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Web based application to support the request and planning of bathymetric surveys.


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AusSeabed Survey Coordination Tool

The AusSeabed Survey Coordination tool (ASB SCT) is a tool designed by GA and FrontierSI in collaboration with the AusSeabed Steering Committee and broader community.

Its intent is to provide a location for, and consistency in specification of bathymetric data acquisition for scientific research purposes.

The tool was partly funded by the National Environmental Science Program (NESP2) Marine and Coastal Hub, project 1.2 - National Areas of Interest for Seabed Mapping, Characterisation and Biodiversity Assessment. Project partners – Geoscience Australia, CSIRO, University of Tasmania.

Build status

Develop build

Copyright and Licensing Terms

© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2022. This project was developed under a project agreement between FrontierSI and Geoscience Australia. With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0.


User authentication is by an external OAuth2 provider; the staging environment makes use of AWS cognito by other OAuth2 providers will also work. Configuration is set in the server.conf and docker-compose-prod.yml files. The AUTH_HOST (domain name of auth server), AUTH_CLIENT_ID and AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET variables must be set (latter two are provided by the auth system). The auth system will need to be configured to accept the request tools domain name as a login/logout callback (even localhost). ANALYTICS_CODE is used by the analytics plugin.

The development environment makes use of docker / docker-compose.

Docker container architecture

There are 3 docker containers:

  • api
    • Backend server
    • QA4 backend web services API
    • NodeJS based
  • www
  • db-postgres
    • PostgreSQL database with PostGIS extension
  • mapserver
    • MapServer connects to db-postgres and publishes OGC web services (WMS, WFS)



The following configuration parameters are required. These are set as environment variables in the server.conf config file.

    • obtained from the auth system admin interface
    • This secret must match the AUTH_CLIENT_ID id
    • Private RSA key used for generation of jwt token.
    • Must match the public key at ./server/ssh_keys/public
    • Newlines in key must be replaced by \n other characters within key may need to be escaped.


Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd asb-request-and-planning-tool

Copy/edit configs. The following environment variables need to be set:

    cp config.sample/server.conf ./server.conf

Create database tables. The migrations scripts are also responsible for seeding default values into the database (eg; instrument types, data capture types, etc)

    make migration-run

Build and run. This will build and start the various QA4MB containers, docker compose is run in attached mode.

    make run


In development deployments NodeJS is run with the --inspect flag supporting remote debugging (remote as the server is run within a docker container). Several tools support NodeJS remote debugging; chrome included via chrome://inspect. note: ignore the targets listed under Remote Targets and instead choose "Open dedicated DevTools for Node".


Unit tests are available for the NodeJS server, they can be run via the following command. Unit tests are run against test databases and do not impact the production/development databases.

    make test


Web UI application can be found at:

NodeJS express can be found at:

MapServer is proxied to the /map/ path of the Web UI:

The above URL will produce a MapServer error, to access a GetCapabilities request use the following URL. http://localhost:3001/map/?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities

Development notes

Both the NodeJS server and VueJS client are run in development mode which supports hot reloads. Running database migration scripts may cause the NodeJS server to crash requiring a restart of the docker container.

Development commands

There are a variety of maintenance commands available, all accessed via make:

make run - runs the development environment
make build-dev - runs docker compose build for development environment
make stop - stops all containers
make clean - removes node_modules from client and server
make migration-run - runs the database migration scripts
make migration-revert - reverts the last database migration step (not all)

Testing production

Production Docker Compose commands are as follows:

make build-prod - builds production ready containers
make run-prod - runs an environment that is similar to a production deployment.


General process for modifying the database schema is as follows;

  1. Modify/add entity ( found in server/src/lib/entity)
  2. Run migration generation command (shown below). This will produce a new typescript file in server/src/migration.
  3. Confirm migration script is ok (often require modification for default values, etc)
  4. Run new migration make migration-run

The following command will automatically generate a database migration script including schema changes made to the entities (replace MIGRATION_NAME> param);

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-base.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml \
        run --rm api bash -c "yarn install && rm -rf ./dist && yarn run build && \
        ENVIRONMENT=production typeorm migration:generate -n <MIGRATION_NAME>"

A blank new migration can be created by replacing generate with create in the above command line.

Backup and restore

The following commands will create a backup file in the ./backup dir. The docker-compose command will require the db password.

    TODAY=$(date '+%F')
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-base.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml \
        run -e PGDATABASE=postgres -e PGHOST=db-postgres -e PGUSER=postgres \
        --rm db-postgres pg_dump  --format custom --blobs \
        --file "/backup/qa4mbes-backup-${TODAY}.psql"

To restore (requires <BACKUP FILE NAME> is in ./backup );

note: to drop the existing database all current connections must be closed; recommend stopping all docker containers (make stop).

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-base.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml \
        run -e PGDATABASE=postgres -e PGHOST=db-postgres -e PGUSER=postgres \
        --rm db-postgres bash -c "
            dropdb postgres ;
            createdb postgres &&
            pg_restore -d postgres '/backup/<BACKUP FILE NAME>'"


Web based application to support the request and planning of bathymetric surveys.







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