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This repository contains code to transfer BDRC data from local git repos to Fuseki and/or couchdb. It can transfer the whole database or just listen to changes in the git repos.


You can either clone this repository (and then the submodule: git submodule update --init) or fetch the latest .jar file on the release page. You can automatically get the jar file of the latest release with

curl -s | jq -r ".assets[] | select(.name | test(\"jar$\")) | .browser_download_url" | xargs curl -sL -o fusekicouchdb-latest.jar -O

Compiling and running

from the jar file
java -jar target/gittodbs-0.8.0.jar -help

A typical usage is:

time java -jar target/gittodbs-0.8.0.jar -transferOnto -transferAllDB -doNotListen -timeout 60 -progress
from the java code
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="-help"

To compile a jar file:

mvn clean package


mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

The first time after cloning the repo:

git submodule update --init

When there is a change in the owl-schema repo the following may be used to sync to the head of the owl-schema repo:

git submodule update --recursive --remote

And then mvn clean package to update the gittodbs-x.y.z.jar

Debugging Unit tests etc

To use slf4j bound to log4j the pom.xml needs a dependency like:


To get logging during running unit tests, update the src/test/resources with desired log level settings and then to run a single test such as AppTest:

mvn -Dlog4j.debug  surefire:test -Dtest=AppTest

will run AppTest with the settings and the -Dlog4j.debug will output debugging from log4j as it locates the effective

Adding an appropriate to src/main/resources allows to control logging of the main application.