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A command line tool for Gronga on .NET 4.5.

Build Status

Windows Server 2012 R2 (Appveyor) Mono 4.2.1 or later, OSX (Travis) Mono 4.2.1 or later, Ubuntu Trusty (Wercker)
Build status Build Status wercker status

Try it

For Windows (.NET Framework)

  • You have to install .NET 4.5. (Not client profile)

  • Unpack

  • Execute grnline.fs.exe via cmd.exe or powershell.exe

For mono platform (Non Windows environment)

  • You have to install mono-runtime 4.2.1 or later and fsharp packages from mono repository. In more detail, please refer to .travis.yml(OS X) or wercker.yml(Ubuntu Trusty).

  • Unpack

  • Execute grnline.fs.exe via bash or zsh or other posix like shell.


cmd> grnline.fs.exe --groonga-path GROONGA_PATH --db-path GROONGA_DB [--encoding ENCODING] [--pretty true]

For non-Windows environment, execute this command via mono like this:

$ mono grnline.fs.exe --groonga-path GROONGA_PATH --db-path GROONGA_DB [--encoding ENCODING] [--pretty true]


For Windows:

cmd> grnline.fs.exe --groonga-path "C:\\groonga-5.1.0-x64\\groonga-5.1.0-x64\\bin\\groonga.exe" --db-path "test.db" --encoding UTF-8 --pretty true

For *nix like environment:

mono grnline.fs.exe --groonga-path `which groonga` --db-path test.db --encoding UTF-8 --pretty true


grnline.fs create child Groonga process and Groonga child process redirects stdin/stdout to its parent.

You can use pretty printing with adding --pretty true to command line arguments.


If you enconter space contained path, you can get MS-DOS 8.3 style path with dir /x and use it such as --db-path arguments.


For Windows

  • Install Visual Studio 2015 Community.
  • Use paket-bootstrap.exe and paket.exe to restore dependent libraries.
    • Argu (for command line arguments parser)
    • Json.NET (for pretty printing JSON)

For OS X (advanced)

  • Install Xamarin Studio 5.10.2 or later and mono 4.2.1 or later
  • Restore dependent libraries.
    • Argu (for command line arguments parser)
    • Json.NET (for pretty printing JSON)

For Ubuntu Trusty (advanced)

  • Install MonoDevelop 5.10 or later and fsharp from mono repository
  • Restore dependent libraries.
    • Argu (for command line arguments parser)
    • Json.NET (for pretty printing JSON)


Note that this project uses Persimmon as a testing library.

For Windows

  • Run RunTests.ps1 on PowerShell. You have to set Remote-Signed PowerShell security level with Set-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet.

For OS X & Ubuntu Trusty

  • Run