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A C++ graphics library using SDL2. Only scene is a physics simulation of balls colliding inside a circle.

Usage - Windows only!

Download MSYS2 here and run it. Install MINGW in the MSYS2 terminal using the following command:

$ pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-gcc

And add the UCRT bin directory to Windows PATH:


The default MSYS2 installation directory is "C:\msys64".

Unzip the release folder and open the executable.

To use Command-Line arguments execute from the terminal. Keybinds:

Left-click - Drag ball

Middle-click - Toggle momentum loss

Right-click - Toggle gravity

Command-Line argument format:

./main.exe ballCount[int] gravity[bool] randDensity[bool] randSpeed[int] momentumLoss[bool]