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CAN bus adapter for ioBroker

This adapter connects ioBroker to a Controller Area Network (CAN bus).

This adapter uses Sentry libraries to automatically report exceptions and code errors to the developers. For more details and for information how to disable the error reporting see Sentry-Plugin Documentation! Sentry reporting is used starting with js-controller 3.0.


  • Receive and send raw messages using standard frames and extended frames
  • Each message may be configured for receiving and/or sending data
  • Ability to automatically add objects for seen CAN messages which are not already configured
  • Configure parsers for each message to read/write data from/to the raw message buffer
    • Numeric types
    • Booleans including bitmask support
    • Strings in different character encodings
    • Custom scripts to read/write from/to the buffer of raw data
  • Advanced import/export feature
    • Import message configurations to extends your existing configuration
    • Import predefined "well known" configurations from GitHub within the admin interface
    • Export and import your message configurations as json or csv files
  • Optional support for fixed data lengths (DLC)
  • Optional support for the RTR flag
  • Optional raw states containing raw CAN message objects
  • Optional automatically set a certain value in a given interval for each parser (usefull for polling data)


  • Linux operating system (because of the used socketcan library)
  • CAN Hardware which is supported by the kernel and creates an interface like can0
  • Some knowledge about the messages send on you CAN bus


Using parsers you are able to read data from or write data to the CAN message buffer.

There are predefined parsers for the following data types.
Additionally you may write you own scripts to read/write values with a custom parser.

Numeric types in big-endian and little-endian reperesentation

  • Signed and unsigned 8, 16 and 32 bit integer
  • 32 bit float
  • 64 bit double


  • 1 byte including bitmask support


  • 1 to 8 byte length
  • Encoding: ascii, base64, hex, latin1, utf8, utf16le


For a custom parser you have to provide you own read and write script.
These scripts should be pure javascript and will run in a sandbox.

In the scripts you are able to use the following features:

  • Most of Node.js build in functions
  • async/await
  • Adapter log functions log.warn('something'),'something'), log.debug('something')
  • getStateAsync('id') and getObjectAsync('id') where id is the full ID of the state/object
  • An object sharedData which is shared between all custom scripts of an adapter instance

Errors in the scripts will be logged by the adapter.

In both scripts the variables buffer and value are predefined.
buffer always contains the current CAN message content as a Node.js Buffer.

The sharedData object is empty by default and may be used to share some data between multiple calls of a single custom parser or even between multiple custom parsers.

Custom read script

In a read script you have to read the value from the buffer variable.

At the beginning of the custom read script, buffer will be the received/current CAN message data (like in the .json state). value will be undefined and should be set by the script.

The content of the value variable at the end of the custom read script will be used as new value for the state.
If value is undefined, it will be ignored. Using this you are able to filter messages in the custom read script by data parts.

Example for a custom read script

Check the first three bytes in the received buffer to match fixed values.
If matched, read an 16 bit signed integer value from the buffer bytes 3 and 4 and divide it by 10.

if (buffer[0] === 0xC2 && buffer[1] === 0x10 && buffer[2] === 0x0F) {
  value = buffer.readInt16BE(3) / 10;

Cause of value is only set when the first three bytes matched, all other data will be ignored and won't set a new value to the state.

Custom write script

In a write script you have to modify (or replace) the buffer variable.

At the beginning of the custom write script, buffer will be the current CAN message data (like in the .json state). value is set to the value of the state which should be written into the buffer.

The content of the buffer variable at the end of the custom write script will be used as new data for the CAN message.

Example for a custom write script

Prepare a new buffer with fixed values.
Write the state value into the buffer as a signed 16 bit integer, beginning at the fifth byte in the buffer.

buffer = Buffer.from([0x30, 0x00, 0xFA, 0x06, 0x7E, 0x00, 0x00]);
buffer.writeInt16BE(value, 5);

The new buffer will then be set as the .json state.
If the autosend option is enabled for the message, the message will be automatically send.

Usage in scripts

You can handle/modify the <messageId>.json or <messageId>.<parserId> states in your scripts.

Additionally you may use the raw.received and raw.send states, if you have them enabled in the adapter config.
They hold the stringified JSON data of the message data and can be used to handle each received or send message independent from the configured messages. By writing JSON data to the raw.send state you are able to send CAN messages containing any data you like.

Raw message object example

  "id": 42,
  "ext": false,
  "data": [0, 13, 37, 255],
  "rtr": false

ext and rtr are optional and default to false.


1.3.1 (2022-04-19)

  • (crycode-de) Fixed autoSetValue defaults for parsers
  • (crycode-de) Fixed sentry admin integration
  • (crycode-de) Updated dependencies

1.3.0 (2022-02-07)

  • (crycode-de) Added sharedData object in custom parsers

1.2.3 (2021-10-17)

  • (crycode-de) Added missing autoSet... parser options to csv export/import
  • (crycode-de) Fixed TypeError: Method Promise.prototype.then called on incompatible receiver [object Object] triggered by a bug in an old vm2 version
  • (crycode-de) Updated dependencies

1.2.2 (2021-08-22)

  • (crycode-de) Fixed text colors in dark theme of admin 5
  • (crycode-de) Updated dependencies

1.2.1 (2021-06-22)

  • (crycode-de) Added option to automatically set a certain value in a given interval for each parser
  • (crycode-de) Added checks for duplicate parser IDs
  • (VeSler) Russian translation updates
  • (crycode-de) Use inline sourcemaps for the adapter build files to make remote debugging work
  • (crycode-de) Updated dependencies

1.1.4 (2021-04-30)

  • (crycode-de) Added license information to import of well-known configurations
  • (crycode-de) Fixed "Parser returned wrong data type undefined" log message
  • (crycode-de) Updated dependencies

1.1.3 (2021-04-12)

  • (crycode-de) Added definition of possible state values in admin
  • (crycode-de) Added selection of the state role for each parser in admin
  • (crycode-de) Fixed display bug of floating action buttons in admin
  • (crycode-de) Export uses defaults if some config parts are not defined (e.g. if the config is from an older version)
  • (crycode-de) Fixed wrong validation if a message/parser was deleted

1.1.2 (2021-04-06)

  • (crycode-de) Added copy/paste function for message and parser configurations in admin

1.1.1 (2021-04-02)

  • (crycode-de) Import bugfixes
  • (crycode-de) Prevent wrong log warning if a parser returned undefined
  • (crycode-de) Added react errorboundary for better clientside error handling

1.1.0 (2021-04-01)

  • (crycode-de) Added import/export feature for messages in json or csv format
  • (crycode-de) Added import of well known configurations from GitHub
  • (crycode-de) Fixed config import in admin
  • (crycode-de) Added ioBroker state data type option for custom parsers

1.0.2 (2021-03-26)

  • (crycode-de) Fixed issue where missing state prevented custom parser write
  • (DutchmanNL) Dutch translation updates
  • (UncleSamSwiss) French translation updates
  • (VeSler) Russian translation updates

1.0.1 (2021-03-12)

  • (crycode-de) Use a queue to process parser and send state changes in the correct order
  • (crycode-de) Fixed some spelling issues
  • (crycode-de) Updated dependencies

1.0.0 (2021-02-23)

  • (crycode-de) Sort messages in admin
  • (VeSler) Russian admin translations
  • (crycode-de) Updated dependencies

Older changelog is in


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Peter Müller (