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Launch with Heroku-app

My Organizer

This web application is being created with the motivation of dfferent apps for reading news, to know weather condition and reading inspiring quotes from different famous people.

This project is being created during the Web Developer Immersive programme at General Assembly, San Francisco that lasted from 10/29/2018 thru 02/05/2019


Basically, it consists of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap library, and javaScript on the front end part. JQuery library has widely been used in dealing with the data pulled from different API libraries.

It uses NodeJS as runtime and ExpressJS as the framework. In addition, Jsonwebtoken, Body-parser, and bcrypt modules are used on its back end.

Sources of data

Mainly, three different API libraries are currently in use that provides data for:

  1. Randomly generated inspiring quotes delivered by famous persons of the world.
  2. Current city weather.
  3. Current world news from US bublished by different US sources. []
  4. The weather data is tracked following the geo location the city where the user is recieving internet service from.

User Story


User is promted to a sign-in and sign-up page. A new user then can sign up by entering a valid email address and a password.

The returning user can log in and use the web application.

Home Page

In opening the home page, the user will be greeted with inspiring quotes with the author name. It will show up 'Anonymous' if the author name is unkonwn. The quote window has three different buttons, one to save the quote and author name in the data base, one for posting the quote direct to Face book's post-section, the third button allows user to post the same direct to Tweeter.

The saved data(quote) can be read in the future, or may be deleted if user wants.


Home page also provides the curent weather condition of the city. By default, it displays current, minimum and maximum temperatures, atmosheric pressure, wind speed with direction, and local time of the city the user gets internet service from. Temperatures may be viewed either in Fahrenheit or Celsius by toggling a button.


Navigating thru the Nav-bar, user can access to the news page, named 'News Room'. This page provides the latest world news that have been published by different news media of US.

Log Out

Using the logout button, user can get out of the website with the quote saved in the data base for the future.


Here are images of web application as displayed on the screen.

  • Random-quote

Random Quote

  • Weather and IP Info

Random Quote

  • News


Future Feature

Weather app may be enhanced to get weather info of any city of the world.

The news API used in this application may be manipulated for displaying news on the basis of catagory and country as required.


  • Login Authentication
  • Deployment to Heroku App
  • Server side coding