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Development setup for Apple II with emulator live-reload on localhost.

Depends on AppleCommander-ac-1.9.0.jar to build DSK images.

  1. Download Apple Commander from
  2. Update the appleCommander linkage in gulpfile.js

Uses Merlin 32 or RetroAssembler to compile Assembler scripts.

  1. Download Merlin 32 from
  2. Update the merlin linkage in gulpfile.js
  3. If you want to compile raw ASM, download RetroAssembler from
  4. Update the retroassembler linkage in gulpfile.js

Relies on Apple2js emulator to run Apple II in the web browser.

  1. Download my 2017 adaptation over Will Scullin's JS emulator:
  2. Or get the latest emulator from Will Scullin's github at:
  3. Make sure you have an emulator/ folder in the root of your project - it will be copied during build.

Installation and Build

  1. Run npm install to install build dependencies.
  2. Build the project with npm run start or npm run build

What does a build do:

  1. Cleans (or creates) a public/ folder and prepares it for a new build.
  2. Copies the emulator/ to the public/ folder.
  3. Copies the source DSK image from dsk/ as well (disk image have the same name as the project).
  4. Converts all source files (.bas, .s, .asm) into the needed format for Apple II (BAS, BIN) and writes them on disk.
  5. Starts or Syncs the Apple II emulator - it will load the disk at boot and should try to run a basic STARTUP file right away.

Useful for Development:

  • Live reload - the web Emulator will restart with any change you perform within the src/ folder.