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Skipping Tests

Dustin Hershman edited this page Sep 4, 2018 · 1 revision


Tap-Junit does currently support skipping tests however it is very important to note that it strictly uses Regex to identify and match skipped tests.

It matches against the # SKIP Strictly so please avoid using this within you test assert name and message. This may lead to incorrect outputs.

Note: It only cares about # SKIP or #SKIP so lowercase skip is NOT affected. IE: # skip or skip would not be detected.

This feature is subject to change if it is requested.

A skipped assert output will show up like so:

<testcase name="#1 test skip extra # SKIP">

While a fully skipped test will show up like this:

<testsuite skipped="true" tests="0" failures="0" errors="0" name="SKIP skipped test"/>
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