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Dave Lamb edited this page Nov 3, 2018 · 3 revisions

Instag: Hashtag manager with an emphasis on Instagram

Instag is a simple React Native powered application for Android and iPhone. Its raison d'etre is primarily to learn React Native, though having used Instagram for a few months now, it does solve a single recurring problem, namely the combination of a 30 hashtag limit, and the inability to copy text from a failed comment.


To enable individuals to store and categorize sets of hashtags with a simple wizard style app. Furthermore, it reduces the number of taps and interactions required to fulfill, but not overshoot the 30 hashtag limit on Instagram.


Instag does not serve to increase your popularity, make you money, or make any promises whatsoever. It will not be pre-loaded with common hashtags (though sharing lists may be a worthwhile feature).

Initial Design (Subject to revision)

The user is presented with a treed list of categories, which offers two modes of interaction: modification, or selection. During selection, the user is presented with options to prioritize sets of hashtags, and a simple shuffle and clipboard mechanism finalizes the interaction. The number of hashtags in the selection is somehow denoted, and a simple interaction model is used to add or remove hashtags. If the user proceeds to copy with more than 30 hashtags selected, the first n will copied, configurable via settings. Modification of the lists is mostly a copy paste affair, with no strong inclination to allow drag and drop.

Stretch Goals (AKA Scope-creep)

  • Barring Instagram API limitations, the ability to find related hashtags could be added.
  • Post compose mode, which gives visual hints as to where line breaks and ellipses will appear. (Think 'Swipe Left <-')
  • Sharing lists, and/or storing lists.
  • Storing user data in Google servers. (will backup work by default?)