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Ansible Collection - netapp.cloudmanager

Copyright (c) 2022 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice.

This collection requires python 3.5 or better.


ansible-galaxy collection install netapp.cloudmanager

To use this collection, add the following to the top of your playbook:

  - netapp.cloudmanager


  • ansible version >= 2.9
  • requests >= 2.20
  • python version >= '3.5'

Module documentation

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Code of Conduct

This collection follows the Ansible project's Code of Conduct.


Release Notes


Minor Changes

  • Requires Ansible 2.15 or higher.


Minor Changes

  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_azure - increase timeout for creating cvo to 90 mins.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_aws - increase timeout for creating cvo to 90 mins.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_gcp - increase timeout for creating cvo to 90 mins.
  • Requires Ansible 2.14 or higher


  • Add svm_name option in AWS, AZURE and GCP CVO for creation and update.


Minor Changes

  • na_cloudmanager_connector_azure - expose connector managed system identity principal_id tp perform role assignment.

New Options

  • Add availability_zone_node1 and availability_zone_node2 options in CVO Azure HA on the location configuration.
  • Add new storage_type value Premium_ZRS


Bug Fixes

  • new meta/execution-environment.yml is failing ansible-builder sanitize step.


New Options

  • Add availability_zone option in CVO Azure on the location configuration.
  • Add cluster_key_pair_name option in CVO AWS for SSH authentication key pair method.
  • Add subnet_path option in CVO GCP.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the machine_type default value in the connector GCP.

Minor Changes

  • na_cloudmanager_volume - Support AWS FsxN working environment


Minor Changes

  • Support writing_speed_state modification for AWS, AZURE and GCP CVOs.


  • na_cloudmanager_connector_azure - support full subnet_id and vnet_id
  • Support writing_speed_state modification for AWS, AZURE and GCP CVOs.


Minor Changes

  • na_cloudmanager_aws_fsx - Import AWS FSX to CloudManager.
  • Support license_type modification for AWS, AZURE and GCP CVOs.

New Options

  • na_cloudmanager_connector_azure - Support user defined storage_account. The storage account can be created automatically. When storage_account is not set, the name is constructed by appending 'sa' to the connector name.
  • na_cloudmanager_aws_fsx - Import AWS FSX to CloudManager by adding new parameters import_file_system and file_system_id.


Bug Fixes

  • na_cloudmanager_volume - Add check when volume is capacity tiered.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_azure - Fix string formatting error when deleting the connector.

Minor Changes

  • na_cloudmanager_connector_gcp - when using the user application default credential authentication by running the command gcloud auth application-default login, gcp_service_account_path is not needed.


Minor Changes

  • Add the description of the client_id based on the cloudmanager UI.
  • Update license_type and capacity_package_name default values on capacity based license.


Minor Changes

  • na_cloudmanager_snapmirror - add AWS FSx to snapmirror.

Bug Fixes

  • CVO working environment clusterProperties is deprecated. Make changes accordingly. Add CVO update status check on instance_type change.


New Modules

  • na_cloudmanager_aws_fsx - NetApp AWS FSX

Minor Changes

  • na_cloudmanager_connector_aws - make the module idempotent for create and delete.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_aws - automatically fetch client_id and instance_id for delete.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_aws - report client_id if connector already exists.
  • na_cloudmanager_info - new subsets - account_info, agents_info, active_agents_info.
  • Add ONTAP image upgrade feature for AWS, AZURE and GCP CVOs. Add upgrade_ontap_version to indicate if upgrade ONTAP is needed. It only can be used when use_latest_version is false and ontap_version is a specific version.
  • Add instance_type update feature for AWS, AZURE and GCP CVOs.
  • na_cloudmanager_volume - Add tiering_policy and snapshot_policy_name modification, and report error if the properties cannot be changed.

Bug Fixes

  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_gcp - handle extra auto-gen GCP labels to fix gcp_labels update failure.
  • Add update_svm_password for svm_password update on AWS, AZURE and GCP CVOs. Update svm_password if update_svm_password is true.


Bug Fixes

  • na_cloudmanager_connector_aws - fix default ami not found in the region on resource file.
  • na_cloudmanager_snapmirror - report actual error rather than None with "Error getting destination info".


Minor Changes

  • Handle extra azure_tag on AZURE CVO and extra gcp_labels on GCP CVO HA on modification. gcp_labels modification on GCP CVO does not support remove labels.
  • PR1 - allow usage of Ansible module group defaults - for Ansible 2.12+.

Bug Fixes

  • na_cloudmanager_snapmirror - working environment get information api not working for onprem is fixed.
  • Fix cannot find working environment if working_environment_name is provided.


New Options

  • Adding new parameter capacity_package_name for all CVOs creation with capacity based license type capacity-paygo or ha-capacity-paygo for HA.

Minor Changes

  • na_cloudmanager_connector_gcp - make the module idempotent for create and delete.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_gcp - automatically fetch client_id for delete.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_gcp - report client_id if connector already exists.
  • all modules - better error reporting if refresh_token is not valid.

Bug Fixes

  • na_cloudmanager_connector_gcp - typeError when using proxy certificates.


Minor Changes

  • Adding support update on svm_password, tier_level, aws_tag, azure_tag and gcp_labels for all CVOs. Only these parameters will be modified on the existing CVOs.

Bug Fixes

  • na_cloudmanager_snapmirror - key error CloudProviderName for ONPREM operation.

New Options

  • Adding new parameter ha_enable_https for HA CVO to enable the HTTPS connection from CVO to storage accounts. This can impact write performance. The default is false.
  • Adding new parameters kms_key_id and kms_key_arn as AWS encryption parameters for AWS CVO encryption.
  • Adding new parameter azure_encryption_parameters for AZURE CVO encryption.
  • Adding new parameter gcp_encryption_parameters for GCP CVO encryption.


New Options

  • Adding selflink support on CVO GCP params: subnet_id, vpc0_node_and_data_connectivity, vpc1_cluster_connectivity, vpc2_ha_connectivity, vpc3_data_replication, subnet0_node_and_data_connectivity, subnet1_cluster_connectivity, subnet2_ha_connectivity, and subnet3_data_replication.
  • Adding pd-balanced support on gcp_volume_type CVO GCP and provider_volume_type for na_cloudmanager_snapmirror and na_cloudmanager_volume.

Bug Fixes

  • Change virtual_machine_size default value to Standard_DS3_v2.


New Options

  • Adding stage environment to all modules in cloudmanager.
  • Adding service account support on API operations in cloudmanager: sa_client_id and sa_secret_key. refresh_token will be ignored if service account information is provided.

Bug Fixes

  • Accept client_id end with or without 'clients'.


New Options

  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_aws: Support one new ebs_volume_type gp3.
  • Adding stage environemt to all modules in cloudmanager.
  • na_cloudmanager_volume: Add aggregate_name support on volume creation.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_aws: Support one new ebs_volume_type gp3.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_azure: Add subnet_name as aliases of subnet_id, vnet_name as aliases of vnet_id.
  • na_cloudmanager_aggregate - Add provider_volume_type gp3 support.
  • na_cloudmanager_volume - Add provider_volume_type gp3 support.
  • na_cloudmanager_snapmirror - Add provider_volume_type gp3 support.

Bug Fixes

  • na_cloudmanager_aggregate: Improve error message.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_gcp: Apply network_project_id on vpc1_cluster_connectivity, vpc2_ha_connectivity, vpc3_data_replication, subnet1_cluster_connectivity, subnet2_ha_connectivity, subnet3_data_replication.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_gcp: rename option service_account_email and service_account_path to gcp_service_account_email and gcp_service_account_path respectively.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_azure: Fix KeyError client_id.
  • na_cloudmanager_nss_account: Improve error message.
  • na_cloudmanager_volume: Improve error message.


New Modules

  • na_cloudmanager_snapmirror: Create or Delete snapmirror on Cloud Manager.

Bug Fixes

  • na_cloudmanager_connector_gcp: Make client_id as optional.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_gcp: Change vpc_id from optional to required.


Bug fixes

  • na_cloudmanager_cifs_server: Fix incorrect API call when is_workgroup is true.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_azure: Fix python error - msrest.exceptions.ValidationError. Parameter '' can not be None.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_azure: Fix wrong example on the document and update account_id is required field on deletion.


New Options

  • na_cloudmanager_connector_aws: Return newly created Azure client ID in cloud manager, instance ID and account ID. New option proxy_certificates.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_aws: Return newly created AWS working_environment_id.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_azure: Return newly created AZURE working_environment_id.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_gcp: Return newly created GCP working_environment_id.

Bug Fixes

  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_aws: Fix incorrect placement of platformSerialNumber in the resulting json structure.


Module documentation changes

  • Remove the period at the end of the line on short_description.
  • Add period at the end of the names in examples.
  • Add notes mentioning support check_mode.

New Modules

  • na_cloudmanager_connector_azure: Create or delete Cloud Manager connector for Azure.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_azure: Create or delete Cloud Manager CVO for AZURE for both single and HA.
  • na_cloudmanager_info: Gather Cloud Manager subset information using REST APIs. Support for subsets working_environments_info, aggregates_info, accounts_info.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_gcp: Create or delete Cloud Manager connector for GCP.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_gcp: Create or delete Cloud Manager CVO for GCP for both single and HA.


New Modules

  • na_cloudmanager_aggregate: Create or delete an aggregate on Cloud Volumes ONTAP, or add disks on an aggregate.
  • na_cloudmanager_cifs_server: Create or delete CIFS server for Cloud Volumes ONTAP.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_aws: Create or delete Cloud Manager connector for AWS.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_aws: Create or delete Cloud Manager CVO for AWS for both single and HA.
  • na_cloudmanager_nss_account: Create or delete a nss account on Cloud Manager.
  • na_cloudmanager_volume: Create, modify or delete a volume on Cloud Volumes ONTAP.