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dabit edited this page Sep 28, 2010 · 5 revisions

Requirements & Setup

Fork the repo, then clone it locally

Bundler, install the gem:

     gem install bundler

Then use bundler to install everything else:

     bundle install

Write something

Create a file in the _post folder following the permalink convention YYYY-MM-DD-title-of-the-post.markdown or YYYY-MM-DD-title-of-the-post.textile

Yau can use either Markdown or Textile to write the posts. Just specify the format as the extension of the file.


The following header must be included at the very top of your post.

layout: post
title: About Crowd Interactive
author: The Author Name
avatar: d32b52ec6403614b1adf3e648cbbe584
short_date: Jun 01


You can create your avatar using Gravatar. Then go to the "Check this Gravatar" section and copy the Email Hash and include it on your header:

avatar: a59cda5de705716cbd18195a4dd68a56

Check it out

To test how your post looks, you can run the jekyll server locally:

jekyll --server --auto

And then, go to and check how the blog will look.

The --auto option will make jekyll update the server automatically every time a file on the blog changes.

Faster compilation

Notice: for 10x faster LSI support, please install

You need to install this or it will take a while to compile all the pages

Commit & Pull Request

Commit the changes, preferably in your own branch and then, do a pull request to the owners of the main repo to let them know you are ready to be published.

Common issues

Segmentation Fault

If you get something like this:

..../rdiscount-1.6.5/lib/rdiscount.bundle: [BUG] Segmentation fault

You will have to reinstall rdiscount gem manually, it will compile it with the correct platform

pygmentize command not found

You might want to install Pygments to configure your syntax highlighting, so you can try this (depending on your OS):

On OSX with MacPorts:

sudo port install python25 py25-pygments

Alternatively on OS X Leopard:

sudo easy_install Pygments

On Archlinux:

sudo pacman -S pygments

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install python-pygments

On Gentoo:

sudo emerge -av dev-python/pygments

On Windows(?):

Are you using Windows???... Seriously.