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A website to introduce Chinese-language writers and podcasts


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I built XUANZANG as an ongoing project to introduce Chinese-language writers and podcasts, and share information on where to find physical books, Chinese-supported podcast platforms, and related resources.


All text-based content is written by me, unless otherwise indicated.

The core of the website is organised as follows:

Section Description
墨 INK Introductions to writers and books
嗓 VOICE Introductions to podcast series
源 SOURCES Where to get hold of content and study materials

More content will be added to these sections over time, with new sections also planned - watch this space!

Images used include artworks, photographs, official logos and so on. Attributions are explicit and I have sought permission from their owners to use these images; many have kindly granted this permission, but if you are the author of content here that you would like to be removed or amended, please contact me directly on


To run on a local machine for local development, navigate to the root directory and run:

$ npx nodemon index.js
[nodemon] 3.1.3
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,cjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node index.js`
Serving on port 3000

The key tools used to develop this website are Embedded JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Node. The original version of the site made heavy use of the Bootstrap 5 framework, but this has since been reduced to a minimum to exert more direct control on the site's aesthetic.

Images are hosted on Cloudinary, and the site is deployed through Vercel using a CI/CD workflow integrated with this repository.


XUANZANG uses Google Fonts for title text (Oswald: Latin script | ZCOOL QingKe HuangYou: Chinese script) and body text (Source Serif Pro: Latin script | Noto Serif TC: Chinese script).

ZCOOL QingKe HuangYou is primarily designed for simplified Chinese character sets: it contains traditional variants for many - but not all - characters.

XUANZANG makes use of traditional characters, most of which are featured in ZCOOL QingKe HuangYou, though there are a small number of exceptions for which I have had to make use of simplified variants. This isn't ideal, but I love the design of the font and feel it is a minor trade-off. Purists please 諒解 - or better yet, release more fonts! There aren't enough creative designs for Chinese scripts.

To optimise use of web fonts, practices have been adopted from CSS Wizardy's additive method:

  • "&display=swap" at the end of the href link is now default with Google Fonts - this allows the system font to load if there is a delay in fetching the web font.
  • media="print" to fetch Google Fonts File asynchronously.
  • Preload the CSS file to make the asynchronous fetch high priority.
  • Preconnect, disabling the default preconnect.
  • A noscript fallback is also included for instances where JavaScript is disabled.


I learnt the skills needed to build this website by completing Colt Steele's excellent Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy.


A website to introduce Chinese-language writers and podcasts





