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Stratio Common Library

This scala repository is a common library developed in Scala for use libraries with common features, this can be used in all Stratio Modules. Now is possible to create some generic modules:

  • Repositories
  • Logger
  • Configuration

Appart from these modules, a functional package has been added in order to provide some extended functionality regarding scala collections and functional utilities.


  • Zookeeper:

    Public interface and functions for use Zookeeper as a Repository Component


  • Slf4j:

    Public interface and functions for use SLF4J library as a Logger Component

  • Spark:

    Public interface and functions for use the Spark Logger interface as a Logger Component, internally use SLF4J library.


  • TypeSafe:

    Public interface and functions for use Typesafe configuration library as a Config Component

Metrics - time

It allows measuring the time that took executing certain block code. You can instantiate it by extending an implementation of TimeComponent:

object MyModule extends SystemClockTimeComponent

You can measure the time and get the result of evaluating some T expression:

import MyModule._
val (result, timeItTook) = time(2 + 2)

Or just evaluate the time, ignoring the result:

import MyModule._
val duration = justTime {
  println(2 + 2)

Functional utilities

Anonymous iterators

These functional package iterator functions allow defining anonymous iterators with higher kinded functions.

A StatefulIterator keeps track of its internal state, and allows defining the way to retrieve a new element from the iterator based on the internal state:

import com.stratio.common.utils.functional._
val ite: StatefulIterator[String,Int] =
    _ < 10,
    state => (state + 1, Random.nextString(state)))

Have in mind that the signature implies defining:

  • the initial internal state
  • the hasNext function regarding the internal current state
  • the next function that, besides returning an element, mutates the iterator internal state.

You can also create a stateful iterator with the initial state and a next function that optionally might make the iterator stop:

import com.stratio.common.utils.functional._
val ite: StatefulIterator[String,Int] =
    state => Option((state + 1, Random.nextString(state)).find(_ => state < 10))

A StatelessIterator allows defining the way to retrieve a new element from the iterator. It's actually an Iterator[Option[T]] with some apply helpers. As well as StatefulIterator worked, you can define both hasNext and next functions:

import com.stratio.common.utils.functional._
val ite: StatelessIterator[String] =

...or just define a single function that optionally might make the iterator stop:

import com.stratio.common.utils.functional._
val ite: StatelessIterator[String] =
    if (database.hasResults()) Option(
    else None)

Reflect type utilities

It provides a fancy DSL (so an easy way) to determine type equality in Scala.


import scala.reflect.classTag
import com.stratio.common.utils.functional._

class Kid
class Daddy extends Kid
class Grandpa extends Daddy

classTag[Kid].isA[Kid] //true
classTag[Kid].isA[Daddy] //false
classTag[Daddy].isA[Grandpa] //false
classTag[Grandpa].isA[Kid] //true

classTag[Kid].isExactlyA[Kid] //true
classTag[Kid].isExactlyA[Daddy] //false
classTag[Daddy].isExactlyA[Grandpa] //false
classTag[Grandpa].isExactlyA[Grandpa] //true

It also works providing the Class with classOf[Kid] instead of the ClassTag.

Monad Transformers utilities

Using Monad Transformers you can work with complex types easily. Currently, there are two types supported: Try[List[A]] and Try[Option[A]]. Also, you can use Either[Throwable, List[A]] and Either[Throwable, Option[A]] equivalently.

The way to work with this functionality is using for comprehensions. With monad transformers we can iterate through two levels of types. For example, if we have a Try[List[A]], we can iterate the list keeping the type Try. The same with the type Try[Option[A]].

Method to uses Monad Transformers with list is called get values. On the other hand, using get value you could use it with an Option type.


  import com.stratio.common.utils.functional.MonadTransformerDSL._
  import TryFunctorConversionUtils._

  (for {
    x <- get values Try(List("a", "b"))
  } yield (x, x)).run  //Try(List(("a", "a"), ("b", "b")))

  (for {
    x <- get value Try(Option("a"))
  } yield (x, x)).run  //Try(Option(("a", "a")))

Have in mind that to undone the monad transformer and keep working with the original types, it is necessary a call to the run method.

To complement the monad transformers with Option types, it's also provided some extra functionality:

  • orThrow: throw an exception if the Option is None.
  (for {
    x <- get value Try(Option("a")) orThrow new Exception("Exception message")
  } yield (x, x)).run  //Try(Option(("a", "a")))

  (for {
    x <- get value Try(None) orThrow new Exception("Exception message")
  } yield (x, x)).run  //An exception is thrown
  • flatten: it realizes a flatten. The Option is removed but keeping the Try. An exception is thrown if the Option is None.
  (for {
    x <- get value Try(Option("a"))
  } yield (x, x)).run.flatten  //Try(("a", "a"))

  (for {
    x <- get value Try(None)
  } yield (x, x)).run.flatten  //An exception is thrown
  • flattenOr: same functionality as flatten but providing an alternative if the Option is None.
  (for {
    x <- get value Try(Option("a"))
  } yield (x, x)).run.flattenOr(("b", "b"))  //Try(("a", "a"))

  (for {
    x <- get value Try(None)
  } yield (x, x)).run.flattenOr(("b", "b"))  //Try(("b", "b"))

Concurrent utilities


Despite of not having a way a to invoke Future.sequence with an Option , the concurrent utilities provide a nice Option[Future[T]] => Future[Option[T]] function with the Future.option method:

import com.stratio.common.utils.concurrent._

val someFuture = Option(Future(1))
val result: Future[Option[Int]] = Future.option(someFuture)

Akka high level Keep-Alive heartbeat and monitor

This tool set provides a mechanism implementing a dead man switch in Akka not relying on low level transport features and this way being compatible with both remote and local modes. It relies on the use of a configurable id for monitored services identification.

It is composed by two parts:

  • MonitoredActor trait which automatically makes the mixer actor a heart beater for the set id.
  • The KeepAliveMaster is an actor whereby dead monitored services (identified by id) are detected. It offers a messaging interface.

This is an example of a rather silly monitored actor:

class MonitoredActor(override val keepAliveId: Int, override val master: ActorRef) extends LiveMan[Int] {
    override val period: FiniteDuration = 100 milliseconds

    override def receive: Receive = PartialFunction.empty

val liveMan: ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props(new MonitoredActor(42, testActor)))

Silly for its only purpose is to be monitored but it could perform whatever task any regular actor can. In this case, the service identifying id is and integer and is provided at build time: override val keepAliveId: Int

To set a monitor and subscribe it to our silly actor heartbeats you can just do as follows:

val master: ActorRef = system.actorOf(KeepAliveMaster.props[Int](testActor)) // This creates the monitor actor...

master ! DoCheck(42, 200 milliseconds) // And it is told to monitor the service with id = 42

testActor in the snippet above is the ActorRef of the actor to be notified when a monitored service has fallen.

DoCheck has 3 parameters:

  1. id being monitored. The monitor will not care about which actor confirmed and id. It'll just be concerned on the id being confirmed. This enables control over high availability services as it abstract the underlying provider.
  2. period for which heartbeats, from a specific id, are expected to be received at least once before raising miss alarms for that id.
  3. continueMonitoring (OPTIONAL, default: false) is a flag telling whether an id should still be monitored after its service has fallen (true) or not (false, default).

testActor will receive HeartbeatLost(fallenId) when the by-that-id identified service has stopped its heartbeat.


Stratio's common utlities






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