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Plugin integration documentation

Development of a plugin

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In this boilerplate we can find two file index.ts and type-extentions.ts

Inside the index.ts we are calling function addPlugin that obtain some parameters

pluginName your plugin name that should be defined in type-extentions.ts as PLUGIN_NAME

initializer function will be called by locklift when it will be initialized

This is core plugin function that provides locklift instance, selected network and config object. This function should return an instance of your plugin implementation Promise<TEST_PLUGIN> like in the example. After it the plugin consumer(user) will have access to your plugin instance inside the CLI and Typescript

commandBuilders array of custom CLI commands

This is an Array of objects

    commandCreator: (command: commander.Command) => commander.Command;
    skipSteps?: {
      build?: boolean;


This is a function that accepting command instance that you can configure as you want. Also, each command have predefined params like contracts, build, network, config and script, so you shouldn't provide it again in your plugin. Inside action function you will get all command params and locklift instance (see an example)

skipSteps configuration of force skipping some steps

Lockilft by default runs the build process, if you command don't need this process you can override current behavior by setting {build: false}

Inside the type-extentions.ts we are:

  1. overriding types for Locklift(extending Locklift).
  2. overriding types for LockliftConfig(extending locklift.config object).
  3. change name of our plugin export const PLUGIN_NAME = "samplePlugin" this constant used in type overriding and as plugin name inside the add plugin function, and will be used as access to this plugin inside the locklift project e.g. console.log(locklift.samplePlugin.getGreeting());

Using plugin inside a locklift project

  1. Plugin should be installed in the locklift project
  2. Plugin should be imported inside the locklift.config.ts like this import "sample-plugin";
  3. Define custom fields in locklift.config.ts if it needed.

CLI usage

Then user can use it via cli

npx locklift -h
Usage: cli [options] [command]

  -V, --version           output the version number
  -h, --help              display help for command

  init [options]          Initialize sample Locklift project in a directory
  test [options]          Run mocha tests
  build [options]         Build contracts by using Ever Solidity compiler and TVM linker
  run [options]           Run arbitrary locklift script
  TEST_COMMAND [options]
  getcode [options]
  get-greeting [options]
  help [command]          display help for command

as you can see inside the help there are some new commands that was provided by our plugin.

Let's use getcode method

npx locklift getcode -n local --contract MyContarctName



Typescript usage

In type-extensions.ts we have already overridden types for Locklift, so a user will see our plugin inside the locklift object, and interact with it like this


Local development

  1. Initialize new locklift project inside any folder e.g. ./my_project/plugin_development_project
  2. Define this boilerplate inside another folder e.g. ./my_project/my_plugin, and change project name inside package.json e.g. my-plugin
  3. Inside the plugin folder build and link the plugin npm run build && npm link
  4. Go to locklift project and link your plugin npm link my-plugin