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Using bee with DDEV

Nate Lampton edited this page Aug 2, 2022 · 2 revisions

DDEV is a docker-based local development tool with excellent support for Backdrop CMS. Bee can be used in combination with DDEV by setting up a custom DDEV command.

  1. Install bee within your web-build container by opening .ddev/web-build/Dockerfile. If this file does not exist yet, create it. Add the following contents:

# Install Backdrop CLI tool bee:
RUN wget -qO
RUN unzip -q && rm
RUN mv bee-1.x-1.x /usr/local/bin/bee
  1. Create a bee command by creating a new text file at .ddev/commands/web/bee. Put in the following contents:
#!/usr/bin/env bash

/usr/local/bin/bee/bee.php --root=/var/www/html/$DDEV_DOCROOT --uri=$DDEV_PRIMARY_URL $@
  1. In order for some commands to work, you should set a $base_url within your settings.ddev.php file:
$base_url = getenv('DDEV_PRIMARY_URL');
  1. Restart the DDEV container:
ddev restart
  1. Now you can use bee within the ddev web container:
ddev bee status
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