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m3u-filter (iptv filter) is an application which can filter/rename/map entries out of a playlist in M3U / XTREAM format and can save/serve it as m3u, xtream or kodi format. It can be used as reverse or redirect proxy for xtream.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation



m3u-filter is a simple application which can:

  • filter, rename, map and sort entries out of a playlist and persist in EXTM3U, XTREAM or Kodi format.
  • can process multiple inputs and can create multiple outputs from this input files trough target definitions.
  • act as simple xtream or m3u server after processing entries
  • act as redirect or reverse proxy for xtream
  • can schedule updates in server mode
  • can run as cli-command for serving processed playlists through web-server like nginx or apache.
  • can define multiple targets for filtering if you want to create multiple playlists from a big playlist.
  • use regular expressions for matching
  • define filter as statements like filter: (Group ~ "^FR.*") AND NOT(Group ~ ".*XXX.*" OR Group ~ ".*SERIES.*" OR Group ~".*MOVIES.*")
  • DRY - define templates and use them, don't repeat yourself
  • Send a telegram bot or rest message when something goes wrong
  • Watch changes in groups and get a message on changes


If you have a playlist which contains unwanted entries, you can create filter which include or discard entries based on the header information of the playlist entries, you can rename entries or map entries based on regular expressions.

You can run m3u-filter as command line application to update your playlists (manually or as cron job), or you can run it in server mode and open the web-ui to see the contents of the playlist, filter/search content and save the filtered groups as a new playlist.

Starting in server mode for Web-UI

The Web-UI is available in server mode. You need to start m3u-filter with the -s (--server) option. On the first page you can select one of the defined input sources in the configuration, or write an url to the text field. The contents of the playlist are displayed in the tree-view. Each link has one or more buttons. The first is for copying the url into clipboard. The others are visible if you have configured the videosection. Based on the stream type, you will be able to download or search in a configured movie database for this entry.

In the tree-view each entry has a checkbox in front. Selecting the checkbox means discarding this entry from the manual download when you hit the Save button.

Command line Arguments

Usage: m3u-filter [OPTIONS]

  -p, --config-path <CONFIG_PATH>  The config directory
  -c, --config <CONFIG_FILE>       The config file
  -i, --source <SOURCE_FILE>       The source config file
  -m, --mapping <MAPPING_FILE>     The mapping file
  -t, --target <TARGET>            The target to process
  -a, --api-proxy <API_PROXY>      The user file
  -s, --server                     Run in server mode
  -l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>      log level
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version
  --genpwd                         Generate UI Password
  --healthcheck                    Healtcheck for docker

1. config.yml

For running in cli mode, you need to define a config.yml file which can be xonfig directory next to the executable or provided with the -c cli argument.

For running specific targets use the -t argument like m3u-filter -t <target_name> -t <other_target_name>. Target names should be provided in the config. The -t option overrides enabled attributes of input and target elements. This means, even disabled inputs and targets are processed when the given target name as cli argument matches a target.

Top level entries in the config files are:

  • api
  • working_dir
  • threads optional
  • messaging optional
  • video optional
  • schedule optional
  • backup_dir optional
  • update_on_boot optional
  • web_ui_enabled optional
  • web_auth optional

1.1. threads

If you are running on a cpu which has multiple cores, you can set for example threads: 2 to run two threads. Don't use too many threads, you should consider max of cpu cores * 2. Default is 0.

1.2. api

api contains the server-mode settings. To run m3u-filter in server-mode you need to start it with the -scli argument. -api: {host: localhost, port: 8901, web_root: ./web}

1.3. working_dir

working_dir is the directory where files are written which are given with relative paths. -working_dir: ./data

With this configuration, you should create a data directory where you execute the binary.

1.4 messaging

messaging is an optional configuration for receiving messages. Currently only and rest is supported.

Messaging is Opt-In, you need to set the notify_on message types which are

  • info
  • stats
  • error

telegram and rest configurations are optional.

    - info
    - stats
    - error
    bot_token: '<telegram bot token>'
      - '<telegram chat id>'
    url: '<api url as POST endpoint for json data>'

For more information: Telegram bots

1.5 video

video is optional.

It has 2 entries extensions and download.

  • extensions are a list of video file extensions like mp4, avi, mkv.
    When you have input m3u and output xtream the url's with the matching endings will be categorized as video.

  • download is optional and is only necessary if you want to download the video files from the ui to a specific directory. if defined, the download button from the ui is available.

    • headers optional, download headers
    • organize_into_directories optional, orgainize downloads into directories
    • episode_pattern optional if you download episodes, the suffix like S01.E01 should be removed to place all files into one folder. The named capture group episode is mandatory.
      Example: .*(?P<episode>[Ss]\\d{1,2}(.*?)[Ee]\\d{1,2}).*
  • web_search is optional, example:{}, define download.episode_pattern to remove episode suffix from titles.

  web_search: '{}'
    - mkv
    - mp4
    - avi
      User-Agent: "AppleTV/tvOS/9.1.1."
      Accept: "video/*"
    directory: /tmp/
    organize_into_directories: true
    episode_pattern: '.*(?P<episode>[Ss]\\d{1,2}(.*?)[Ee]\\d{1,2}).*'

1.5 schedule

Schedule is optional. Format is

#   sec  min   hour   day of month   month   day of week   year
schedule: "0  0  8,20  *  *  *  *"

At the given times the complete processing is started. Do not start it every second or minute. You could be banned from your server. Twice a day should be enough.

1.6 backup_dir

is the directory where the backup configuration files written, when saved from the ui.

1.7 update_on_boot

if set to true, an update is started when the application starts.

1.8 web_ui_enabled

default is true, if set to false the web_ui is disabled

1.9 web_auth

Web UI Authentication can be enabled if web_ui_enabled is true.

web_ui_enabled: true
  enabled: true
  secret: very.secret.secret
  issuer: m3u_filter
  userfile: user.txt
  • web_auth can be deactivated if enabled is set to false. If not set default is true.
  • secret is used for jwt token generation.
  • userfile is the file where the ui users are stored. if the filename is not absolute m3u-filter will look into the config_dir. if userfileis not given the default value is user.txt

You can generate a secret for jwt token for example with node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toString('hex'))"

The userfile has the format username: password per line. Example:

test: $argon2id$v=19$m=19456,t=2,p=1$QUpBWW5uellicTFRUU1tR0RVYVVEUTN5UEJDaWNWQnI3Rm1aNU1xZ3VUSWc3djZJNjk5cGlkOWlZTGFHajllSw$3HHEnLmHW07pjE97Inh85RTi6VN6wbV27sT2hHzGgXk
nobody: $argon2id$v=$argon2id$v=19$m=19456,t=2,p=1$Y2FROE83ZDQ1c2VaYmJ4VU9YdHpuZ2c2ZUwzVkhlRWFpQk80YVhNMEJCSlhmYk8wRE16UEtWemV2dk81cmNaNw$BB81wmEm/faku/dXenC9wE7z0/pt40l4YGh8jl9G2ko

The password can be generated with

./m3u-filter  -p /op/m3u-filter/config --genpwd`

or with docker

docker container exec -it m3u-filter ./m3u-filter --genpwd

The encrypted pasword needs to be added manually into the users file.

Example config file

threads: 4
working_dir: ./data
  host: localhost
  port: 8901
  web_root: ./web

2. source.yml

Has the following top level entries:

  • templates optional
  • sources

2.1 templates

If you have a lot of repeats in you regexps, you can use templates to make your regexps cleaner. You can reference other templates in templates with !name!.

  - {name: delimiter, value: '[\s_-]*' }
  - {name: quality, value: '(?i)(?P<quality>HD|LQ|4K|UHD)?'}

With this definition you can use delimiter and quality in your regexp's surrounded with ! like.


This will replace all occurrences of !delimiter! and !quality! in the regexp string.

2.2. sources

sources is a sequence of source definitions, which have two top level entries: -inputs -targets

2.2.1 inputs

inputs is a list of sources.

Each input has the following attributes:

  • name is optional, if set it must be unique, should be set for the webui
  • type is optional, default is m3u. Valid values are m3u and xtream
  • enabled is optional, default is true, if you disable the processing is skipped
  • persist is optional, you can skip or leave it blank to avoid persisting the input file. The {} in the filename is filled with the current timestamp.
  • url for type m3u is the download url or a local filename (can be gzip) of the input-source. For type xtreamit is http://<hostname>:<port>
  • epg_url optional xmltv url
  • headers is optional
  • username only mandatory for type xtream
  • paswordonly mandatory for type xtream
  • prefix is optional, it is applied to the given field with the given value
  • suffix is optional, it is applied to the given field with the given value
  • options is optional,
    • xtream_info_cache true or false, vod_info and series_info can be cached to disc to reduce network traffic to provider.
    • xtream_skip_live true or false, live section can be skipped.
    • xtream_skip_vod true or false, vod section can be skipped.
    • xtream_skip_series true or false, series section can be skipped.

persist should be different for m3u and xtream types. For m3u use full filename like ./playlist_{}.m3u. For xtream use a prefix like ./playlist_

prefix and suffix are appended after all processing is done, but before sort. They have 2 fields:

  • field can be name , group, title
  • value a static text

Example input config for m3u

- inputs:
    - url: ''
      name: test_m3u
      epg_url: 'test-epg.xml'
      enabled: false
      persist: 'playlist_1_{}.m3u'
    - url: ''
    - url: ''
    - url: ''
   - name: test
       - type: m3u
         filename: test.m3u

Example input config for xtream

    - type: xtream
      persist: 'playlist_1_1{}.m3u'
        User-Agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (AppleTV; U; CPU OS 14_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.1 Safari/605.1.15"
        Accept: application/json
        Accept-Encoding: gzip
      url: 'http://localhost:8080'
      username: test
      password: test

2.2.2 targets

Has the following top level entries:

  • enabled optional default is true, if you disable the processing is skipped
  • name optional default is default, if not default it has to be unique, for running selective targets
  • sort optional
  • output mandatory list of output formats
  • processing_order optional default is frm
  • options optional
  • filter mandatory,
  • rename optional
  • mapping optional
  • watch optional sort

Has three top level attributes

  • match_as_ascii optional default is false
  • groups
  • channels


has one top level attribute order which can be set to ascor desc.


is a list of sort configurations for groups. Each configuration has 3 top level entries.

  • field can be group, title, name or url.
  • group_pattern is a regular expression like '^TR.:\s?(.*)' which is matched against group title.
  • order can be asc or desc
  • sequence optional is a list of field values (based on field) which are used to sort based on index. The order is ignored for this entries.

The pattern should be selected taking into account the processing sequence.

    order: asc
    - { field: name,  group_pattern: '^DE.*',  order: asc } output

Is a list of output format: Each format has 2 properties

  • type
  • filename

type is mandatory for m3u, strm and xtream.
filename is mandatory if type is strm. if type is m3u the plain m3u file is written but it is not used by m3u-filter.

strm output has additional options

  • underscore_whitespace
  • cleanup
  • kodi_style.

xtream output has additional options

  • xtream_skip_live_direct_source if true the direct_source property from provider for live is ignored
  • xtream_skip_video_direct_source if true the direct_source property from provider for movies is ignored
  • xtream_skip_series_direct_source if true the direct_source property from provider for series is ignored

m3u output has additional options Because xtream api delivers only the metadata to series, we need to fetch the series and resolve them. But be aware, each series info entry needs to be fetched one by one.

  • xtream_resolve_series if is set to true and you have xtream input and m3u output, the series are fetched and resolved. This can cause a lot of requests to the provider. Be cautious when using this option.
  • xtream_resolve_series_delay to avoid a provider ban you can set the seconds between series_info_request's. Default is 2 seconds. But be aware that the more series entries there are, the longer the process takes.
  - type: m3u
    filename: playlist.m3u processing_order

The processing order (Filter, Rename and Map) can be configured for each target with: processing_order: frm (valid values are: frm, fmr, rfm, rmf, mfr, mrf. default is frm) options

  • ignore_logo true or false
  • underscore_whitespace true or false
  • cleanup true or false
  • kodi_style true or false

underscore_whitespace, cleanup and kodi_style are only valid for strm output.

  • ingore_log logo attributes are ignored to avoid caching logo files on devices.
  • underscore_whitespace replaces all whitespaces with _ in the path.
  • cleanup deletes the directory given at filename.
  • kodi_style tries to rename filename with kodi style. filter

The filter is a string with a filter statement. The filter can have UnaryExpression NOT, BinaryExpression AND OR, Regexp Comparison (Group|Title|Name|Url) ~ "regexp" and Type Comparsison Type = vod or Type = live or Type = series. Filter fields are Group, Title, Name, Url and Type. Example filter: ((Group ~ "^DE.*") AND (NOT Title ~ ".*Shopping.*")) OR (Group ~ "^AU.*")

If you use characters like + | [ ] ( ) in filters don't forget to escape them!!

The regular expression syntax is similar to Perl-style regular expressions, but lacks a few features like look around and backreferences.
To test the regular expression i use Don't forget to select Rust option which is under the FLAVOR section on the left. rename

Is a List of rename configurations. Each configuration has 3 top level entries.

  • field can be group, title, name or url.
  • pattern is a regular expression like '^TR.:\s?(.*)'
  • new_name can contain capture groups variables addressed with $1,$2,...

rename supports capture groups. Each group can be addressed with $1, $2 .. in the new_name attribute.

This could be used for players which do not observe the order and sort themselves.

  - { field: group,  pattern: ^DE(.*),  new_name: 1. DE$1 }

In the above example each entry starting with DE will be prefixed with 1..

(Please be aware of the processing order. If you first map, you should match the mapped entries!) mapping

mapping: <list of mapping id's> The mappings are defined in a file mapping.yml. The filename can be given as -m argument.

Example source.yml file

- name: PROV1_TR
  value: >-
    Group ~ "(?i)^.TR.*Ulusal.*" OR
    Group ~ "(?i)^.TR.*Dini.*" OR
    Group ~ "(?i)^.TR.*Haber.*" OR
    Group ~ "(?i)^.TR.*Belgesel.*"
- name: PROV1_DE
  value: >-
    Group ~ "^(?i)^.DE.*Nachrichten.*" OR
    Group ~ "^(?i)^.DE.*Freetv.*" OR
    Group ~ "^(?i)^.DE.*Dokumentation.*"
- name: PROV1_FR
  value: >-
    Group ~ "((?i)FR[:|])?(?i)TF1.*" OR
    Group ~ "((?i)FR[:|])?(?i)France.*"
- name: PROV1_ALL
  value:  "!PROV1_TR! OR !PROV1_DE! OR !PROV1_FR!"
  - inputs:
      - enabled: true
        persist: ./playlist_{}.m3u
      - name: pl1
          - type: m3u
            filename: playlist_1.m3u
        processing_order: frm
          ignore_logo: true
          order: asc
        filter: "!PROV1_ALL!" 
          - field: group
            pattern: ^DE(.*)
            new_name: 1. DE$1
      - name: pl1strm
        enabled: false
          - type: strm
            filename: playlist_strm
          ignore_logo: true
          underscore_whitespace: false
          kodi_style: true
          cleanup: true
          order: asc
        filter: "!PROV1_ALL!"
           - France
          - field: group
            pattern: ^DE(.*)
            new_name: 1. DE$1 watch

For each target with a unique name, you can define watched groups. It is a list of regular expression matching final group names from this target playlist. Final means in this case: the name in the resulting playlist after applying all steps of transformation.

For example given the following configuration:

  - 'FR - Movies \(202[34]\)'
  - 'FR - Series'

Changes from this groups will be printed as info on console and send to the configured messaging (f.e. telegram channel).

To get the watch notifications over messaging notify_on watch should be enabled.
In config.yml

    - watch

2. mapping.yml

Has the root item mappings which has the following top level entries:

  • templates optional
  • tags optional
  • mapping mandatory

2.1 templates

If you have a lot of repeats in you regexps, you can use templates to make your regexps cleaner. You can reference other templates in templates with !name!;

  - {name: delimiter, value: '[\s_-]*' }
  - {name: quality, value: '(?i)(?P<quality>HD|LQ|4K|UHD)?'}

With this definition you can use delimiter and quality in your regexp's surrounded with ! like.


This will replace all occurrences of !delimiter! and !quality! in the regexp string.

2.2 tags

Has the following top level entries:

  • name: unique name of the tag.
  • captures: List of captured variable names like quality. The names should be equal to the regexp capture names.
  • concat: if you have more than one captures defined this is the join string between them
  • suffix: suffix for the tag
  • prefix: prefix for the tag

2.3 mapping

Has the following top level entries:

  • id mandatory
  • match_as_ascii optional default is false
  • mapper mandatory
  • counter optional

2.3.1 id

Is referenced in the config.yml, should be a unique identifier

2.3.2 match_as_ascii

If you have non ascii characters in you playlist and want to write regexp without considering chars like é and use e instead, set this option to true. unidecode is used to convert the text.

2.3.3 mapper

Has the following top level entries:

  • filter optional
  • pattern
  • attributes
  • suffix
  • prefix
  • assignments
  • transform filter

The filter is a string with a statement (@see filter statements). It is optional and allows you to filter the content. pattern

The pattern is a string with a statement (@see filter statements). The pattern can have UnaryExpression NOT, BinaryExpression AND OR, and Comparison (Group|Title|Name|Url) ~ "regexp". Filter fields are Group, Title, Name and Url. Example filter: NOT Title ~ ".*Shopping.*"

The pattern for the mapper works different from a filter expression. A filter evaluates the complete expression and returns a result. The mapper pattern evaluates the expression, but matches directly comparisons and processes them immediately. To avoid misunderstandings, keep the pattern simply to comparisons.

The regular expression syntax is similar to Perl-style regular expressions, but lacks a few features like look around and backreferences. attributes

Attributes is a map of key value pairs. Valid keys are:

  • id
  • epg_channel_id or epg_id
  • chno
  • name
  • group
  • title
  • logo
  • logo_small
  • parent_code
  • audio_track
  • time_shift
  • rec
  • url

If the regexps matches, the given fields will be set to the new value You can use captures in attributes. For example you want to rewrite the base_url for channels in a specific group.

    - name: sports
      value: 'Group ~ ".*SPORT.*"'
    - name: source
      value: 'Url ~ "https?:\/\/(.*?)\/(?P<query>.*)$"'

    - id: sport-mapper
        - filter: '!sports!'
          value: 9000
          field: chno
          modifier: assign
        - filter: '!sports!'
          pattern: "!source!"

In this example all channels the urls of all channels with a group name containing SPORT will be changed. suffix

Suffix is a map of key value pairs. Valid keys are

  • name
  • group
  • title

The special text <tag:tag_name> is used to append the tag if not empty. Example:

     name: '<tag:quality>'
     title: '-=[<tag:group>]=-'

In this example there must be 2 tag definitions quality and group.

If the regexps matches, the given fields will be appended to field value prefix

Suffix is a map of key value pairs. Valid keys are

  • name
  • group
  • title

The special text <tag:tag_name> is used to append the tag if not empty Example:

     name: '<tag:quality>'
     title: '-=[<tag:group>]=-'

In this example there must be 2 tag definitions quality and group.

If the regexps matches, the given fields will be prefixed to field value assignments

Attributes is a map of key value pairs. Valid keys and values are:

  • id
  • chno
  • name
  • group
  • title
  • logo
  • logo_small
  • parent_code
  • audio_track
  • time_shift
  • rec
  • source

Example configuration is:

   title: name

This configuration sets title property to the value of name. transform

transform is a list of transformations.

Each transformation can have the following attributes:

  • field mandatory the field where the transformation will be applied
  • modifier mandatory, values are: lowercase, uppercase and capitalize
  • pattern optional is a regular expression (not filter!) with captures. Only needed when you want to transform parts of the property.

For example: first 3 chars of channel name to lowercase:

        - pattern: 'Group ~ ".*"'
          - field: name
            pattern: "^(...)"
            modifier: lowercase

channel name to uppercase:

        - pattern: 'Group ~ ".*"'
          - field: name
            modifier: uppercase

2.3.4 counter

Each mapping can have a list of counter.

A counter has the following fields:

  • filter: filter expression
  • value: an initial start value
  • field: title, name, chno
  • modifier: assign, suffix, prefix
  • concat: is optional and only used if suffix or prefix modifier given.
  - id: simple
    match_as_ascii: true
      - filter: 'Group ~ ".*FR.*"'
        value: 9000
        field: title
        modifier: suffix
        concat: " - "
      - <Mapper definition>

2.5 Example mapping.yml file.

      - name: delimiter
        value: '[\s_-]*'
      - name: quality
        value: '(?i)(?P<quality>HD|LQ|4K|UHD)?'
      - name: source
        value: 'Url ~ "https?:\/\/(.*?)\/(?P<query>.*)$"'
      - name: quality
          - quality
        concat: '|'
        prefix: ' [ '
        suffix: ' ]'
      - id: France
        match_as_ascii: true
          - filter: 'Name ~ "^TF.*"'
            pattern: '!source!'
          - pattern: 'Name ~ "^TF1$"'
              name: TF1
              chno: '1'
              title: '<tag:quality>'
              group: '|FR|TNT'
              title: name
          - pattern: 'Name ~ "^TF1!delimiter!!quality!*Series[_ ]*Films$"'
              name: TF1 Series Films
              chno: '20'
              group: '|FR|TNT'

3. Api-Proxy Config

If you use the proxy functionality, you need to create a api-proxy.yml configuration.

You can specify the path for the file with the -a cli argument.

The configuration contains the server info for xtream accounts and user definitions. You can define multiple server with unique names, one should be named default.

Iptv player can act differently and use the direct-source attribute or can compose the url based on the server info. The options xtream_skip_live_direct_source, xtream_skip_video_direct_source and xtream_skip_series_direct_source are default true to avoid this problem. You can set them fo falseto keep the direct-source attribute.

username and passwordare mandatory for credentials. username is unique. The token is optional. If defined it should be unique. The tokencan be used instead of username+password proxy is optional. If defined it can be reverse or redirect. Default is redirect. server is optional. It should match one server definition, if not given the server with the name default is used or the first one.
epg_timeshift is optional. It is only applied when source has epg_url configured. epg_timeshift: [-+]hh:mm, example -2:30, 1:45, +0:15, 2, :30, :3, 2:

To access the api for:

  • xtream use url like{}&password={}
  • m3u use url{}&password={} or with token
  • xtream use url like{}
  • m3u use url{}

To access the xmltv-api use url like{}&password={}

Do not forget to replace {} with credentials.

If you use the endpoints through rest calls, you can use, for the sake of simplicity:

  • m3u inplace of get.php
  • xtream inplace of player_api.php
  • epg inplace of xmltv.php
  • token inplace of username and password combination

When you define credentials for a target, ensure that this target has output format xtreamor m3u.

The proxy property can be reverseor redirect. reverse means the streams are going through m3u-filter, redirect means the streams are comming from your provider.

If you use https you need a ssl terminator. m3u-filter does not support https traffic.

  - name: default 
    protocol: http
    http_port: 80
    https_port: 443
    rtmp_port: 0
    timezone: Europe/Paris
    message: Welcome to m3u-filter
  - name: external
    protocol: http
    http_port: 80
    https_port: 443
    rtmp_port: 0
    timezone: Europe/Paris
    message: Welcome to m3u-filter
  - target: pl1
      - {username: x3452, password: ztrhgrGZ, token: 4342sd, proxy: reverse, server: external, epg_timeshift: -2:30}
      - {username: x3451, password: secret, token: abcde, proxy: redirect}

4. Logging

Following log levels are supported:

  • debug
  • info default
  • warn
  • error

Use the -l or --log-level cli-argument to specify the log-level.

The log level can be set through environment variable M3U_FILTER_LOG.

Precedence has cli-argument.

Log Level has module support like m3u_filter::util=error,m3u_filter::filter=debug,m3u_filter=debug

6. Web-UI

m3u-filter-tree m3u-filter-prefs

6. Compilation

Docker build

Change into the root directory and run:

docker build --rm -f docker/Dockerfile -t m3u-filter .  

This will build the complete project and create a docker image.

To start the container, you can use the docker-compose.yml But you need to change image: to image: m3u-filter

Manual build static binary for docker


Ease way to compile is a docker toolchain cross

rust install cross
env  RUSTFLAGS="--remap-path-prefix $HOME=~" cross build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Manual compile - install prerequisites

rustup update
sudo apt-get install pkg-config musl-tools libssl-dev
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Build statically linked binary

cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release



FROM as build

FROM scratch


COPY --from=build /usr/share/zoneinfo /usr/share/zoneinfo
COPY --from=build /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/

COPY ./m3u-filter /
COPY ./web /web

CMD ["/m3u-filter", "-s", "-p", "/config"]


docker build -t m3u-filter .


version: '3'
    container_name: m3u-filter
    image: m3u-filter
    user: "133:144"
    working_dir: /
      - ./config:/config
      - ./data:/data
      - ./backup:/backup
      - ./downloads:/downloads
      - TZ=Europe/Paris
      - "8901:8901"
    restart: unless-stopped

If you want to use m3u-filter with docker-compose, there is a --healthcheck argument for healthchecks

      test: ["CMD", "/m3u-filter", "-p", "/config" "--healthcheck"]  
      interval: 30s  
      timeout: 10s   
      retries: 3     
      start_period: 10s

Installing in LXC Container (Alpine)

To get it started in a Alpine 3.19 LXC

apk update
apk add nano git yarn bash cargo perl-local-lib perl-module-build make 
cd /opt
git clone
cd /opt/m3u-filter/bin
ln -s /opt/m3u-filter/target/release/m3u-filter /bin/m3u-filter 
cd /opt/m3u-filter/frontend
yarn build
ln -s /opt/m3u-filter/frontend/build /web
ln -s /opt/m3u-filter/config /config
mkdir /data
mkdir /backup

Creating a service, create /etc/init.d/m3u-filter

command_args="-p /config -s"

depend() {
    need net

start_pre() {
    checkpath --directory --owner $command_user:$command_user --mode 0775 \
           /run/m3u-filter /var/log/m3u-filter

then add it to boot

rc-update add m3u-filter default

Cross compile for windows on linux

If you want to compile this project on linux for windows, you need to do the following steps.

Install mingw packages for your distribution

For ubuntu type:

sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64

Install mingw support for rust

rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

Compile it with:

cargo build --release --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

Cross compile for raspberry pi 2/3/4

Ease way to compile is a docker toolchain cross

rust install cross
env  RUSTFLAGS="--remap-path-prefix $HOME=~" cross build --release --target armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf

Different Scenarios

Using m3u-filter with a m3u provider.


Using m3u-filter with a xtream provider.

You have a provider who supports the xtream api.

The provider gives you:

  • the url:
  • username: tvjunkie
  • password: junkie.secret
  • epg_url:

To use m3u-filter you need to create the configuration. The configuration consist of 4 files.

  • config.yml
  • source.yml
  • mapping.yml
  • api-proxy.yml

The file mapping.ymlis optional and only needed if you want to do something linke renaming titles or changing attributes.

Lets start with config.yml. An example basic configuration is:

api: {host:, port: 8901, web_root: ./web}
working_dir: ./data
update_on_boot: true

This configuration starts m3u-filterand listens on the 8901 port. The downloaded playlists are stored inside the data-folder in the current working directory. The property update_on_boot is optional and can be helpful in the beginning until you have found a working configuration. I prefer to set it to false.

Now we have to define the sources we want to import. We do this inside source.yml

- name: ALL_CHAN
  value: 'Group ~ ".*"'
- inputs:
    - type: xtream
      url: ''
      epg_url: ''
      username: tvjunkie
      password: junkie.secret
      options: {xtream_info_cache: true}
    - name: all_channels
        - type: xtream
      filter: "!ALL_CHAN!"
      options: {ignore_logo: false, xtream_skip_live_direct_source: true, xtream_skip_video_direct_source: true}
        match_as_ascii: true
          order: asc

What did we do? First, we defined the input source based on the information we received from our provider. Then we defined a target that we will create from our source. This configuration creates a 1:1 copy (this is probably not what we want, but we discuss the filtering later).

Now we need to define the user access to the created target. We need to define api-proxy.yml.

- name: default
  protocol: http
  http_port: '8901'
  timezone: Europe/Berlin
  message: Welcome to m3u-filter
- name: external
  protocol: https
  http_port: '80'
  https_port: '443'
  rtmp_port: '1953'
  timezone: Europe/Berlin
  message: Welcome to m3u-filter
- target: all_channels
  - username: xt
    password: xt.secret
    proxy: redirect
    server: default
  - username: xtext
    password: xtext.secret
    proxy: redirect
    server: external

We have defined 2 server configurations. The default configuration is intended for use in the local network, the IP address is that of the computer on which m3u-filter is running. The external configuration is optional and is only required for access from outside your local network. External access requires port forwarding on your router and an SSL terminator proxy such as nginx and a dyndns provider configured from your router if you do not have a static IP address (this is outside the scope of this manual).

The next section of the api-proxy.yml contains the user definition. We can define users for each target from the source.yml. This means that each user can only access one target from source.yml. We have named our target all_channels in source.yml and used this name for the user definition. We have defined 2 users, one for local access and one for external access. We have set the proxy type to redirect, which means that the client will be redirected to the original provider URL when opening a stream. If you set the proxy type to reverse, the stream will be streamed from the provider through m3u-filter. Based on the hardware you are running m3u-filter on, you can opt for the proxy type reverse. But you should start with redirect first until everything works well.

To access a xtream api from our IPTV-application we need at least 3 information the url, username and password. All this information are now defined in api-proxy.yml.

  • url:
  • username: xt
  • password: xt.secret

Start m3u-filter, fire up your IPTV-Application, enter credentials and watch.

It works well, but I don't need all the channels, how can I filter?

You need to understand regular expressions to define filters. A good site for learning and testing regular expressions is Don't forget to set FLAVOR on the left side to Rust.

To adjust the filter, you must change the source.yml file. What we have currently is: (for a better overview I have removed some parts and marked them with ...)

- name: ALL_CHAN
  value: 'Group ~ ".*"'
- inputs:
    - type: xtream
    - name: all_channels
        - type: xtream
      filter: "!ALL_CHAN!"

We use templates to make the filters easier to maintain and read.

Ok now let's start.

First: We have a lot of channel groups we dont need.

m3u-filter excludes or includes groups or channels based on filter. Usable fields for filter are Group, Name and Title. The simplest filter is:

<Field> ~ <Regular Expression>. For example Group ~ ".*". This means include all categories.

Ok, if you only want the Shopping categories, here it is: Group ~ ".*Shopping.*". This includes all categories whose name contains shopping.

Wait, we are missing categories that contain 'shopping'. Regular expressions are case-sensitive. You must explicitly define a case-insensitive regexp. Group ~ "(?i).*Shopping.*" will match everything containing Shopping, sHopping, ShOppInG,....

But what if i want to reverse the filter? I dont want a shoppping category. How can I achieve this? Quite simply with NOT. NOT(Group ~ "(?i).*Shopping.*"). Thats it.

You can combine Filter with AND and OR to create more complex filter.

For example: (Group ~ "^FR.*" AND NOT(Group ~ "^FR.*SERIES.*" OR Group ~ "^DE.*EINKAUFEN.*" OR Group ~ "^EN.*RADIO.*" OR Group ~ "^EN.*ANIME.*"))

As you can see, this can become very complex and unmaintainable. This is where the templates come into play.

We can disassemble the filter into smaller parts and combine them into a more powerfull filter.

  value: 'NOT(Group ~ "(?i).*Shopping.*" OR Group ~ "(?i).*Einkaufen.*") OR Group ~ "(?i).*téléachat.*"'
  value: 'Group ~ "^DE: .*"'
  value: 'Group ~ "^FR: .*"'

- inputs:
    - type: xtream
    - name: all_channels
        - type: xtream
      filter: "!MY_CHANNELS!"

The resulting playlist contains all French and German channels except Shopping.

Wait, we've only filtered categories, but what if I want to exclude a specific channel? No Problem. You can write a filter for your channel using the Name or Title property. NOT(Title ~ "FR: TV5Monde"). If you have this channel in different categories, you can alter your filter like: NOT(Group ~ "FR: TF1" AND Title ~ "FR: TV5Monde").

  value: 'NOT(Group ~ "(?i).*Shopping.*" OR Group ~ "(?i).*Einkaufen.*") OR Group ~ "(?i).*téléachat.*"'
  value: 'Group ~ "^DE: .*"'
  value: 'Group ~ "^FR: .*"'
- name: NO_TV5MONDE_IN_TF1
  value: 'NOT(Group ~ "FR: TF1" AND Title ~ "FR: TV5Monde")'


m3u-filter (iptv filter) is an application which can filter/rename/map entries out of a playlist in M3U / XTREAM format and can save/serve it as m3u, xtream or kodi format. It can be used as reverse or redirect proxy for xtream.






