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Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

This repo contains a working app that includes CRUD operations for fruit. It has the beginnings of authentication such as a <Nav> component with buttons for registering and signing in and a component to conditionally hide/show its child components based on if the user is authenticated.

Our task is to complete the authentication implementation of this app.


0. Installation and migrations

  • Clone this repo and cd into the new directory

  • Install packages, run migrations and seeds, and start the dev server with npm run dev


    Commands might look like this:

    npm install
    npm run knex migrate:latest
    npm run knex seed:run
    npm run dev
  • Visit http://localhost:5173 in your browser


In order to complete the implementation of authentication for this app, we need to make changes on both the client-side and the server-side to enable user registration and sign-in. We're also going to protect certain routes (the ones that alter data) so that only authenticated users can call them.

Requirements summary


  • Determine if the current user is logged in or not
  • Allow the user to register
  • Allow the user to sign in
  • Send the access token with each request
  • Allow the user to log off
  • Hide/show components based on the user's auth status


The following routes should accept only authenticated requests

  • POST /api/v1/fruits
  • PUT /api/v1/fruits
  • DELETE /api/v1/fruits

1. Getting familiar with the app

  • Explore the existing codebase

    More about exploring the codebase

    No need to rush into this. There might be some patterns you haven't seen before.

    For example, this codebase uses styled-components. There is also a nice use of props.children in the <Authenticated> components.

  • Get familiar with the user interface

    Tips At this stage it's normal that "Sign out" displays (as if you were logged in), even though you're not logged in.

    Select some fruits and try to update their values, delete them, and add new ones. See which work and which give errors.

    Once you're comfortable enough with the app, proceed with a sense of curiosity as we enable authentication and lock down parts of the UI and some of the web API to only authenticated users.

Auth0 setup

2. Creating your user account

  • Open your browser, go to and sign up for a new account

  • Use the following settings to configure your user

    User configuration settings (including value 1️⃣)
    1. For the "Role," select Yes, coding, and tick I need advanced settings (you don't need a chat with an expert)
    2. The default domain will be something like dev-fsdf1y29, but you should overwrite it with a domain of your own, in the format cohortName-yourFirstName, for example matai-2021-john 1️⃣. This value will be used later
    3. Select Australia as your Region
    4. Click Create Account
    5. Make sure Development is selected as the Environment tag. This should be the default but you can check it by looking at what is displayed at the top left (in the black bar, immediately under your domain) or by going to Settings

3. Creating the "application"

  • Go to Applications, and click the Create Application button

  • Use the following settings to configure your application

    App configuration settings (including value 2️⃣)
    1. Give your application a name, for example "Fruits App"
    2. Select Single Page Web Applications and click the Create button. This application will be used for our front-end app. On creating, you will be taken to the "Quick Start" tab of your new app
    3. Select the Settings tab
    4. Auth0 generated a random ClientId 2️⃣, make a note of it, because we will use this value later.
    5. Set the following values, in the Application URIs section:
    Setting Value
    Allowed Callback Url http://localhost:5173/ 
    Allowed Logout Url http://localhost:5173/
    Allowed Web Origins Url http://localhost:5173/
    1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Save Changes button

4. Creating the application API

  • On the side bar, expand Applications, click on APIs, then click the Create API button

    More about the API

    In order to protect our routes in the server-side, we need to verify that tokens passed from the client are valid. Creating an API that is linked to the Auth0 Application, the one that you just created, will check the token's validity.

  • Give your API a name, for example, "fruits"

  • Set the Identifier field to be https://fruits/api 3️⃣, this value will be used as our audience later


5. Configuring Auth0Provider

In client/index.tsx:

  • Observe how <Auth0Provider> has been used in client/index.tsx

    More about <Auth0Provider>
    • <Auth0Provider> has been imported from the Auth0 package
    • <Auth0Provider> wraps the <App> component
    • <Auth0Provider> has some attributes with no values... yet
  • Set the values in each attribute of <Auth0Provider> to the proper values from previous steps, marked 1️⃣, 2️⃣, and 3️⃣

    More about these attributes

    See the docs for the provider component.

    Attribute Value
    domain See 1️⃣ above, format is
    clientId See 2️⃣ above, this is the random string you made a note of earlier
    audience See 3️⃣ above, https://fruits/api
  • Refresh your browser and check the Network tab in the DevTools, if you see errors, then double check the steps above

Commit your code and swap driver/navigator if you're pairing.

6. Determining if the current user is signed in

In client/components/Authenticated.tsx:

  • Explore Authenticated.tsx and the use of isAuthenticated

    More about Authenticated.tsx

    Our existing code contains a couple of clever <IfAuthenticated> and <IfNotAuthenticated> components in client/components/Authenticated.tsx. They render their child components based on the authentication status of the user.

    Fortunately, @auth0/auth0-react package exports a useAuth0 hook. This hook exposes useful functions and values. Here we will use the isAuthenticated boolean value to see if there is an auth token, and that it hasn't yet expired. This hook does the checking behind the scenes.

    Right now there is a placeholder useIsAuthenticated hook which is hard-coded to return true.

  • Import the useAuth0 hook from within @auth0/auth0-react

  • Call useAuth0 within the useIsAuthenticated function, destructure the isAuthenticated property out of it and return this boolean variable

    More about useIsAuthenticated

    Note that because useIsAuthenticated calls a hook inside of it and returns its value, it also becomes a hook, which is why we start the function name with use.

    With that in place, you can now see the "Sign in" link in the app.

Now is a good time to commit your changes and swap driver/navigator if you're pairing.

7. Allowing the user to log in/out using Auth0

In client/components/Nav.tsx:

  • Import the useAuth0 hook from @auth0/auth0-react and use it inside the <Nav> component

  • Destructure the logout, and loginWithRedirect functions out of the useAuth0 hook

  • Call these functions in the two handlers (instead of the console.log placeholders)

    More about login and logout handlers
    • In handleSignOut we'll call logout
    • In handleSignIn, we'll call loginWithRedirect

    The "Sign In" link will redirect you to Auth0's authentication service and prompt you to enter an email and password. If this is your first time signing in, click on Sign up below the Continue button. This form allows you to create a new user (subscription) that is only used for the one Auth0 app. Even if you used the same email and password when creating an account on a different app, Auth0 will treat it as a new account that is specific to your Fruits app.

    After you've registered your new user, you will be redirected back to http://localhost:5173 and "Sign out" will again be visible in the app.

Commit your code and swap driver/navigator if you're pairing.

8. Reading user metadata in Nav.tsx

Currently, when we are signed in, we still see "john.doe" rendered as the nickname. Let's replace that with the nickname of the current user.

In client/components/Nav.tsx:

  • Delete the hard-coded value for user and replace it with the user object from useAuth0

    More about user in Nav.tsx

    Notice how user?.nickname has a question mark in front of it. This is called the optional chaining operator. When we sign in, the user object may still be null while the user object is being fetched from Auth0. This optional chaining operator will prevent the app from crashing if the user object is null (while the user is authenticated).

  • When a user is signed in, try console.loging the user object. You'll see that it has a nickname property; this is what is being rendered in Nav.tsx. You may try rendering other properties, such as name, email, or image.

Commit your code and swap driver/navigator if you're pairing.

9. Passing access tokens

We only want to allow a user to use our server routes if the user has been authenticated. We can retrieve a JWT token from Auth0 with getAccessTokenSilently, we want to pass it as a header when calling our server-side routes.

  • In client/components/Fruits.tsx destructure getAccessTokenSilently, and call it in the handleAdd event handler to retrieve a token. Note: getAccessTokenSilently returns a Promise.


    getAccessTokenSilently returns a Promise, so you'll need to use either:

    // async/await
    function handleMyEvent() {
      const token = await getAccessTokenSilently();
      // ... pass to api function
    // or
    // .then/.catch
    function handleMyEvent() {
        .then((token) => {
          // ... pass to api function
  • Pass token to the addFruit function as the second parameter

  • Repeat the same steps for handleUpdate and handleDelete

Commit your code and swap driver/navigator if you're pairing.


10. Setting up the JWT Middleware

  • In server/auth0.ts, set the domain(1️⃣, see tip below for required format) and audience(3️⃣) values


    The format of domain should be and audience should be https://fruits/api.

11. Passing middleware to routes

There are three routes in server/routes/fruits.ts that we want to be accessible only for authenticated users.

  • In each of the routes we want to protect, pass checkJwt as a second parameter

    More about protecting routes

    You'll need to import the checkJwt function from server/auth0.ts.

    Passing checkJwt to the route might look like...'/', checkJwt, (req, res) => {
      // do stuff here

    The following routes should accept only authenticated requests

    • POST /api/v1/fruits
    • PUT /api/v1/fruits
    • DELETE /api/v1/fruits
What's happening with the middleware?

Every time a route receives an HTTP request, the checkJwt middleware will be activated and issue an HTTP request behind the scenes (machine to machine). The Auth0 service will compare the public signatures. If all goes well, express will execute the body of your route.

Now our middleware is ready to be used.

🎉 Congratulations, you made it! 🎉


More about stretch challenges

Some of the buttons and/or links are only valid in certain circumstances (if you're logged in, if you're the person who created that fruit, etc.). What improvements can you make to the app so that users only see buttons/links that they're actually allowed to use?


Open cheatsheet
// importing and using the useAuth0 hook
import { useAuth0 } from '@auth0/auth0-react'

function MyComponent() {
  const { isAuthenticated, user, getAccessTokenSilently, loginWithRedirect, logout } = useAuth0()

  // ...
// retrieve access token to give to API functions
  // async/await
  async function handleMyEvent() {
    const token = await getAccessTokenSilently()
    const response = await fetchFromApi(token)

  // or
  // .then/.catch
  function handleMyEvent() {
      .then((token) => {
        return fetchFromApi(token)
      .then((response) => {/* ... */})
// secure an API route
router.get('/my-protected-route', checkJwt, (req, res) => {
  //                              ^? this is the middleware
  // user is authenticated
  const userId = req.auth?.sub
  // ...

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