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Milestone 5 Project

for customizing your drone's navigation systems

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Custom Drone deBug is a fictitious organization that specialize in developing high-tech drone navigation systems. The navigation systems of our imaginary drones can be programmed and customized to suit our customer's needs. The drones are used for a variety different industry purposes, such as search and rescue and inspection.

Customers of Custom Drone, use standard PC based systems to network to their drones by different means. They are able to communicate by Satellite, 4G, and low frequency radio. The various Drone models may be tasked to work in a variety of different environments, such as above ground, below ground in cave/tunnel systems and in aquatic environments. Custom Drone navigation systems facilitate swarm management, establishing satellite peer to per communication in difficult communications environments.

This service provides a facility were customers can report a problem with a drone navigation system. Problems or bugs can be logged through the Custom Drone deBug portal. Bugs that have been found in the software will be fixed free of charge and rolled out to all users of that make and model of product. Our site has a familiar blog look and feel. Customers that have logged an issue, will be able to upvote a bug report made by another customer in a blog environment. If there are many upvotes for a particular bug, these are monitored by the product development team will use this data to do as a risk assessment and reassign development time to resolving the bug. Bug resolution is prioritized by the number of votes a bug gets.

Our drone navigation systems are also customizable. If a new feature is suggested by a customer, the feature can be logged as a Feature Request. Our product development team will do their best to build this new feature. There are three categories of software that we work on, namely 'auto-pilot', 'navigation' and 'flight controls'. Each category will need a specific number of hours for development. Our costs for assessment, feasibility study, development and testing of the software feature are all inclusive and are reflected in our time required.

1. Project Goals

In this project is about utilizing different coding skills to create a usable end product. In this case, this project is a usable framework, how ever there are many aspects of it that I would like to develop further.

The project uses a django framework, which is the last module of the full-stack framework that was taught. In it we learned to build as well as import pre-built apps from other projects. This is what Django lets you do, so that development of a product can be turned around quickly in an ideal development environment. I've had difficulty with this, so have had to foo some of the nice to aspect so of the development to keep inline with the project brief.

The unfinished work I have down for future is:

  1. Deployment of Slug in my URL patterns (the model framework is in place)
  2. Enabling and using reported and hidden Booleans for blog comments (in the model) - I've used approve or delete for now.
  3. Refining my media queries for transitioning from small to large screen.
  4. Deploying charts for rendering the statistics collected using a product like chart.js
  5. Improving the UX experience with JQuery and more attractive front end imagery.

I believe that the project fulfils the essentials required to meet the brief. It utilizes multiple apps that use different online services, that come together to form a finished product. These are outlined in the UX Design below. This app manages all SQL database CRUD operations well and provides a seamless transition between my local development MySQL database and the Postgresql hosted by AWS through Heroku.

The app makes use of the Amazon Web Services S3 bucket to host both my dynamic and static files, as well as integrates with Stripe for managing the apps checkout features. The authentication app is also tied into a Gmail account so that we can facilitate doing a password reset for a user.

I hope that anyone using this app will enjoy using it. Its is a starter app and has the potential to change and develop.

2. The UX Design


Focus User Needs Business Objectives
What are you aiming to achieve? Report a bug/issue, prolonging their use of the product. To gather user feedback for continues product improvement. To engage with the customer that will maintain and grow our customer base.
Track the bugs being dealt with, from a status indicator.
Track the features being dealt with, from a status indicator
See when a task is marked complete
To be able to see if other users have similar experiences. Gather statistics from likes from user feedback for product development and marketing.
Provide a familiar Blog medium for reading about service updates and end-user feedback. To provide customers with a facility to input their feedback on our products.
For whom? Organizations can learn about "Custom Drone" systems.
TARGET AUDIENCE Drone Techs, drone Pilots, Drone research and development audiences. To learn and understand the technical needs of the customer, by providing a facility where customers can write feedback in a familiar blog style interface
Company purchasing authority
Customer development authority Collaborate on needs so we can develop of turnkey features


Focus Functional Specification Content Requirements
Which features? User Account An app for registering a new user, that facilitates login and log-out
What’s on the table? The Blog App A medium where the staff of custom drone can publish information about the service.
A Issues App The core of Custom Drone, which lets users submit bugs as well as features for development.
Provide a facility for a user to suggest a new feature upgrade and then pay for the feature once development is complete.
To provide a facility where other users can comment on a blog entry by another user.
Provide a likes button for a blog entry so that another user can up-vote a feature or a bug
Provide a admin statistics dashboard that will present the number of bugs/issues being resolved.
A Crat App A place where users can see all the features and cost of the features that they have selected.
Checkout App A payment app that integrated Stripe for managing the financial transaction
A place where user information can be recorded for payment and shipping of the purchased products.
A Profile App For recording the user bio which is for future development.


Focus Interaction Design Information Architecture
How is the information structured? Where am I? / How did I get here? / What can I do here? / Where can I go? Organizational / Navigational schemas (tree / nested list / hub and spoke / dashboard)
An index/landing page. Tree Structure
User registration pages for loin, register
Password reset pages, for emailing a password reset link
How is it logically grouped? A user profile page. Their profile name and email address will need to be unique, different from all the other profiles. An email address is required for doing a password reset. Start/home page
Blog delete page
Blog Comment approve/delete
Issue delete
Issue Comment approve/delete
Issue status update from 'To do', 'In Progress' & 'Complete'


Focus Interface Design Navigational Design Information Design
How will the information be represented? See wireframes Title and informational typescripts
How will the user navigate to the information and features? See wireframes Links from the navbar
Selecting add feature to


Focus Visual Design
What will the finished product look like?
What colours, typography and design elements will be used?



Figure 1 Wireframe of the login design.


Figure 2 Wireframe of the registration form design.


Figure 3 of the index page proposal.


Figure 4 Wireframe of the index page proposal.


Figure 5 Wireframe of the blog page as seen by the Admin of Staff.


Figure 6 Wireframe of the blog form as seen by the Admin of Staff.


Figure 7 Wireframe of the blog form as seen by the Admin of Staff.


Figure 8 Wireframe of the bug view as seen by the Admin of Staff.

3. Application Construction

  1. Tools used

    • Written in VSCode
    • Python 3.7.2
    • jQuery
    • CSS and JavaScript files were created and stored locally within the application as static files. These static files were then added to the s3 bucket on Amazon
    • The SQL database was created with heroku-postgresql (see database included with repository) and is hosted at
    • The app as tested using Chrome dev tools & VSCode debugger
    • HTML and CSS checked with help from the W3 Validation Service
    • Darkly Bootswatch theme.
    • Version management and test branches created in git
    • Web deployment is hosted on Heroku
  2. Reference Literature

  3. Code Development

    Running Locally in VSCode

    1. Download and install Python 3.7.2 and install in your windows environment if you haven't already installed the latest version of python.
    2. Create a project environment for Django, by creating a virtual environment.
      1. Run python -m venv env
    3. In VS Code, open the Command Palette (View > Command Palette or (Ctrl+Shift+P)). Then select the Python: Select Interpreter command.
    4. Select the virtual environment python interpreter for your project.
    5. Start the virtual environment from the terminal by typing in:
      1. env\scripts\activate
    6. To setup the project files in this new virtual environment, type in:
      1. pip install -r requirements.txt
    7. Create a proc file
      1. echo web: gunicorn django_debug.wsgi:application > Procfile

    You wil need to setup the environmental variabes in VSCode for production and debug versions of the project.

    Cteate a new project workspace file and add the following infomation into it for running the project in developer mode:

    VSCode Project.cose-workspace

                    "DEVELOPMENT": "",
                    "SECRET_KEY": "<my_secret_key>",
                    "ADMIN": "admin_pass",
                    "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": "drone_debug.settings",
                    "STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE": "<my_stripe_publishable_key>",
                    "STRIPE_SECRET": "<my_stripe_secret_key>",
                    "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": "<my_aws_access_key>",
                    "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": "<my_aws_secret_access_key>",
                    "EMAIL_ADDRESS": "<my_email_address>",
                    "EMAIL_PASSWORD": "<my_email_password>",
                    "USER": "<MySQL_db_user_name>",
                    "HOST": "<MySQL_locsl_address eg.>",
                    "PORT": "<MySQL_locsl_port eg. 3306>"

    Then in the .vscode folder, locate the settings.json file and add the following infomation into it:

    SCode settings.js

                    "DEVELOPMENT": "",
                    "SECRET_KEY": "<my_secret_key>",
                    "DATABASE_URL": "<my_postgres_db_url>",
                    "ADMIN": "admin_pass",
                    "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": "drone_debug.settings",
                    "STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE": "<my_stripe_publishable_key>",
                    "STRIPE_SECRET": "<my_stripe_secret_key>",
                    "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": "<my_aws_access_key>",
                    "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": "<my_aws_secret_access_key>",
                    "EMAIL_ADDRESS": "<my_email_address>",
                    "EMAIL_PASSWORD": "<my_email_password>"

    Update the gitignore file to to exclude the following file types: Use the following command line command:

    • echo >> .gitignore
    1. env
    2. .vscode
    4. __pycache__
    5. *.sqlite3
    6. .coverage
    7. *.code-workspace
    8. *.pyc
    9. *.db
    10. *.mwb
    11. *.mwb.bak
    12. *.mwb.beforefix
  4. Production Deployment Instructions

    1. Instructions for deployment to a hosing site: Heroku

    In Heroku - Part 1

    1. Log into Heroku

    2. Select New and Create new App.

    3. Create a App name, select the region.

      • then Create app.
    4. Select Resources tab, search for add-on

      • Add Heroku Postgres SQL database, choosing the free hobby plan.
    5. Select the Settings tab, then select Reveal Config Vars

      • Verify the new DATABASE_URL and value is there for the Postgres database.
      • Add in the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to the heroku Config Vars to enable connection to the AWS S3 bucket
      • Add in the STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE and STRIPE_SECRET keys to the heroku Config Vars to enable connection to Sripe.
      • Add in the EMAIL_HOST_USER and the EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD details to the heroku Config Vars for the email password reset system.
      • Copy and paste the key, value, pairs into the workspace settings, but not the Postgres database URL in VSCode used for environmental settings (see above).
      • Add a new SECRET_KEY key, value pair from your VSCode environmental settings to the heroku Config Vars.
      • Our static files are not hosted on Heroku, so set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC to 1 in the Config Vars.
    6. Copy these config Vars from the .vscode/settings.json file and this time include the Postgres URL data.

    7. Don't forget to update the allowed hosts for Heroku in your Django settings file.

    8. Lastly, becasse our code is deployed to GitHub, select the deploy tab in Heroku and connect the app to the GitHub repository. Then select automatic deploment from the master branch. This way deployments from VSCode to the master branch, will be automatically pulled by Heroku.

    os.environ.get('localhost', ''),

    In VSCode - Part 2

    1. To stat the project using MySQL, load the project as a project workspace. or...

    2. To open it using the Postgres production database, right click the project folder in windows and open with VSCode.

    3. In the command line, start the virtual environment for the project.

    4. For deploying our models to the production database (we have already made our development models in MySQL), test connection to the new Postgres database by noting the instructions from the command line.

      • Connecting to the local MySQL database should not occur.
      • There will be an instruction to run python migrate,
      • Then run run python makemigrations
      • Then run run python migrate again.
      • run migrate to create new models on the Postgres database. The existing migrations will be used.
      • A new superuser will be required for the new Postgres database, run python creatsuperuser and fill in the required superuser details to create super user.
      • Run the app, python runserver and login as the administrator. All your db models should be clean and empty.

4. MySQL / PostgreSQL Database Schema (using MySQL Workbench)

The EER drawing for the project has been divided into two sections, namely the Blog models EER and the Issues models EER.

Blog EER diagram

Figure 9 of the Blog EER diagram.

Issues EER diagram

Figure 10 of the Issues EER diagram.

5. Development & Testing


The project brief was to follow a a pattern of Test Driven Development. Testing was carried out writing functions and then verify the data returned from the function. In this case, print statements were created to print cursor from a data collection and then print specific objects or key value pairs.

Where CRUD operations were being carried out, the data was verified by watching the updates being carried out to the my local storage managed by MySQL Workbench.

Server codes were used to monitor POST GET transitions from the forms.

The following manual tests were carried out

(This method of manual testing was suggested with thanks, by @johnL)

Checks as logged out user:

  • From the landing page, I should only see the index page content as intended, login, blog and register and title navbar. Pass

  • I could click on each link, which brought me to the respective page. Pass

  • I clicked the blog page contains link and was brought to the blog page. Pass

  • From the blog page, I clicked on links and used the search function that would normally access other parts of the site. Clicking these links, brought me to the login page. Pass

  • On the login page, I attempted to login without any registered details. An error message told me my "user name or password is incorrect". Pass

  • On the Registration page I tried to register with a user name, a email address that I knew was already taken, and then a unique password. An error message told me my email address had to be unique. Pass

  • On the Registration page I tried to register with a user name, a unique email address, and two different passwords. An error message told me my passwords had to match. Pass

  • On the Registration page I tried to register with a user name, a unique email address, and a numeric password. An error message told me my passwords could not be entirely numeric. Pass

  • On the Registration page I tried to register with a user name, a unique email address, and a alphanumeric password longer that the 4 character limit. I was successfully registered and brought to the index page. Pass

  • I logged out again and then tried to access the following pages

    • Issues - redirected me to the login page. Pass
    • Posts - brought me to the posts page. Pass
    • Cart - redirected me to the login page. Pass
    • Admin - redirected me to the admin login page. Pass

Checks as a logged in user:

  • From the landing page, I should only see the index page content as intended, logout, blog, bugs and my name as the profile link, and the shopping cart link on the title navbar. Pass

  • I tested each link to be sure I was brought to the correct page and that if I clicked log out, that I was logged out of the app. Pass

  • Profile Page: /accounts/profile/

    • Should contain a form for entering my details. My email address should be shown if given at registration. Pass
    • If I am admin or staff, I should see a Admin/Staff Development Data footer on the form with my activity details. Pass
    • If I am not admin or staff, I should see a just the form for adding in my user details. Pass
    • As an admin, if I fill out the form and save, I am sent to the index page. There is a message bar to say my profile was updated. Pass
    • If I am not admin, if I fill out the form and save, I am sent to the index page. There is a message bar to say my profile was updated. Pass
    • If I click on Profile again, I should see my updated details. Pass
  • Blog Page: /posts/

    • As an admin or staff, I should see the blog made by a Custom Drone admin or staff member. It will have a button to let me read more, which will let me expand the contents of the blog. The Blog info should give me information about how many posts are approved and posts pending approval. It should also provide a button for a new blog Pass

      • If I click the new blog button, I am presented with a form form writing in details for posting a new blog. I am able to use Markdown tags in the content box and preview my blog as Markdown. When I click back to blog it brings me back to the blogs. If I click save, it creates the new blog and brings me back to blogs. Pass
    • If I am not an admin, I should be able to see the blog. It will have a button to let me read more, which will let me expand the contents of the blog. If I The Blog info should give me information about Custom Drone and about the blogs, as well as provides a button for a new Bug Pass

      • If I click on back to blog, it brings me back to all the blogs. If I click on add comment, I am presented with a form for adding a comment. - - If I save my comment, I am brought back to the blog details page. I can see my comment below the blog. Pass
  • Bugs Page: /issues/

    • Bug Posts /issues/1

      • If I am admin or staff and I click on the Bugs link, I should see all the bugs and features that have been logged in the app, similar to the blogs. Under Task Information I should see some information about the page as well as a visual statistics of various aspects of the information. There should also be a button for an to create a New Blog. Pass
      • If I click on the read more button on the bug, I am brought to the bug details page. I am presented with more buttons to carry out admin work on the bug Pass
      • /issues/add_comment/1/new_comment
      • If I click add comment, I can add a comment. If I click back to bugs, I am brought back to the bugs details page. Pass

      • On the bug details page, I now have an option to approve or remove the comment. The pending approval counter in the Task Information now shows one comment is pending approval. Pass

      • If I click remove for the comment, the comment is removed. Pass

      • If I add anther comment, the comment is saved and the comments counter increases by one. The pending approval counter decreases by one. Pass

      • If I click Add Vote, the vote counter increases by one. A message bar appears to say thank you for voting. Pass

      • If I click Add Vote, again the vote counter stays the same. An alert message bar appears to say that I have already voted for this bug. Pass

      • /issues/1/update/
      • If I click Update, I am brought to a new page with a dropdown menu. This lets me select a new status for the task. if I change the status and click confirm, It returns me to the details page and a blue message alerts me that the status has been updated. Pass
      • /issues/1/remove/
      • If I click Remove I am brought to a confirmation button to remove the Bug or return to post. If I click return to post, I am returned to the post details. If I click conform, I am brought back to the list of issues. An alert notice tells me that the item has been removed.

      • The Task Information shows me that the Bugs Resolution and Bugs by Category counts have both dropped by one. Pass

      • If I am not admin or staff and I click on the Bugs link, I should see all the bugs and features that have been logged in the app, similar to the blogs. Under Task Information I should see some information about the page, with a button for adding a New Bug. Pass

      • If I click on the Read more button, it brings me to the bug details page. I can see more detailed information about the bug as well as comments made by other users. I can see stats about views and votes, as well as a button to Add Comment and Add Vote. Pass

      • If I posted the bug originally I have a button that will let me open a form and edit the details in the bug post. Pass

      • If this is someone else's bug, there is no edit bug button. Pass

      • If I click on Add Comment I am brought to a page that has a form to let me add a comment. If I click Back to Bugs, it brings me back to the list of bugs. If I click Save, I am brought back to the bug details and I can see it below the other comments. Pass

      • If I click Add Vote, the vote counter on the bug increases by one. A message bar appears to say thank you for voting. Pass

      • If I click Add Vote, again the vote counter stays the same. An alert message bar appears to say that I have already voted for this bug.

      • /issues/1/edit/
      • If I posted the bug originally I have a button that will let me open a form and edit the details in the bug post. Pass
      • If this is someone else's bug, there is no edit bug button. Pass
    • Feature Posts /issues/2

      • If I am admin or staff and I click on the Bugs link, I should see all the bugs and features that have been logged in the app, similar to the blogs. Under Task Information I should see some information about the page as well as a visual statistics of various aspects of the information. There should also be a button for an to create a New Blog. Pass

      • If I click on the read more button on the feature, I am brought to the feature details page. This is the same page as for the bugs except that there is a add to cart button that lets a user add one item of the feature to a shopping cart. Pass

      • The rest of the functions on this page are the same functions as used in the bug posts above. Pass

      • If I am not admin or staff and I click on the Bugs link, I should see all the bugs and features that have been logged in the app, similar to the blogs. Under Task Information I should see some information about the page, with a button for adding a New Bug. Pass

      • If I click on the read more button on the feature, I am brought to the feature details page. This is the same page as for the bugs except that there is a add to cart button that lets a user add one item of the feature to a shopping cart. Pass

      • /issues/2/edit/
      • If I posted the feature originally I have a button that will let me open a form and edit the details in the feature post. Pass
      • If this is someone else's feature, there is no edit bug button. Pass
      • /cart/
      • If I click add to cart, I am brought to the cart page. Pass
      • /checkout/
      • From the Cart, if I click Checkout, I am brought to the checkout page. Page
      • If I return to the bugs page I and I add the same item to the cart again, the item is not incremented in the cart. Pass
      • If I return to add another feature to the cart, the next item is shown in the cart. The subtotals for the cart are incremented. Pass
    • Checkout Page: /cart/

      • The checkout page shows the items selected from the shopping cart. The sub-totals for each of the items chosen is shown below each item and a total is then shown above Payment Details form. Pass
      • If I leave out the details on the payment details form and click submit payment, an alert appears on the form field to show the items that need to be filled in. Pass
      • If I click Return to Cart, I am returned to the cart. Pass
      • If I access the the shopping cart at a user or as admin or staff member, the pages is the same. I have an amend button, delete cart item button, a checkout button and a new bug button. Pass
      • If I choose to amend the cart quantity, I can only choose between 1 and 0 items. This is to facilitate future development where quantity could be a partial contribution in hours. Pass
      • The delete button removes the item from the cart and brings me to an empty cart screen. Pass
      • Clicking on the button from the empty cart screen, returns me to the issues page. Pass
      • If I fill out the form and provide the stripe developer credit card details, and click submit payment, I get a message saying my payment was successful. Pass
    • Site Security /urltampering/

      • I have implemented custom 404 Page Not Found and 500 Server Error code pages
        • To test the 404 error, I added a random word into the URL bar. The 404 page was loaded as expected. If I clicked on the image URL, I was brought back to the index page. Pass
        • To test the 500 Server error, I was debugging database error. As a result, the 500 error was produced. Clicking on the image, brought me back to the index page. Pass

Debugging Strategy

I thought that the best way to test this application as I have done in the past, was to run a beta test by putting the application on Heroku and then letting everyone in my college try it. While doing so, I asked for feedback on the application. This is the feedback I got:

Issues Found

  1. The blog page is considered to to be the main front end of the site and wasn't publicly accessible.

  2. The main user registration page wasn't showing error messages. Once the user had registered, the errors remind queued on their profile page.

  3. I had trouble counting stats data accumulating in the issues model for the different categories of bugs and features.

  4. I had trouble trying to assign a integer value for hours required to do a particular tasks. There were three different task types and so need 3 different amounts of time assigned to each one. I was unable to to use a list then refence a time in the model.

  5. Colleagues have come back to me with problems that they have noticed with the media queries for transitioning between mobile view, table and larger screens.

  6. The shopping cart is meant to be able to align all the items in the cart horizontally, to where it meets the user aside on the right. This stopped working after all refactored all the injected partials. Instead the shopping cart items line up below each other like to blog cards.

  7. I have implemented a 3rd party add-in for using Markdown with the blog entries. I've noticed how ever that if use {{ post.get_content_as_markdown|truncatewords:30 }}, the Markdown text will be sliced if any partial tags are left, they disrupt my html framework.

    The Fixes Implemented

  8. Moved a copy of the blog URL to the public side of the login. I then removed login required form the get_posts view. I then tested the links on the page to insure the from the insecure/public side of the site, that the user is diverted to the login page.

  9. Messaging was added to the registration page and the login page. Messaging wasn't working due to an error with the messaging block tags.

  10. I used a django filter find function to find the Boolean values and then used a either count in the html framework, as well as in places, kept the count in the view function.

  11. To assign a unit of time to a particular type of work, changed the view functions that log a new feature as well as edit and existing bug/feature. When the user selected a type of task that was a feature, such as 'Navigation', an if, elif, else function now evaluated the genre, and if it matches the genre chosen; then that genre = hours_required. The hours_required was then saved to the table along with all the other information needed to log the issue.

  12. I am still working on debugging the media queries.

  13. I need to implement a change to the cart framework to make the changes.

  14. I haven't found a way yet to safety truncate the Markdown text. For the purpose of this exercise, I have had to remove truncate words till a solution can be found.

6. Credits

  • There are loads of people that I want to give credit to. These include, first and foremost my family for their support!

  • My friends within the Code Institute who go by the Slack handles @robinz_alumni @JoWings, @Eventret_Mentor, @Miro_lead, @JohnL3_Alumni, @Sonya, , my Mentor, Nishant and tutors as well and many others. You guys have helped me to find my way and personally shared resources like UXD design templates-to help keep my thoughts on task and on track and help with my C9 and VSCode coding environments. Thank you ladies and gentlemen!

by Duncan Falconer for the Code Institute, 2019