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Serverless Ticket Tracker

This is an adaption of the WildRydes serverless ticketing workshop for my own personal use and of course built with CDK!

Local Testing

Local API Gateway

Local testing of lambda's can be done use AWS SAM

Build the lambdas

yarn build

Generate the template.yaml

yarn sam-template

Start local DynamoDB

docker network create sam-network
yarn start-db

Start local API Gateway

yarn start-api

Local Lambda Invocation

Build the lambdas

yarn build

Generate the template.yaml

yarn sam-template

The find the logical id of the lambda you want to invoke in the template.yaml and invoke with sam

yarn invoke-local-lambda --lambdaDir lambda/tickets-get

Useful commands

  • yarn build compile typescript to js
  • yarn watch watch for changes and compile
  • yarn test perform the jest unit tests
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template


An example serverless application deployed with AWS CDK






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