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Learn SwiftUI

Documenting my journey of learning SwiftUI.

01 Recreate the Apple Stocks Welcome screen

recreate the apple stocks welcome screen

  • SF Symbols
  • @State, @Binding
  • Toggle drak/light theme

02 Podcasts for Designers 👩‍🎨🎨

podcasts for designers

  • Grid
  • Basic Model-View-View Model (MVVM)

03 Recreate App Store Today

recreate app store today

  • matchedGeometryEffect

04 3D Scroll Effect

3d scroll effect

  • GeometryReader, rotation3DEffect
  • Swift Package: WrappingHStack
  • Custom fonts: Google Font - Poppins
  • Data source: Emojipedia

05 Notification Banner

notification banner

  • ViewModifier

06 Widget

A concept demonstrating the use of widgets for the T-EX App.

  • WidgetKit
  • GeometryReader

07 Movie Rating

movie rating ui

08 watchOS Basic

Apple wathOS basic


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