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Irfan Ismail edited this page Jan 17, 2023 · 2 revisions

Getting Started

Please refer to the for instructions on installation & local deployment.

Main Technologies

The following are some of the frameworks & libraries used to develop this project. They include:

Other utility libraries worth mentioning include lodash, luxon & axios

Project Structure

The following is how the project is structured along with a short explanation of what each folder entails to get an idea how to develop within this codebase.

Directory Description
components Reusable components used within the application. The 'building block' of the application.
config Configuration settings for external services or similar. Often used with process.env as a centralized way to read environment variables.
dashboards Thematic dashboard components. Some of the dashboards are reusable, eg. dashboards with state-level scope (crime, drugs), but majority are single-use.
data-catalogue Components that are relevant to data catalogue feature.
hooks Reusable logics in the form of hooks
lib Utility folder. Contains helper functions, static constants, routes, types & schema(A more nuanced collection of utility helpers)
pages Refer to NextJS pages
public Public folder. For hosting locales & static/images
script Scripting folder. Store scripts for dev purposes only.
styles CSS folder. All CSS magic goes here.

Naming Convention & Style

To ensure consistency in development, this codebase adopts the following naming conventions. A clean codebase = happy developer.

Type Convention Example Lengths
Component Pascal case CovidDashboard 2-3 words
Interface / Type Pascal case CovidDashboardProps 2-4 words
Function Camel case handleAdd 1-3 words
Variable Snake case active_queries 1-2 words
Constants Upper case STATES 1-2 words

The length of names should be short whenever possible! But not to the point it becomes hard to make sense. But you might be wondering, won't it be easier to get 'lost'? Not really.

Given how the project is structured, its fairly easy to gain context of 'where' you are developing. With this, we can use short names to piece together what each variable, function represents.

// inflation-snapshot.tsx
const InflationSnapshot: FunctionComponent = ({}) => {
  const handleAdd = (option: OptionType) => {
      return ...
  return <></>

In the above snippet, the handleAdd function indicates some sort of adding / concatenating logic. By itself, it is hard to make sense, but pairing it with the component name InflationSnapshot, you can easily make an inference that the function is adding a snapshot. Naturally, the larger the component, the harder it is for you to adhere to this convention and the more verbose your names have to be to provide clarity. If you find yourself reaching to this point, then you might want to consider splitting into multiple components OR abstract the logic into a hook

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