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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 21, 2019. It is now read-only.
Nathan edited this page Oct 19, 2018 · 4 revisions


What is ZoraBOT?

Zora bot was created with the idea that everyone can have a fully functional, custom, open source Discord Bot. We value that no one should have to piece together bits of code or host different Bots specific to each task. But we also value Open Source code and the idea that anyone can make ZoraBOT better as well as keeping it easy for people to host their own version of it. We like to keep commands grouped in different JS files to make it easy for someone to remove a part of the Bot if they so choose. The most important part of ZoraBOT is that everything that needs to be is server/user specific. This way, even if you aren't hosting ZoraBOT on your own, people with little to no technical knowledge can customize the Bot to their needs.


Please look at the current issues posted on this repository. If you are unable to solve any of these problems, new features are going to be accepted as long as they don't involve large changes to the code. Example, adding a command that tells you the time in UTC.

File Map:

/ -> (root directory)

  • config.json - (token, youtubekey and other essential configurations)
  • index.js - (not to be confused with src/index.js, index.js is the file you should start the Bot with, also contains express server for dashboard API)

/src -> (this is where all of the main bot files go)

  • index.js - (main bot initialization, discord.js as well as initialization of all the other files)
  • radio.js - (music bot commands)
  • admin.js - (any command requiring admin privileges as well as help menu)
  • utility.js - (any short utility command (example: +dice 12))
  • weather.js - (weather commands)
  • yoda.js - (Yoda translate)
  • translate.js - (Google translate)
  • reddit.js - (memes command and anything else related to reddit)
  • profile.js - (anything related to user specific profiles and money)
  • overflow.js - (stack overflow searching)
  • crypto.js - (currency converter commands)
  • automod.js - (automoderator censoring commands)
  • wolfram.js - (wolfram alpha search)
  • mainloops.js - (broken code as of 10/3/18)

/images -> (anything that's an image or vector)

/events -> (mod-log stuff)

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