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PHP UnionTypes

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  • PHP 7.1+
  • Composer


composer require flashios09/php-union-types


UnionTypes::assert(mixed $value, string[] $types, array $options = []): void

Throw a TypeError if the given value isn't in the passed union type.

See the full list of the valid types $types string array, e.g. ['int', 'string', Posts::class, ...].


  • UnionTypes::assert(1.2, ['int', 'float']);

    ✓ should pass

  • UnionTypes::assert('1.2', ['int', 'float']);

    ✖ will throw a TypeError "'1.2' must be of the union type int|float, string given"

  • UnionTypes::assert('1.2', ['int', 'float', 'string']);

    ✓ should pass

  • Check for instance of, added on 1.0.2

    use \DateTime;
    class Time extends DateTime
      public static function today()
        return new Time();
    $today = Time::today();
    // `instanceOf` check is enabled by default
    UnionTypes::assert($today, [\DateTime::class, 'string']);

    ✓ should pass

    // disabled using the `instanceOf` option
    UnionTypes::assert($today, [\DateTime::class, 'string', ['instanceOf' => false]]);

    ✖ will throw a TypeError "object(Time)" must be of the union type \DateTime|string, Time given"

UnionTypes::is(mixed $value, string[] $types, array $options = []): bool

Check if the value type is one of the passed types.

Works just like UnionTypes::assert($value, $types) but it will return a bool(true/false) instead of throwing a TypeError.

See the full list of the valid types $types string array, e.g. ['int', 'string', Posts::class, ...].


  • UnionTypes::is(1.2, ['int', 'float']);

    equivalent to is_int(1.2) || is_float(1.2)

    ✓ return true

  • UnionTypes::is('1.2', ['int', 'float']);

    equivalent to is_int('1.2') || is_float('1.2')

    ✖ return false

  • UnionTypes::is('1.2', ['int', 'float', 'string']);

    equivalent to is_int('1.2') || is_float('1.2') || is_string('1.2')

    ✓ return true

  • Check for instance of, added on 1.0.2

    use \DateTime;
    class Time extends DateTime
      public static function today()
        return new Time();
    $today = Time::today();
    // `instanceOf` check is enabled by default
    UnionTypes::assert($today, [\DateTime::class, 'string']);

    ✓ return true

    // disabled using the `instanceOf` option
    UnionTypes::assert($today, [\DateTime::class, 'string', ['instanceOf' => false]]);

    ✖ return false

UnionTypes::assertFuncArg(string $argName, string[] $types, array $options = []): void

Throw a TypesError if the value of the argument isn't in the union type.

See the full list of the valid types $types string array, e.g. int, string, Posts::class ...


  • function add($a, $b)
        UnionTypes::assertFuncArg('a', ['int', 'float']);
        return $a + $b;
    // invocation
    add(1.2, 1);

    ✓ should pass

  • class Math
      public static function add($a, $b)
        UnionTypes::assertFuncArg('a', ['int', 'float']);
        return $a + $b;
    // invocation
    Math::add('1.2', 1);

    ✖ will throw TypeError "Argument a passed to Math::add(int|float $a, ...) must be of the union type int|float, string given"

  • $closure = function ($a, $b) {
        UnionTypes::assertFuncArg('a', ['int', 'float', 'string']);
        return $a + $b;
    // invocation
    $closure('1.2', 1);

    ✓ should pass

  • Check for instance of, added on 1.0.2

    use \DateTime;
    class Time extends DateTime
      public static function today()
        return new Time();
    $today = Time::today();
    $closure = function ($today) {
        // `instanceOf` check is enabled by default
        UnionTypes::assertFuncArg($today, [\DateTime::class, 'string']);
        // some logic here
        return $today;
    // invocation

    ✓ should pass

    $closure = function ($today) {
        // disabled using the `instanceOf` option
        UnionTypes::assertFuncArg($today, [\DateTime::class, 'string', ['instanceOf' => false]]);
        // some logic here
        return $today;
    // invocation

    ✖ will throw a TypeError "object(Time)" must be of the union type \DateTime|string, Time given"

  • 'string'
  • 'int'(not 'integer' or 'double')
  • 'float'(not 'double' or 'decimal')
  • 'bool'(not 'boolean')
  • 'null'(not 'NULL')
  • 'array'
  • Any valid classname string, e.g Table::class or 'Cake\ORM\Table'
  • resource
  • Friendly editor file path:

    By default, every thrown Error or Exception will have a called in at the end of the message called in #{stackTraceIndex} {file}:{line}, e.g. called in #0 /path/to/app/src/Controller/PostsController.php:126.

    To have a friendly editor(VSCode, Atom, SublimeText, ...) file path relative to the workspace, you need to define a constant UnionTypes.PATH_TO_APP somewhere, e.g:

    // config/bootstrap.php
    define('UnionTypes.PATH_TO_APP', '/path/to/app/');
    // using `$_SERVER`(isn't available in **php cli**)
    define('UnionTypes.PATH_TO_APP', $PATH_TO_APP);
    // using `dirname(__FILE__)`, maybe you need to remove/add some parts, depending on the `__FILE__` location.
    define('UnionTypes.PATH_TO_APP', dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
    // using the `PWD` key of the `getEnv()` array
    define('UnionTypes.PATH_TO_APP', getEnv()['PWD'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

    Now the /path/to/app/ prefix will be removed from the called in, e.g. called in #0 src/Controller/PostsController.php:126.



  • git clone
  • cd php-union-types
  • composer install(will install dev dependencies like whoops, kahlan, var-dumper, cakephp-codesniffer)

Start a local php server with livereload

  • yarn install(node dependencies)
  • yarn serve(then add your code to php-union-types/index.php and open a browser window at http://localhost:3080)

Start a local kahlan test with livereload

  • yarn install(node dependencies)
  • yarn test(it will watch any change in the spec folder and re-launch the test)


  • composer cs-check
  • composer cs-fix

Running test

  • composer test


This project is licensed under the MIT License.