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This repository contains example data to use with the speech_to_phonemes docker image. The speech_to_phonemes service consists in a phonetic transcriber that can be trained to transcribe an audio speech recording to a time-aligned list of IPA phonemes. Its goal is to allow someone to automatically do phonetic transcription of large amounts of audio recordings from a single speaker, starting with only a small amount of already transcribed recordings from the same speaker. The model can be trained for any language, as long as the user provides the required data. More details can be found in the paper: Phoneme transcription of endangered languages: an evaluation of recent ASR architectures in the single speaker scenario.


The service is run directly from a Docker image.

You can pull the speech_to_phonemes Docker image from DockerHub.


The service can be executed in two different modes : the training or the decoding mode. In training mode, the model is trained and then evaluated on a separate development set, and optionnally saved for later use. In decoding mode, a saved model is applied to transcribe audio recordings.

Training mode :

Trains a phonetic transcriber model, which can be reused in the decoding mode. The data required for training must be formatted in .eaf files (ELAN Annotation Format). Optional text (.txt) files can also be used to improve the model. The user must also provide a g2p table (grapheme-to-phoneme table) according to the language being processed.

usage :

docker run crimca/speech_to_phonemes:0.1.0 train
                --train_dir TRAIN_DIR --dev_dir DEV_DIR
                [--wav_dir WAV_DIR] [--model_output_dir MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR]
                --g2p G2P [--skip_tokens SKIP_TOKENS [SKIP_TOKENS ...]]
                [--number_jobs NUMBER_JOBS]

Note that train_dir, dev_dir, etc. are directories internal to the running docker container. Use the docker --volume option to mount host directories so they are visible inside the container (see step-by-step example below).

Required arguments :

train_dir : Directory containing the training data, which should consist of .eaf files and optional text (.txt) files. Make sure to only put files used as training data in this directory.

dev_dir : Directory containing the testing data, which should consist of .eaf files and optional text (.txt) files. Make sure to only put files used as testing data in this directory.

g2p : Conversion table that translates a grapheme to its corresponding IPA phoneme(s). The file should be formatted with one definition per line, where a grapheme is followed by a list of space-separated IPA phonemes.

Example : dʑ d ʑ where is the grapheme and d ʑ is the list of corresponding phonemes.

For more example on the data format, refer to the data provided on this repository.

Optional arguments :

wav_dir : Directory containing all the audio data, which should consist of the wav files associated with the input eaf files. This directory should contain both the train and dev audio files. The association between an eaf file and its audio file will be deduced from the MEDIA_DESCRIPTOR info found in the eaf file. The wav path will either be found from the relative path found in the descriptor combined with the wav_dir argument path, or, if no relative path is found, the wav filename, found in the absolute path, will be used to look for the file directly in the wav_dir path.

If this argument is not included, the absolute path found in the eaf file's descriptor will be used to find the wav file.

model_output_dir : Directory where the output of the model training will be sent. This output directory will contain the resulting model, which is necessary for the decoding mode. The default directory used is './kaldi_scripts', which is a path relative to the main executed source code. This directory should be mounted to a volume when executing the Docker image in order to be able to reuse the output for the decoding mode.

skip_tokens : A list of space separated string tokens of one or more characters that will be removed from the text data before processing it for training.

number_jobs : If multiple cores are available, the data can be split in the number_jobs defined here to do processing in parallel with Kaldi. (Default = 1, which represents no data splitting)

Decoding mode :

Uses a model obtained from the training mode to transcribe an audio file to an IPA phonetic transcription. The output will be saved into an eaf file.

usage :

docker run crimca/speech_to_phonemes:0.1.0 decode
                [-s SEGMENTS_FILENAME] [--model_dir MODEL_DIR]
                [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--number_jobs NUMBER_JOBS]

Required argument :

wav_file : Path to the wav file that will be transcribed to IPA phonemes.

Optional arguments :

s (segments) : Path to a file containing a list of segments. The file must use the Kaldi syntax for segments files : <speaker_id> <wav_filename> <segment_start_time> <segment_end_time> Providing a segments file will skip the Voice Activity Detection (VAD) step, which would create a list of segments where speech is detected.

model_dir : Path where the model used for decoding the audio file is found. This path is equivalent to the path of the argument 'model_output_dir' found in the training mode, which is the path where the training model is created. The default directory used is './kaldi_scripts', which is a path relative to the main executed source code.

output_dir : Output path where the resulting eaf file will be saved. If not provided will default to the directory of the input wav file.

number_jobs : If multiple cores are available, the data can be split in the number_jobs defined here to do processing in parallel with Kaldi.(Default = 1, which represents no data splitting)

Step-by-step example

  1. Clone this repo and go to its root.
cd speech_to_phonemes
  1. Select a language by its id.
  1. Run training and evaluation.
docker run -v `pwd`/data:/mnt/wdir crimca/speech_to_phonemes:0.1.0 train \
                                --train_dir /mnt/wdir/$lid/train_$lid \
                                --dev_dir /mnt/wdir/$lid/dev_$lid \
                                --wav_dir /mnt/wdir/$lid \
                                --g2p /mnt/wdir/$lid/g2p_$lid/roman_to_ipa.g2p \
                                --model_output_dir /mnt/wdir/model_$lid

The --model_output_dir option is used to save the model after training, but it is optional. In this example, the model, along with detailed logs and intermediate results, will be saved in data/model_$lid. If the option is omitted, the resulting files will be saved only on the container, in the default path /stp/speech_to_phonemes/kaldi_scripts.

Processing logs will be sent to standard output. In the last few lines, %WER is the phoneme error rate computed on the development set (using Kaldi's compute-wer).

  1. To apply the saved model to some audio recordings, use the decode mode:
docker run -v `pwd`/data:/mnt/wdir crimca/speech_to_phonemes:0.1.0 decode \
                                --model_dir /mnt/wdir/model_$lid \

The file will be segmented into speaking turns and the phoneme transcription will be saved as an ELAN .eaf file in the same directory as the wave file.


The data for seven languages found in this repository comes from the sltu_corpora repository, which originally comes from the Pangloss collection. The data for the remaining languages has been downloaded directly from the Pangloss collection

All transcription files have been converted to .eaf files (ELAN Annotation Format) and divided in train/dev sets.

List of provided data, with their code and their corresponding language :

From the sltu_corpora repository :

  • ers : Duoxo
  • lif : Limbu
  • mkd : Nashta
  • mlv : Mwotlap
  • nep : Dotyal
  • nru / nru33 : Yongnin Na
  • tvk : Vatlongo

Directly from the Pangloss collection:

  • abz : Abzakh
  • bhj : Bahing
  • ers / ers2 : Ersu
  • hiw : Hiw
  • kkt : Koyi Rai
  • lrz : Lemerig
  • msn : Mwesen
  • nee : Nêlêmwa-nixumwak
  • nmk : Namakura
  • olr : Olrat
  • slr : Salar
  • swb : Maore
  • tdh : Thulung Rai
  • tkw : Teanu
  • wls : East Uvean

For each language, training and development sets of .eaf files and corresponding audio files are provided. A simple grapheme-to-phoneme (g2p) table is provided to convert text annotations found in the .eaf files to phonemes.


The following section presents the phoneme error rate (%PER) for languages in both datasets, ordered by decreasing amount of audio used in training. The average gives equal weight to every language.

Results for the dataset from the sltu corpora repository :

For each language of this dataset, training was done with 10 different random train/test partitions and the Student's t 95% uncertainty intervals were computed and presented in the %PER section.

IPA Audio
nru33 True 151 19.3 ± 1.1
lif True 99 30.2 ± 0.9
nep False 95 62.0 ± 1.7
ers True 29 45.8 ± 1.7
mkd True 23 53.1 ± 3.0
mlv False 20 28.8 ± 2.6
tvk False 13 57.2 ± 3.6
Average 61.4 42.1 ± 3.7

Results for the dataset extracted directy from the Pangloss collection :

For each language of this dataset, training was done with a single train/set partition.

IPA Audio
kkt True 75.6 28.8
hiw False 74.7 29.3
wls False 63.0 13.2
nee False 54.9 33.2
tdh True 35.2 29.7
tkw False 34.5 26.1
lrz False 30.5 39.0
nmk False 28.4 44.2
ers False 26.6 43.7
bhj True 25.7 60.9
abz True 24.8 45.3
swb False 21.9 45.1
msn False 20.5 23.7
slr True 20.1 46.4
olr False 17.7 42.4
Average 36.1 36.7


Researchers : Gilles Boulianne, Vishwa Gupta and Lamia Oudni

Developer : Charles-William Cummings


Copyright 2021 Centre de recherche informatique de Montréal (CRIM)

If you find this software useful please cite our paper: Phoneme transcription of endangered languages: an evaluation of recent ASR architectures in the single speaker scenario.


Example data to use the speech_to_phonemes image






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