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Scala CI

Large-scale agent-based simulation

CloudCity is a research prototype (not production-ready) designed for distributed agent-based simulations (see [1]), following a BSP-like model (see [2]). The system contains three parts, frontend (DSL), core (compiler that translates the DSL to Scala), and backend (Akka-based runtime and a single-threaded runtime for local development). The programming model (DSL) is described in detail in [3].

Users should be familiar with Scala 2 and know basic sbt commands. More information on Scala and its toolchain can be found at and The code base is developed and tested using Java 8 (also 11) and Scala 12 on MacOS and Linux systems (CentOS and Ubuntu). More recent versions of Java may not be compatible.

Include in your own project

To export the compiler, library, and runtime as jars that can be included in your project, call publishLocal

bash bin/

which would create a directory {user}/.ivy2/local/ that contains folders cloudcity-{module}_{scala version}. You can then selectively include the corresponding module. Following modules are for compiler, user-level library, distributed backend, and localhost backend (recommended for local development) respectively. When using the distributed backend, you may need to tune the default resource configurations specified in /Akka/src/main/resources/ to match that of your hardware. The default configuration is for server development.

libraryDependencies += "" %% "cloudcity-core" % "2.0-SNAPSHOT",
libraryDependencies += "" %% "cloudcity-library" % "2.0-SNAPSHOT",
libraryDependencies += "" %% "cloudcity-akka" % "2.0-SNAPSHOT",
libraryDependencies += "" %% "cloudcity-base" % "2.0-SNAPSHOT",

Support Scala 2.12*. Though we provide a compiler for our DSL, you can still choose to program agents directly using the runtime API without compiling your agent definitions.


Synchronization DSL

We define an embedded DSL to address the synchronization issue among Sims.

The syntax for sending a blocking message is the same as dynamic dispatch in object-oriented language. When a Sim calls the public method of another, it sends a message to the receiver and waits for the response. You can define in Sim1 a call to Sim2:

val secret: Int = Sim2.tellMeThis() or val workDone: Boolean = Sim2.doThat()

given that tellMeThis() and doThat() are public methods in Sim2's class. The transpiler converts it to delivering a message to Sim2 and waiting for a reply. When the reply arrives, the function returns and Sim1's variables secret and workDone get their values.

Besides blocking calls, Sims can also send asynchronous messages, with a different syntax asyncSend(receiver.API(args)). You need to mark the callee method with the annotation @transparencyPropagating, see the example in core/src/test/scala/lifterTest1. For asynchronous messaging, the Sim places the message in its mailbox and continues. Messages are not delivered immediately. The non-block message returns a Future object, which users can query about the status of the message. core/src/main/scala/meta/runtime/Future.scala.

The instruction waitRounds(someTicks) signals that messages in the Sim's mailbox are ready and agents will wait for the specified ticks. The agent will not do anything besides waiting. To process received RPC requests, the receiver agent calls handleRPC(). Agents can also send or receive messages directly using the message-passing protocol. Other DSL instructions in core/src/main/scala/meta/classLifting/SpecialInstructions.scala are experimental and subject to future changes.

An agent is sequential and processes one message at a time. Therefore, you can not use instructions handleRPC(); doing so will trigger a compile-time error.

Sims as Meta-Programs

The embedded DSL is in a staged meta-programming environment. Staging is the operation that generates object programs from meta-programs. In our framework, users define the behaviour of each agent in meta-programs written in a subset of Scala enriched with DSL. We offer two flavors of DSL, one with compilation and one without. For the compiled version, our transpiler compiles the source programs to object programs (valid Scala source programs) in generated\ folder with the help of Squid. For the non-compiled version, we use ScalaMeta and coroutines, see branch staged.

We include uber jars of the Squid (class-lifting branch) in the lib/ folder of dependent subprojects (currently under core/ and example/). If you prefer, you can also build it locally (using the class-lifting branch of Squid repo: and uncomment the lines in build.sbt which loads Squid snapshot.

Here are some tips for writing meta-programs in this framework:

  • We support limited inheritance.

    • The parent classes can not contain parameter lists.
    • If a parent class is not a lifted agent, then you need to append it to the rootAgents in the Lifter, see example inheritance1.
    • To add modifiers, use instructions markPrivate(names: String*) or markOverride(names: String*), see examples inheritance1 and inheritance2.
    • Public methods in the parent class which are inherited by children should not have references to private variables.
  • The Squid class-lifting interface has the following non-exhaustive restrictions. The lifter does not support:

    • instance variables inside an agent class definition. You cannot use the keyword this and should add the modifier val or var to your variables in the parameter list.
    • pattern match. You can only use good old if-else or while-loop.
    • Array type. You will see errors complaining about Scala ClassTag not found if you a class variable of type Array
    • return instruction. You cannot use "return" inside a method definition.
    • default values in a parameter list
  • To lift a class, annotate it with @lift and extend from runtime.Actor. When in doubt, please check how the examples are defined.

Run locally

To execute a simulation locally, create a program in the test folder in Base that is similar to the existing examples. To test it on a cluster (distributed), follow the same procedure but in Akka instead.

Run in a cluster

The Akka backend enables you to run distributed simulations in a cluster. Make sure you can reach any machine using ssh without entering passwords.

For Akka, update the file Akka/src/main/resources/application.conf to reflect the cluster setting. More specifically, replace the localhost in remote.artery.canonical.hostnames and remote.cluster.seed-nodes with the IP of the server and the seed machine respectively. Please refer to the Akka home page ( for more information.

Folder Structure

  • core/ contains the compiler
  • Akka/ Akka backend
  • Base/ Single-threaded backend
  • gen-core/ contains the object programs generated by tests in core
  • example/ contains the examples using class-lifting and message-passing
  • generated/ contains the object programs generated by simulations in example
  • library/ contains a user-level library that you can include when designing simulations
  • lib/ contains jar files for Squid library
  • ecosim/ contains the legacy implementation of the economic simulation without using message passing
  • docs/ contains known issues and their solutions

[1] Zilu Tian, Peter Lindner, Markus Nissl, Christoph Koch, and Val Tannen. 2023. Generalizing Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Processing for Data Science: From Data to Threads and Agent-Based Simulations. Proc. ACM Manag. Data 1, 2, Article 151 (June 2023), 28 pages.

[2] Leslie G. Valiant. 1990. A bridging model for parallel computation. Commun. ACM 33, 8 (Aug. 1990), 103–111.

[3] Zilu Tian. 2023. Multi-Stage Vertex-Centric Programming for Agent-Based Simulations. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 2023). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 100–112.


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