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Node.js Express starter for old school Model–view–controller (MVC) pattern, with ESM support.


This project starter should be working as expected with the following minimal version of Node/NPM, respectively:

Dependency Version
Node >= v20.17.0
NPM >= v10.8.2

Quick Start

  1. Clone the git repository into your new project folder and install required dependencies by running the command below:
# cloning git repository into `my-project` folder
git clone --depth=1 my-project

# install project dependencies
cd my-project && npm install

Environment variables

Copy .env.example template into .env file. Please do not commit .env to the git repo.

cp .env.example .env

Please note that only env variables that are prefixed with APP_ will be stringified.

  1. Running application by executing one of the following scripts:


npm run dev


# build for production ready and start server
npm run build && npm start

To run tests:


npm test

Project Structure

├── app
| ├── controllers                       # contains controller files
| ├── helpers                           # contains app helpers files
| ├── middleware                        # contains express middleware files
| ├── models                            # contains models
| ├── routers                           # contains routers with mounted controller methods
| ├── app.js                            # express app file
| └── bootstrap.js                      # bootstrap file to start app
| └── config.js                         # app configuration file
|── assets                              # contains asset files (scripts, styles, views)
├── internal                            # internal stuff such as tooling related
├── public                              # contains static files, include built files
| ├── build                             # contains built script and style files
| └── favicon.ico                       # favicon file
├── storage                             # contains logs and/or other resources
| └── logs                              # logs folder
├── tests                               # contains tests
├── .env.example                        # .env template file
├── .gitignore                          # git ignore file
├── .prettierignore                     # prettier ignore file
├── .stylelintignore                    # stylelint ignore file
├── eslint.config.cjs                   # eslint configuration file
├── babel.config.cjs                    # babel configuration file
├── jest.config.cjs                     # jest configuration file
├── jsconfig.json                       # editor config file, to align with aliases
├── main.js                             # main entry file for bootstrapping
├── postcss.config.cjs                  # postcss configuration file
├── prettier.config.cjs                 # prettier configuration file
├── stylelint.config.cjs                # stylelint configuration file
├── tailwind.config.js                  # tailwindcss configuration file
└── webpack.config.js                   # webpack configuration file


Import Aliases

This starter utilizes Node.js imports. For existing import aliases, please refer to imports field in package.json file.


By default, cookie-session is used in this starter. It means session data will be stored in cookie on client side with limited size. To store session data on server side, please use express-session with compatible session stores, such as Redis.

CSRF Token

_csrfToken needs to be part of the req.body in oder to making the request sent successfully.


Tailwindcss is used as default CSS framework in this starter.

VS Code Plugins

Some plugins for better DX and productivity:

  1. Eta syntax highlighting
  2. Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
  3. Prettier Formatter
  4. ESLint
  5. Stylelint
