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dferguso edited this page Oct 10, 2014 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the IGT4SAR (MapSAR_Ex) wiki!

This site is intended to provide updated information on the Integrated Geospatial Tools for Search and Rescue (IGT4SAR) mapping and Planning tool for use in ESRI's ArcGIS application.

IGT4SAR provides the ability to not only maintain situation awareness during SAR operations but also perform detailed scenario analysis (qualitatively and quantitatively). This process is facilitated by incorporating the use of Structured Analytic Techniques (such as Analysis of Competing Hypotheses) which are becoming common place within the Intelligence Community. These types of analyses helps to reduce user bias in analyzing evidence (both spatial and non-spatial).

The user begins building a mission within IGT4SAR by creating an "Incident" and defining the overall search area. The definition of the search area is often managed by relying on past events (lost person behavior) that provides some direction as to the overall scope of the mission. Many tools related to "Lost Person Behavior" have been included or can easily be implemented with the IGT4SAR.

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