Reporting of run activity logging.INFO

Also AutoML settings were as follows:

Configration Details Value
experiment_timeout_minutes Maximum amount of time in hours that all iterations combined can take before the experiment terminates 60
max_concurrent_iterations Represents the maximum number of iterations that would be executed in parallel 9
primary_metric The metric that the AutoML will optimize for model selection accuracy


  • Among all the models trained by AutoML, Voting Ensemble outperformed all the other models with 67.55% Accuracy.

    • Ensemble models in Automated ML are combination of multiple iterations which may provide better predictions compared to a single iteration and appear as the final iterations of run.
    • Two types of ensemble methods for combining models: Voting and Stacking
    • Voting ensemble model predicts based on the weighted average of predicted class probabilities.

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Figure 1. Python SDK Notebook - AutoML Run Details widget

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Figure 2. Python SDK Notebook - Accuracy plot using AutoML Run Details widget

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Figure 3. Python SDK Notebook - Best performing run details (incl. Name, ID & Type)

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Figure 4. Azure ML Studio - AutoML experiment completed

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Figure 5. Azure ML Studio - AutoML best perforing model summary

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Figure 6. Azure ML Studio - Performance Metrics of best performing model trained by AutoML

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Figure 7. Azure ML Studio - Models trained in multiple iterations using AutoML

Hyperparameters generated for models ensembled in Voting Ensemble:

Click to expand!

datatransformer {'enable_dnn': None, 'enable_feature_sweeping': None, 'feature_sweeping_config': None, 'feature_sweeping_timeout': None, 'featurization_config': None, 'force_text_dnn': None, 'is_cross_validation': None, 'is_onnx_compatible': None, 'logger': None, 'observer': None, 'task': None, 'working_dir': None}

prefittedsoftvotingclassifier {'estimators': ['7', '0', '13', '14', '11', '30', '8', '5', '6', '19', '20'], 'weights': [0.2, 0.06666666666666667, 0.13333333333333333, 0.06666666666666667, 0.06666666666666667, 0.06666666666666667, 0.13333333333333333, 0.06666666666666667, 0.06666666666666667, 0.06666666666666667, 0.06666666666666667]}

7 - maxabsscaler {'copy': True}

7 - lightgbmclassifier {'boosting_type': 'gbdt', 'class_weight': None, 'colsample_bytree': 0.4955555555555555, 'importance_type': 'split', 'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_bin': 20, 'max_depth': 7, 'min_child_samples': 438, 'min_child_weight': 6, 'min_split_gain': 0.3157894736842105, 'n_estimators': 600, 'n_jobs': -1, 'num_leaves': 224, 'objective': None, 'random_state': None, 'reg_alpha': 0.2631578947368421, 'reg_lambda': 0.42105263157894735, 'silent': True, 'subsample': 0.7426315789473684, 'subsample_for_bin': 200000, 'subsample_freq': 0, 'verbose': -10}

0 - maxabsscaler {'copy': True}

0 - lightgbmclassifier {'boosting_type': 'gbdt', 'class_weight': None, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'importance_type': 'split', 'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_depth': -1, 'min_child_samples': 20, 'min_child_weight': 0.001, 'min_split_gain': 0.0, 'n_estimators': 100, 'n_jobs': -1, 'num_leaves': 31, 'objective': None, 'random_state': None, 'reg_alpha': 0.0, 'reg_lambda': 0.0, 'silent': True, 'subsample': 1.0, 'subsample_for_bin': 200000, 'subsample_freq': 0, 'verbose': -10}

13 - sparsenormalizer {'copy': True, 'norm': 'max'}

13 - xgboostclassifier {'base_score': 0.5, 'booster': 'gbtree', 'colsample_bylevel': 1, 'colsample_bynode': 1, 'colsample_bytree': 0.7, 'eta': 0.001, 'gamma': 0, 'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_delta_step': 0, 'max_depth': 4, 'max_leaves': 7, 'min_child_weight': 1, 'missing': nan, 'n_estimators': 100, 'n_jobs': -1, 'nthread': None, 'objective': 'reg:logistic', 'random_state': 0, 'reg_alpha': 0.3125, 'reg_lambda': 1.875, 'scale_pos_weight': 1, 'seed': None, 'silent': None, 'subsample': 1, 'tree_method': 'auto', 'verbose': -10, 'verbosity': 0}

14 - sparsenormalizer {'copy': True, 'norm': 'l2'}

14 - xgboostclassifier {'base_score': 0.5, 'booster': 'gbtree', 'colsample_bylevel': 1, 'colsample_bynode': 1, 'colsample_bytree': 0.6, 'eta': 0.4, 'gamma': 0, 'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_delta_step': 0, 'max_depth': 4, 'max_leaves': 3, 'min_child_weight': 1, 'missing': nan, 'n_estimators': 100, 'n_jobs': -1, 'nthread': None, 'objective': 'reg:logistic', 'random_state': 0, 'reg_alpha': 0, 'reg_lambda': 2.0833333333333335, 'scale_pos_weight': 1, 'seed': None, 'silent': None, 'subsample': 0.7, 'tree_method': 'auto', 'verbose': -10, 'verbosity': 0}

11 - sparsenormalizer {'copy': True, 'norm': 'l2'}

11 - xgboostclassifier {'base_score': 0.5, 'booster': 'gbtree', 'colsample_bylevel': 1, 'colsample_bynode': 1, 'colsample_bytree': 0.5, 'eta': 0.1, 'gamma': 0, 'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_delta_step': 0, 'max_depth': 6, 'max_leaves': 15, 'min_child_weight': 1, 'missing': nan, 'n_estimators': 100, 'n_jobs': -1, 'nthread': None, 'objective': 'reg:logistic', 'random_state': 0, 'reg_alpha': 0, 'reg_lambda': 2.0833333333333335, 'scale_pos_weight': 1, 'seed': None, 'silent': None, 'subsample': 1, 'tree_method': 'auto', 'verbose': -10, 'verbosity': 0}

30 - sparsenormalizer {'copy': True, 'norm': 'l1'}

30 - lightgbmclassifier {'boosting_type': 'goss', 'class_weight': None, 'colsample_bytree': 0.7922222222222222, 'importance_type': 'split', 'learning_rate': 0.07368684210526316, 'max_bin': 300, 'max_depth': 4, 'min_child_samples': 766, 'min_child_weight': 6, 'min_split_gain': 0.631578947368421, 'n_estimators': 10, 'n_jobs': -1, 'num_leaves': 74, 'objective': None, 'random_state': None, 'reg_alpha': 0, 'reg_lambda': 0.5263157894736842, 'silent': True, 'subsample': 1, 'subsample_for_bin': 200000, 'subsample_freq': 0, 'verbose': -10}

8 - standardscalerwrapper {'class_name': 'StandardScaler', 'copy': True, 'module_name': 'sklearn.preprocessing._data', 'with_mean': False, 'with_std': False}

8 - xgboostclassifier {'base_score': 0.5, 'booster': 'gbtree', 'colsample_bylevel': 1, 'colsample_bynode': 1, 'colsample_bytree': 0.7, 'eta': 0.4, 'gamma': 0, 'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_delta_step': 0, 'max_depth': 9, 'max_leaves': 511, 'min_child_weight': 1, 'missing': nan, 'n_estimators': 200, 'n_jobs': -1, 'nthread': None, 'objective': 'reg:logistic', 'random_state': 0, 'reg_alpha': 1.7708333333333335, 'reg_lambda': 0.3125, 'scale_pos_weight': 1, 'seed': None, 'silent': None, 'subsample': 0.6, 'tree_method': 'auto', 'verbose': -10, 'verbosity': 0}

5 - sparsenormalizer {'copy': True, 'norm': 'l1'}

5 - xgboostclassifier {'base_score': 0.5, 'booster': 'gbtree', 'colsample_bylevel': 1, 'colsample_bynode': 1, 'colsample_bytree': 0.5, 'eta': 0.1, 'gamma': 0, 'grow_policy': 'lossguide', 'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_bin': 1023, 'max_delta_step': 0, 'max_depth': 10, 'max_leaves': 0, 'min_child_weight': 1, 'missing': nan, 'n_estimators': 100, 'n_jobs': -1, 'nthread': None, 'objective': 'reg:logistic', 'random_state': 0, 'reg_alpha': 1.875, 'reg_lambda': 2.291666666666667, 'scale_pos_weight': 1, 'seed': None, 'silent': None, 'subsample': 0.5, 'tree_method': 'hist', 'verbose': -10, 'verbosity': 0}

6 - standardscalerwrapper {'class_name': 'StandardScaler', 'copy': True, 'module_name': 'sklearn.preprocessing._data', 'with_mean': False, 'with_std': False}

6 - xgboostclassifier {'base_score': 0.5, 'booster': 'gbtree', 'colsample_bylevel': 1, 'colsample_bynode': 1, 'colsample_bytree': 0.9, 'eta': 0.2, 'gamma': 0.1, 'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_delta_step': 0, 'max_depth': 6, 'max_leaves': 0, 'min_child_weight': 1, 'missing': nan, 'n_estimators': 10, 'n_jobs': -1, 'nthread': None, 'objective': 'reg:logistic', 'random_state': 0, 'reg_alpha': 0, 'reg_lambda': 1.3541666666666667, 'scale_pos_weight': 1, 'seed': None, 'silent': None, 'subsample': 0.6, 'tree_method': 'auto', 'verbose': -10, 'verbosity': 0}

19 - standardscalerwrapper {'class_name': 'StandardScaler', 'copy': True, 'module_name': 'sklearn.preprocessing._data', 'with_mean': False, 'with_std': False}

19 - lightgbmclassifier {'boosting_type': 'gbdt', 'class_weight': None, 'colsample_bytree': 0.4955555555555555, 'importance_type': 'split', 'learning_rate': 0.0842121052631579, 'max_bin': 260, 'max_depth': 7, 'min_child_samples': 2735, 'min_child_weight': 1, 'min_split_gain': 0.7368421052631579, 'n_estimators': 25, 'n_jobs': -1, 'num_leaves': 140, 'objective': None, 'random_state': None, 'reg_alpha': 0.9473684210526315, 'reg_lambda': 0.2631578947368421, 'silent': True, 'subsample': 0.7921052631578948, 'subsample_for_bin': 200000, 'subsample_freq': 0, 'verbose': -10}

20 - standardscalerwrapper {'class_name': 'StandardScaler', 'copy': True, 'module_name': 'sklearn.preprocessing._data', 'with_mean': False, 'with_std': False}

20 - xgboostclassifier {'base_score': 0.5, 'booster': 'gbtree', 'colsample_bylevel': 1, 'colsample_bynode': 1, 'colsample_bytree': 0.7, 'eta': 0.3, 'gamma': 0, 'grow_policy': 'lossguide', 'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_bin': 1023, 'max_delta_step': 0, 'max_depth': 2, 'max_leaves': 0, 'min_child_weight': 1, 'missing': nan, 'n_estimators': 10, 'n_jobs': -1, 'nthread': None, 'objective': 'reg:logistic', 'random_state': 0, 'reg_alpha': 0.9375, 'reg_lambda': 1.0416666666666667, 'scale_pos_weight': 1, 'seed': None, 'silent': None, 'subsample': 1, 'tree_method': 'hist', 'verbose': -10, 'verbosity': 0}

You can find the best AutoML model in the compressed file

For more details about AutoML implementation check: AutoML notebook

Hyperparameter Tuning

Classical models used for classification task are statistical models such as Logistic Regression. In this experiment I wanted to try a Machine Learning algorithm. I have chosen Light GBM (LGBM) for its great performance on different kind of tasks being, for instance, one of the most used algorithms in Kaggle competitions.

The ranges of parameters for the LGBM used were chosen considering the parameters tuning guides for different scenarios provided here.

Bayesian sampling method was chosen because tries to intelligently pick the next sample of hyperparameters, based on how the previous samples performed, such that the new sample improves the reported primary metric. This sampling method does not support terminantion_policy. Therefore, policy=None.

Steps required to tune hyperparameters using Azure ML's HyperDrive package;

  1. Define the parameter search space using Bayesian Parameter Sampling
  2. Specify a Accuracy as a primary metric to optimize
  3. Allocate aml compute resources
  4. Launch an experiment with the defined configuration using HyperDriveConfig
  5. Visualize the training runs with RunDetails Notebook widget
  6. Select the best configuration for your model with hyperdrive_run.get_best_run_by_primary_metric()

In order to compare the performance of HyperDrive with the one of AutoML we chose as objective metric of LGBM Accuracy. For more information check this link.

Hyperparameter and search space strategy:

  • --num-leaves: number of leaves of the tree
  • --min-data-in-leaf: minimum # of samples in each leaf
  • --learning-rate: learning rate
  • --feature-fraction: ratio of features used in each iteration
  • --bagging-fraction: ratio of samples used in each iteration
  • --bagging-freq: bagging frequency
  • --max-depth : to limit the tree depth explicitly
param_sampling = BayesianParameterSampling(
        "--num-leaves": quniform(8, 128, 1),
        "--min-data-in-leaf": quniform(20, 500, 10),
        "--learning-rate": choice(
            1e-4, 1e-3, 5e-3, 1e-2, 1.5e-2, 2e-2, 3e-2, 5e-2, 1e-1
        "--feature-fraction": uniform(0.1, 1),
        "--bagging-fraction": uniform(0.1, 1),
        "--bagging-freq": quniform(1, 30, 1),
        "--max-depth": quniform(5, 50, 5)


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Figure 9. Azure ML Studio Experiment submitted with HyperDrive from notebook

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Figure 10. Python SDK Notebook: Output from run using Run Details widget

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Figure 11. Azure ML Studio: Child runs output

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Figure 12. Python SDK Notebook: Best performing model from hyperparameter tuning using HyperDrive

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Figure 13. Python SDK Notebook: HyperDrive Run Primary Metric Plot - Accuracy

Hyperparameters Best Value
--num-leaves 27
--min-data-in-leaf 450
--learning-rate 0.05
--feature-fraction 0.764
--bagging-fraction 0.789
--bagging-freq 6
--max-depth 25

Model Accuracy: 68.2936% which is better than the one generated using AutoML part.

You can find the best AutoML model in the compressed file lgb_model.pkl

For more details about AutoML implementation check: AutoML notebook

Deployment of the Best Model

Deployment is about delivering a trained model into production so that it can be consumed by others. By deploying a model you make it possible to interact with the HTTP API service and interact with the model by sending data over POST requests, for example.

Comparing the results of AutoML and HyperDrive we saw that HyperDrive gave us the best model (higher Accuracy). Therefore, this is the model to be deployed.

Details of the deployment of the model can be seen in section Model Deployment of the HyperDrive notebook.

Configuration object created for deploying an AciWebservice used for this project is as follows:

script_file_name = './'
inference_config = InferenceConfig(entry_script=script_file_name)

aciconfig = AciWebservice.deploy_configuration(cpu_cores = 2, 
                                               memory_gb = 4, 
                                               tags = {'Company': "Mashable", 'Type': "Hyperdrive", "Version":"1"}, 
                                               description = 'sample service for Capstone Project Hyperdrive Classifier for Online News popularity')
aci_service_name = 'hyperdrive-deployment'
aci_service = Model.deploy(ws, aci_service_name, [model], inference_config, aciconfig)
print(f'\nservice state: {aci_service.state}\n')
print(f'scoring URI: \n{aci_service.scoring_uri}\n')
print(f'swagger URI: \n{aci_service.swagger_uri}\n')

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Figure 15. Python SDK Notebook: Deployment Completed

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Figure 16. Python SDK Notebook: Successful Deployment

Consume model using

Once the model is deployed, we could use scoring_uri in script so we can interact with the trained model.

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Figure 17. Endpoint consumption

Screen Recording

Click here to see a short demo of the project in action showing:

  • A working model
  • Demo of the deployed model
  • Demo of a sample request sent to the endpoint and its response

Suggestions for future work

  • Downsizing Number of Features:

I used Boruta and Correlation Analysis as way to select a smaller set of features for this project. Another technique that could have been explored/implemented is PCA (principal componet analysis).

  • Change parameters of AutoML

    This could include as mentioned earlier:

    • Increase experiment_timeout_minutes to give more time for AutoML to try other models.
    • Make use of FeaturizationConfig, for example, to use other form of imputation of Nan values than the one chosen by AutoML.
  • Increase max_total_runs in HyperDrive:

Try HyperDrive with higher value of max_total_runs to see if the performance increases.

Standout Suggestions

Enable Logging in your deployed web app

With this project, we have deployed best performing model to HTTP web service endpoints in Azure Container Instance (ACI). To enable collecting additional data from an endpoint mentioned below, we will be enabling Azure Application Insight feature, an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service.

  • Output Data
  • Responses
  • Request rates, response times, and failure rates
  • Dependency rates, response times, and failure rates
  • Exceptions for failed requests

To perform this step, we have used script uploaded with this repository. We will dynamically authenticate to Azure, enable Application Insight and Display logs for deployed model.

from azureml.core import Workspace
from azureml.core.webservice import Webservice

# Requires the config to be downloaded first to the current working directory
ws = Workspace.from_config()

# Set with the deployment name
name = "hyperdrive-deployment"

# load existing web service
service = Webservice(name=name, workspace=ws)

# Enable Application Insight

logs = service.get_logs()

for line in logs.split('\n'):

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Figure 18. Result - Enable Application Insight using

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Figure 19. Result - Enable Application Insight using



Capstone - Azure Machine Learning Engineer






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