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Application Configuration Library for Node.js and Browser

CircleCI NPM version


Load and Combine Configuration from many sources:

  • Files
    • JavaScript Module
    • JSON
    • Yaml
    • ENV + .env
    • S3 Storage
  • Directory (combine files)
  • MongoDB

Additional features:

When combining objects from many sources, deep copy is used:

// a
{ sub: { foo: 'foo' }, arr: [ 'foo' ] }
// b
{ sub: { bar: 'bar' }, arr: [ 'bar' ] }

// combined (a + b)
    sub: { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'},
    arr: ['foo', 'bar']

// E.g you want completely to overwrite `arr` property, then prefix the key's name with `!`

// a
{ sub: { foo: 'foo' }, arr: [ 'foo' ] }
// b
{ sub: { bar: 'bar' }, '!arr': [ 'bar' ] }

// combined (a + b)
    sub: { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'},
    arr: ['bar']


import AppCfg from 'appcfg'

const config = await AppCfg.fetch([
    // from file. (with Special Folder format syntax support)
        path: '%APPDATA%/.appName/config.yml',

        // set this source as writable for configuration persistance
        writable: true
    // ENV + .env
        dotenv: true,
        // per default CWD is checked, can be overriden
        path: './foo/bar/'
    // directory
        path: 'defaults/**.yml'
    // mongodb
        mongo: 'barSettings'
    // from file, but use only nested property
        path: 'package.json',
        getterProperty: 'atma'
Command Line overrides

Command line arguments are parsed and also set to the configuration object.

$ node app barValue --debug
let config = await Config.fetch(someSources);

assert.has(config, {
    foo: {
        bar: 'barValue'
    debug: true

Yaml conditions example. (same is also for json format)

# conditional root configuration example
'#if debug':
    name: Foo
'#if test':
    name: Baz
    host: localhost

# conditional property example
    '#if debug': 5000
    '#if test': 5030
    'default': 8080

# conditional array item example
    - lib.js
    - '#if debug || test'
        - lib.debug-extension.js

Arguments lookup:

  • in configuration object
  • in cli overrides
  • in process.env
  • compare value as string from process.env.ENV
# from cli example
$ node app --debug

# from environment
$ node app
    name: 'Foo',
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 5000,
    scripts: [
Special Folder

Use special folders for loading/writing configurations, like %APPDATA% or %HOME%. Is system agnostic and is parsed from the environment variables.

    path: '%APPDATA%/.myApplication/global.yml',
    writable: true


Sometimes to not repeat the configuration it is convenient to use interpolations. It will embed configuration from itself.

# someConfig.yml
name: 'Foo'
    lorem: '#[name]'
    ipsum: '#[A.lorem]'
let config = await Config.fetch({
    path: 'someConfig.yml'

assert.has(config, {
    name: 'Foo',
    A: { lorem: 'Foo' },
    B: { ipsum: 'Foo' }




.fetch(Array<Source>) => Config Instance

Start loading the configuration from specified sources, returns new deferrable configuration instance


<Constructor> (Array<Source>)
  • .$read(?Mix)

    • Mix:
      • String: File/Directory/Glob path
      • Source: Source object
      • Array<Source>
      • @default - Array taken from constructor
    • @return: self. Is deferrable, so you can attach done callbacks to it.

    Load configuration from sources

  • .$write(config:Object [, ?deepExtend:Boolean, ?setterPath:String):Deferred

    Update and save the configuration. Use first matched writable source.

    • deepExtend: complex objects and arrays are merged
    • setterPath: define nested object in current configuration
  • .$get(property:String)

    • property: Dot delimited accessor config.$get('')

      // is the same as you if you would write null-check expressions yourself:
      var quuxVal = && &&;
    • @return: null or value

  • .$is(name:String):Boolean

    Check conditional environment variable, e.g.: config.$is('debug')

    Ways to define the variables. (Example defines DEBUG and TEST flags)

    • directly in the configuration
      // foo.yml
      debug: true
      test: true
    • from the command line:
      > node index --debug --test
    • using environment configuration(comma delimited)
      $ set ENV=DEBUG,TEST
      # also
      $ node index
  • .toJSON():Object

    Returns clean json configuration object.

  • .done(callback)

    Fire the callback when the configuration is loaded


Common properties for all source types
    // Define specific property to extract SUB-JSON from the loaded configuration
    // @default: null
    getterProperty: String

    // Define specific property in the root configuration,
    // where the loaded configuration should be inserted into
    // @default: null
    setterProperty: String

    // Specify if this source can be used for persistence
    // @default: false
    writable: Boolean

    // Fires before source $read function is called
    // (e.g. change this.path property or any other things)
    beforeRead: Function<Source, RootConfig>

    // Fires after source completes reading
    // (e.g. access config object in `Source.config`)
    afterRead: Function<Source, RootConfig>

    // If true, do not log any warning if the source returns 404
    // @default: false
    optional: true

    // If true, then waits until all previous sources are loaded
    // @default: false
    sync: true
    // File path
    path: String

It will be mapped to multiple FileSources

    // Directory path with GLOB look-up, e.g. 'configs/**.json'
    path: String

Depends on ClassJS

    // Collection name
    mongo: String,

    // if source is writable
    // @default: true
    writable: Boolean

    // MongoDB Connection Settings
    // It can be also specified in previous configuration source, under `mongodb` property
    // @default: null -
    settings: {
        // connection string
        connection: String
        // or

        // Port, default 27017
        port: Number,
        // IP, default ''
        ip: String,

        // Database name, no default
        db: String

This source type can suit any needs.

// Constructor with the Deferrable Interface and the method `read`

class Foo {
    config: any
    async read (){
        // do any reads and calcs, after that resolve the source
        this.config = await loadConfig();

Include config direct into the source

    config: Object


$ npm install
$ npm test

(c) 2014-2022 MIT License