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general architecture service security

chris grzegorczyk edited this page Aug 30, 2013 · 2 revisions

This is a collection of high-level security guidelines to follow when implementing a new service or intergrating an external component with Eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus Services

  • Should require authentication and authorization for all operations/resources
  • Each service that uses cryptorgraphy should have a separate set of component keys
  • Should not have permissions to write into its own config files
  • Should not run with root privileges
  • Should protect its data from unauthorized access (in database and on the filesystem)
    • Access to data should be restricted to implementing service
    • Any sensitive data should be encrypted with the service's keys
  • Should never store/log/transmit third-party credentials/secrets in unencrypted form
  • Should verify authenticity, integrity, and timestamps of received messages
  • Should have SSL support for all endpoints
  • Should follow other general security guidelines as applicable

Front-end Services

  • Should follow all of the above requirement for a Eucalyptus service
  • Should integrate with IAM and have support for IAM policies (all operations and resources)
  • Should support AWS Signature Version 4
  • Should allow for installation of CA-signed SSL certificates for all public endpoints

Third-party/External Services Integration

  • Do not allow external services direct access to any internal data (credentials, database, files, etc.)
  • Use a dedicated set of credentials for authentication and communications with external services

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