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The importable files for use anywhere in Unity games. Enjoy :)


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The importable files for use anywhere in Unity games. Enjoy :)

The code is stored here!

Platformer Movement

This package contains:

  • Player Movement Script
  • Ground block
  • Player Object
  • Setup of all the other things
  • Everything else needed for the setup

What you need to do:

  • Change the sprites. To do this you just need to put an image file in the Assets folder and select the "Player" object. Then you just need to drag the file to the "Sprite" section of the Player. This will change the image. You then repeat this for the ground blocks.
  • Create levels Use these building blocks to make levels. You'll be able to make something playable with only these items. To do multiple levels you'll need some more things from this repo. (Level Manager Kit)
  • Change the speed and jump height to suit your game

Camera Controller

This package contains:

  • Camera Controller Script
  • Camera prefab

What you need to do:

  • Set the target for the camera to follow. This will usually be your player.
  • Change the offset if you so wish.

You can use the camera controller on any object to make it follow any other. It will move instantly. I might work on a lag behind script to combat this and allow you to have it lag behind. For now just use the offset. With the offset you can change it to show more of what you're heading towards. You'd have to take the PlayerMovement script and create a camera object in it and have the offset be changed by the player movement script. Or you can take the follow target, determine it's direction and make the camera offset either behind or infront of where the player is going.

Hopefully this will help you make a larger level than having a static camera and allow you to do more interacate things with the camera than just have it stuck to the player. (Also a problem if you ever want to flip the player.)

Level Manager

This package contains:

  • Level Manager script and object
  • startOfLevel object
  • LevelUp script and object

What you need to do:

  • Set the variables in the LevelManager object. You need to set where you want the player to respawn. This only matters if you're using a killing script to kill the player. You need to set the player for this so it knows where to restart.
  • You need to set the level where the player wants to go after they complete this level
  • If this is the last level of your game you need to check the box that says "lastLevel". This will take them to the hardcoded level. By default it's "CompletedScene". You need to change this to be the correct name.
  • You need to add all the scenes you make to the build manager. This is done by pressing "File, Build Settings". Then add all the scenes by dragging in them from the project screen. The one set to "0" is the one that will run at the start of the game. Set this to either the Menu or first level depending on how you want the game to start.
  • Set what the LevelUp object has set as its "LevelManager". This is the LevelManager object.

This is a pretty basic set of things you will do with the LevelManager. Everything that your levels do is pretty much done in the LevelManager. As you can see, the levelUp script just calls the LevelManager. The RespawnPlayer function is in there if you want to give killing stuff your own go! I'm sure you can work it out ;) Otherwise there is another package for these blocks.

Pause Menu

This package contains:

  • Pause Menu object
  • Pause Menu Script

What you need to do:

  • Copy the PauseMenu object into the level and make sure that it's in the right place.
  • Set the "MainMenu" variable on the "PauseMenu" object to whatever the name of your main menu is. This level needs to be added to the build menu
  • Make sure that everything coppied correctly and that there are no missing fields
  • Test the level to make sure all the different buttons work.
  • Do it for every level you have (Don't do it on the main menu, or do... I've done it before a few times (Great place to put easter eggs actually ;) ))

This is a pretty simple pause screen that will do all the basics and has the ability to be expanded and made to look much prettier. I'd say take this and run with it really. You can do loads with it. There's also a lot of things in here that you can use in other places like the "timeScale". Set that to 0.5 for a slowmo effect. Or to 2 for something really fast and dangerous. The sky is the limit!

Danger Blocks

This package contains:

  • Kill Player script
  • "S" for "Spikes" sprite
  • Spikes (Dangerblock) prefab

What you need to do:

  • Put the spikes where you want them.
  • Change the image to something a little better ;)
  • Make sure that all the scripts are attached to all the objects. KillPlayer script requires a LevelManager to be added.
  • Have fun :)

This script instantly kills the player and puts them back to the starting point of the level. You could change this by changing the LevelManager script and you could change it to make them lose health in the KillPlayer script.

Main Menu

This package contains:

  • MenuScript
  • MainMenu prefab containing; Canvas Event system

What you need to do:

  • Put the MainMenu prefab on the screen and make sure it all fits on
  • Make sure all scripts are attached.
  • Check the buttons "OnClick" thing. Make sure that they're all wired up.
  • Set the "levelToLoad" string to be the first level of your game
  • Add the MainMenu scene to the top of the build settings list as you want it to be the first level to be loaded
  • Make any other menus like the pauseMenu have the MainMenu set to them
  • Change the title to whatever you want to call your game

This script has some things you could add later, such as the "continue button". I have left instructions in the description to that variable about how to go about doing it. This part should be the quickest setup. You can also change what the buttons say, the font of the buttons and title, the look of the buttons. Do what you like and make it look good!

Top Down Movement (Prebuilt for racing)

This package contains:

  • PlayerMovementTopDown script
  • Player prefab

What you need to do:

  • Change the image on the player
  • Fine tune the settings on the player. It's set up for racing right now.
  • Add the levelmanager code if needed.

This script might be classed as uncomplete, but it will work for a racing game and that's how it's designed. Move over the things from the platformer playermovement if you need to do an RPG like game or something. To improve this you could add a timer or something to make it more racing like. Or you could make an RPG like suggested earlier.

Enemies Pack

This package contains:

  • Enemies kill script (same as spikes one)
  • Enemy prefab
  • Enemy sprite that's awful

What you need to do:

  • Change the image on the enemy
  • Make sure all scripts are attached. The enemy needs a Levelmanager
  • Set the enemies distance. 50 time at 1 speed = 1 block moved, then turn and go back. It's linear
  • Set the level up and have fun :)

To make this better you can add the ability to stomp enemies by changing the kill player, to kill enemies. Then add this to the box colider on top of the enemy. You'd want to make some enteties underneath the enemy. I'll make this package later, but you might be able to work it out. Give it a go, and there's some places on my GitHub with this on. Have fun :)

Force Movement

This package contains:

  • Force movement script
  • Player prefab
  • Ground prefab

What you need to do:

  • Same as the "Platformer Movement" script.
  • Change the sprites. To do this you just need to put an image file in the Assets folder and select the "Player" object. Then you just need to drag the file to the "Sprite" section of the Player. This will change the image. You then repeat this for the ground blocks.
  • Create levels Use these building blocks to make levels. You'll be able to make something playable with only these items. To do multiple levels you'll need some more things from this repo. (Level Manager Kit)
  • Change the speed and jump height to suit your game

This is probably a better movement script than the other one for most things, but the old version is much faster and works well with mobile games.


The importable files for use anywhere in Unity games. Enjoy :)








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