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Merge view for CodeMirror


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@codemirror/merge NPM version


This package implements a merge interface for the CodeMirror code editor.

The project page has more information, a number of examples and the documentation.

This code is released under an MIT license.

We aim to be an inclusive, welcoming community. To make that explicit, we have a code of conduct that applies to communication around the project.


An example is available at Try CodeMirror.

API Reference

Side-by-side Merge View

interface MergeConfig

Configuration options to MergeView that can be provided both initially and to reconfigure.

orientation⁠?: "a-b" | "b-a"

Controls whether editor A or editor B is shown first. Defaults to "a-b".

revertControls⁠?: "a-to-b" | "b-to-a"

Controls whether revert controls are shown between changed chunks.

renderRevertControl⁠?: fn() → HTMLElement

When given, this function is called to render the button to revert a chunk.

highlightChanges⁠?: boolean

By default, the merge view will mark inserted and deleted text in changed chunks. Set this to false to turn that off.

gutter⁠?: boolean

Controls whether a gutter marker is shown next to changed lines.

collapseUnchanged⁠?: {margin⁠?: number, minSize⁠?: number}

When given, long stretches of unchanged text are collapsed. margin gives the number of lines to leave visible after/before a change (default is 3), and minSize gives the minimum amount of collapsible lines that need to be present (defaults to 4).

diffConfig⁠?: DiffConfig

Pass options to the diff algorithm.

interface DirectMergeConfig extends MergeConfig

Configuration options given to the MergeView constructor.

a: EditorStateConfig

Configuration for the first editor (the left one in a left-to-right context).

b: EditorStateConfig

Configuration for the second editor.

parent⁠?: Element | DocumentFragment

Parent element to append the view to.

root⁠?: Document | ShadowRoot

An optional root. Only necessary if the view is mounted in a shadow root or a document other than the global document object.

class MergeView

A merge view manages two editors side-by-side, highlighting the difference between them and vertically aligning unchanged lines. If you want one of the editors to be read-only, you have to configure that in its extensions.

By default, views are not scrollable. Style them (.cm-mergeView) with a height and overflow: auto to make them scrollable.

new MergeView(configDirectMergeConfig)

Create a new merge view.

a: EditorView

The first editor.

b: EditorView

The second editor.

dom: HTMLElement

The outer DOM element holding the view.

chunks: readonly Chunk[]

The current set of changed chunks.


Reconfigure an existing merge view.


Destroy this merge view.

Unified Merge View

unifiedMergeView(config: Object) → Extension[]

Create an extension that causes the editor to display changes between its content and the given original document. Changed chunks will be highlighted, with uneditable widgets displaying the original text displayed above the new text.

original: Text | string

The other document to compare the editor content with.

highlightChanges⁠?: boolean

By default, the merge view will mark inserted and deleted text in changed chunks. Set this to false to turn that off.

gutter⁠?: boolean

Controls whether a gutter marker is shown next to changed lines.

syntaxHighlightDeletions⁠?: boolean

By default, deleted chunks are highlighted using the main editor's language. Since these are just fragments, not full documents, this doesn't always work well. Set this option to false to disable syntax highlighting for deleted lines.

mergeControls⁠?: boolean

Controls whether accept/reject buttons are displayed for each changed chunk. Defaults to true.

diffConfig⁠?: DiffConfig

Pass options to the diff algorithm.

acceptChunk(viewEditorView, pos⁠?: number) → boolean

In a unified merge view, accept the chunk under the given position or the cursor. This chunk will no longer be highlighted unless it is edited again.

rejectChunk(viewEditorView, pos⁠?: number) → boolean

In a unified merge view, reject the chunk under the given position or the cursor. Reverts that range to the content it has in the original document.

getOriginalDoc(stateEditorState) → Text

Get the original document from a unified merge editor's state.

originalDocChangeEffect(stateEditorState, changesChangeSet) → StateEffect<{doc: Text, changes: ChangeSet}>

Create an effect that, when added to a transaction on a unified merge view, will update the original document that's being compared against.

updateOriginalDoc: StateEffectType<{doc: Text, changes: ChangeSet}>

The state effect used to signal changes in the original doc in a unified merge view.


class Chunk

A chunk describes a range of lines which have changed content in them. Either side (a/b) may either be empty (when its to is equal to its from), or points at a range starting at the start of the first changed line, to 1 past the end of the last changed line. Note that to positions may point past the end of the document. Use endA/endB if you need an end position that is certain to be a valid document position.

new Chunk(changes: readonly Change[], fromAnumber, toAnumber, fromBnumber, toBnumber)
changes: readonly Change[]

The individual changes inside this chunk. These are stored relative to the start of the chunk, so you have to add chunk.fromA/fromB to get document positions.

fromA: number

The start of the chunk in document A.

toA: number

The end of the chunk in document A. This is equal to fromA when the chunk covers no lines in document A, or is one unit past the end of the last line in the chunk if it does.

fromB: number

The start of the chunk in document B.

toB: number

The end of the chunk in document A.

endA: number

Returns fromA if the chunk is empty in A, or the end of the last line in the chunk otherwise.

endB: number

Returns fromB if the chunk is empty in B, or the end of the last line in the chunk otherwise.

static build(aText, bText, conf⁠?: DiffConfig) → readonly Chunk[]

Build a set of changed chunks for the given documents.

static updateA(chunks: readonly Chunk[], aText, bText, changesChangeDesc, conf⁠?: DiffConfig) → readonly Chunk[]

Update a set of chunks for changes in document A. a should hold the updated document A.

static updateB(chunks: readonly Chunk[], aText, bText, changesChangeDesc, conf⁠?: DiffConfig) → readonly Chunk[]

Update a set of chunks for changes in document B.

getChunks(stateEditorState) → {chunks: readonly Chunk[], side: "a" | "b" | null} | null

Get the changed chunks for the merge view that this editor is part of, plus the side it is on if it is part of a MergeView. Returns null if the editor doesn't have a merge extension active or the merge view hasn't finished initializing yet.

goToNextChunk: StateCommand

Move the selection to the next changed chunk.

goToPreviousChunk: StateCommand

Move the selection to the previous changed chunk.

Diffing Utilities

class Change

A changed range.

new Change(fromAnumber, toAnumber, fromBnumber, toBnumber)
fromA: number

The start of the change in document A.

toA: number

The end of the change in document A. This is equal to fromA in case of insertions.

fromB: number

The start of the change in document B.

toB: number

The end of the change in document B. This is equal to fromB for deletions.

diff(astring, bstring, config⁠?: DiffConfig) → readonly Change[]

Compute the difference between two strings.

presentableDiff(astring, bstring, config⁠?: DiffConfig) → readonly Change[]

Compute the difference between the given strings, and clean up the resulting diff for presentation to users by dropping short unchanged ranges, and aligning changes to word boundaries when appropriate.

interface DiffConfig

Options passed to diffing functions.

scanLimit⁠?: number

When given, this limits the depth of full (expensive) diff computations, causing them to give up and fall back to a faster but less precise approach when there is more than this many changed characters in a scanned range. This should help avoid quadratic running time on large, very different inputs.