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General Requirements

The Web application should use the following technologies, frameworks, and development techniques:

  • The application must be implemented using Django Framework
    • The application must have at least 10 web pages :
      • Can be created using function-based views or/and class based-views ;
      • At least 5 of them must be class-based views.
    • The application must have at least 5 independent models (models created by extending, inheritance, and one-to-one relation are considered as one model ( for example User <–> Profile )).
    • The application must have at least 5 forms.
    • The application must have at least 5 templates.
  • Use PostgreSQL as a Database Service
    • Optionally, you can use multiple storages (including PostgreSQL), e.g., files, other Web services, databases (e.g., MySQL / MariaDB / Oracle / etc.)
  • Use Django Template Engine or make the Front-End using JavaScript.
  • Templates (your views must return HTML files) - the same template could be re-used/ used multiple times (according to adjustments, if such needed).
  • Implement Web Page Design based on Bootstrap / Google Material Design, or design your own.
  • The application must have login/register/logout functionality.
  • The application must have a public part (A part of the website, which is accessible by everyone - un/authenticated users and admins).
  • The application must have a private part (accessible only by authenticated users and admins).
  • The application must have a customized admin site (accessible only by admins):
    • Add at least 5 custom options (in total) to the admin interface (e.g., filters, list display, ordering, etc.).
  • Unauthenticated users (public part) have only 'get' permissions, e.g., landing page, details, about page, and login/ register 'post' permissions.
  • Authenticated users (private part) have full CRUD for all their created content.
  • Admins - at least 2 groups of admins:
    • One must have permission to do full CRUD functionalities (superusers) ;
    • The other/s have permission to do limited CRUD functionalities (staff).
    • User roles could be manageable from the admin site.
    • Make sure the role management is secured and error-safe.
  • Implement Exception Handling and Data Validation to avoid crashes when invalid data is entered (both client-side and server-side )
    • When validating data, show appropriate messages to the user

Project presentation

A blog community platform for the lovers of Philosophy. Each user can create his own content and comment or like the content of other users.


Main technologies used:

  • Python (Django 4.2.4)
  • PostgreSQL
  • HTML & CSS
  • JavaScript

Additional technologies used:

  • TinyMCE - a widget used for text formatting and styling of the posts


1. Index page (unauthorized)


2. Index page (authorized)


3. Register page


4. Login page


5. Create post page


6. Edit post page


7. My posts page


8. Categories page


9. Post details page + comments section

post_details_page comments_section

10. My profile page


11. Edit profile page


12. Admin panel

admin_panel admin_panel_1 admin_panel_2


Django project defence for SoftUni's Python Web Framework course






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