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My Web Components

While working on my NFO editor for Kodi I ran into an issue when dealing with fanart since Kodi supports multiple fanart and my simple JavaScript function had no way to broadcast an event back to the main script. I had played with Web Components a bit in the past but was usually frustrated by the code. While there are plenty of great resources out there they rarely broke down clearly what I wanted to accomplish so I thought not only was this a great opportunity to learn something new but also pass along some things that might be helpful for others getting into the game.

I'm organizing this similarly to how the MDN examples at web-components-examples are set up but with each component .js file named the way the component is used. There is a sample html file to show off the functionality but I definitely need to work on better documentation.

The individual component .js files can be downloaded and used as they are sel-contained but there is a full test suite if you download the release:

npm i
npm start

then go to http://http://localhost:3600/ to test all of the components including for submission support.


A replacement for the standard <input type="file">supporting normal file selection and drag/drop. The sample page demonstrates adding/removing new instances of the component and a 'Save' button will console.log() the current files.


<file-upload types=*.*|file.svg application/msword|doc.svg application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document|docx.svg application/pdf|pdf.svg" lookup-types="text/plain|txt.svg" addable removable>


All attributes are optional.

  • addable indicates the user has the ability to add another instance of the component. You can use .addEventListener('add', function) to handle the event.
  • lookup-types are the MIME types the component should use to provide additional types you want to visually represent but don't want to restrict the user from choosing in the dialog. As with types use a pipe character after the lookup type and provide a path to the icon to display such as image/png|img/png.png.
  • placeholder is the text to show when no file is set. The default is "Choose or drop a file".
  • required indicates a file must be set before <form> validity will be true.
  • removable indicates the user has the ability to remove that instance of the component. You can use .addEventListener('remove', remove) to handle the event.
  • types are the MIME types the component should accept separated by spaces. If none are provided all file types are are accepted through the *.* type. Dropping an unacceptable type produces both window.alert() and console.error() messages of the dropped MIME type and a list of the acceptable types. This should be customizable in the future with a custom event trigger. You may also provide icons to represent the types by adding a pipe character after the type and then providing a path to the icon to display such as application/pdf|img/pdf.svg.
  • value contains both the filename of the provided file as well as its encoded content separated by a ;. Fires change event when the value changes, current value can be retrieved from

Keyboard Support

When focused Spacebar will act the same as a click event, opening the OS dialog to choose a file. + and - will trigger the add or remove events if those attributes are enabled.


The component can easily be styled and provides a number CSS Parts to customize the internal elements. See the sample html file for examples of styling.

CSS Parts
  • file is the placeholder <div> element which is the parent of either the.
  • file-image is the placeholder's <img> element.
  • file-name is the placeholder's <span> element.
  • actions is the toolbar with the add, clear and remove action buttons.

Form support

The component is fully compatible inside <form> elements. Seeting the required attribute will deny validity until a media file has been set. As this component encodes the chosen file multipart form handling is not required.


An image-based option chooser with option-group and multiple behavior. Insert <img> elements inside the component to generate the options. At a minimum an id is necessary to generate each option's id. Additionally you can specify both a title and and initial checked state through dataset attributes data-title and data-checked respectively.


<image-option-group multiple><img id="test" src="test.png" data-title="Test" data-checked="false"></image-option-group>


  • disabled indicates the user cannot interact with the component.
  • multiple to allow selection of multiple options. If not included only a single option within the group may be selected, clicking/tapping another removes the checked status of the others.
  • required indicates at least one option must be chosen when multiple is true, or one option chosen when not.
  • value is a semi-colon separated list of ids that are checked.


  • change is fired everytime the number of selected options changes.


  • disabled returns or sets the disabled attribute as a boolean.
  • multiple returns or sets the multiple attribute as a boolean.
  • required returns or sets the required attribute as a boolean.
  • value returns an array of ids representing which options are checked or passes an array of ids to set as checked..

Keyboard Support

When focused both Enter and Spacebar with toggle a non-disabled option, and tab and shift-tab will navigate between options.


There are a few standard styles all of which can be overwriiten by targeting the approriate part.

CSS Parts
  • option is the container <div> element which by default is display: flex; flex-direction: column;.
  • image is the option's <img> element.
  • status is the option's check box which at the moment uses a hard-coded gray-outlined circle to indicate unchecked and a filled-green circle with white checkmark to indicate checked. By default it is position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0;width: 32px; height: 32px;I have plans to allow passing the images used to indicate checked status in the future.
  • title is the optional <div> element that contains the title.

Form support

The component is fully compatible inside <form> elements. Seeting the required attribute will deny validity until at least one option has been chosen when the multiple attribute is set, .


There are many image upload with preview solutions out there, this one is mine. It supports file selection and drag/drop, images and video, add and remove events as well as a simplistic zoom. I hope to make the zoom more full-featured and add crop functionality in the future. The sample page demonstrates adding/removing new instances of the component and a 'Save' button will console.log() the current media.


<media-upload types="image/jpeg image/png image/webp" value="sample.png" addable removable>


All attributes are optional.

  • addable indicates the user has the ability to add another instance of the component. You can use .addEventListener('add', function) to handle the event.
  • required indicates a media file must be set before <form> validity will be true.
  • removable indicates the user has the ability to remove that instance of the component. You can use .addEventListener('remove', remove) to handle the event.
  • types are the MIME types the component should accept separated by spaces. If none are provided all possible types are set which are image/avif, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/png, image/svg+xml, image/webp, video/mp4 and video/webm. Dropping an unacceptable type produces both window.alert() and console.error() messages of the dropped MIME type and a list of the acceptable types. This should be customizable in the future with a custom event trigger.
  • value is an existing media reference to show when the component first appears. When saving you can .getAttribute('value') or element.value to get the current media. Fires change event when the value changes, current value can be retrieved from

Keyboard Support

When focused Spacebar will act the same as a click event, opening the OS dialog to choose a file. Z or zwill zoom the current media.Escapewill clear the current media or close zoom.+and-will trigger theaddorremove` events if those attributes are enabled.


The component has a number of internal styles that I probably need to work on since my pages are based on a full reset. In your own CSS you will need to specify dimensions for the component so all the internal elements can scale to that size. The example page shows how using aspect-ratio you can hint to the user the dimensions of the image you require. You can style the border of the component and hopefully in the future I will support styling the media formats supported icons as well as the buttons.

Form support

The component is fully compatible inside <form> elements. Seeting the required attribute will deny validity until a media file has been set. As this component encodes the chosen file multipart form handling is not required.


A fancy (for me 😜) progress bar as a replacement for the standard <progress> element. It uses the same attributes so it can be a drop-in replacement.


<progress-bar value="0" max="100" gradient="linear-gradient(43deg, #4158D0 0%, #C850C0 46%, #FFCC70 100%)" nostripes></progress-bar>


  • value is the current progress of the control. It defaults to 0 and if it exceeds max it is set to max.
  • max is the maximum progress. It defaults to 100.
  • gradient allows a custom CSS background-image for the progress bar. This should be in the standard CSS format.
  • nostripes will disable the animated stripes normally applied to the progress bar.


Standards are set in terms of the border-radius and background-image fill gradient which is green-ish. The primary element is filled with an inherited background-color. The component scales based on font-size.

CSS Parts
  • fill controls the inner bar that indicates progress. Setting background-image changes the look (see example) but you can also change border-radius, background and other styles.


Another common pattern, this one was very frustrating owing to how document.createElement and svg don't play well together. No half-stars here, I'd have to find a different way to render the stars and probably lose the fancy schmancy rounded corners (unless som CSS genius wishes to step forward πŸ˜€), but Kodi only uses one to five for it's userrating. But I'm happy with the live highlight of stars as you hover over the component. Clicking on the current number of stars is how you remove the value.


<star-rating stars="10" value="3"></star-rating>


All attributes are optional.

  • stars is the number of stars to display. The default value is 5 and the minimum is 1. There is no limit set but, y'know...
  • value is the number of stars set. Rather than supporting 0 stars excluding this attribute, or selecting the current number of stars, is meant to indicate no value set. Fires change event when the value changes, current value can be retrieved from

Keyboard Support

When focused ArrowLeft will decrease value until null. ArrowRight will increase value until the value of stars then will set as null allowing the user to wrap around and continue pressing the key indefinitely.


You can style the stroke and fill of the stars at the top level and use ::part to style the three states of the stars. There are default fill colors: white for unselected stars, yellow for selected stars and gold when hovering. Otherwise it will scale with font-size as my use-case is inline but there's no reason you can't put it into a block-level container.

CSS Parts
  • star is the is the default state.
  • star-selected is for any star equal to or less than the current value.
  • star-hover is for stars when hovering. This is an adaptive state in that the hover styles are only applied to stars equal to or great than the current value while star is applied to any star greater than the one you're currently hovering over, all stars are set to star when you hover over the current value, and star-selected is applied to any star greater than the one being hovered and less than or equal to value. See demo page for how this works.

Form support

The component is fully compatible inside <form> elements. Seeting the required attribute will deny validity until thew number of selected stars is at least one.


An approximation of the iOS toggle as a replacement for the standard <input type="checkbox"> form control.


<toggle-switch checked disabled></toggle-switch>


All attributes are optional.

  • checked indicates the component is currently in the on state. Using .getAttribute('checked') or element.checked will return a boolean indicating whether the switch is on or off. Fires change event when the checked attribute changes, current value can be retrieved from
  • disabled indicates whether the control can be toggled by the user.


  • .toggle() can be used to simulate user interactivity with the component. Calling element.toggle() is the same as sending a click event which will be ignored if the component currently has the disabled attribute set. Using element.setAttribute(state) is the only way to change the state regardless of disabled.

Keyboard Support

When focused both Enter and Spacebar with toggle a non-disabled instance.


Another opinionated display in terms of colors, using greys for the off state background and off-green for on. Opacity is used to indicate disabled. The component will resize height based on font-size of the containing element.

Form support

The component is fully compatible inside <form> elements.