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Jobs conda pytorch

ddamoursNRC edited this page Oct 2, 2020 · 6 revisions

This examples will show you how to setup and prepare an environment for PyTorch jobs using conda on Trixie:

1. Create a pytorch miniconda environment:

Either run from the command line or create and run it:

# load the miniconda module
module load miniconda3-4.8.2-gcc-9.2.0-sbqd2xu
# create a conda environment with python 3.7 named pytorch
conda create --name pytorch python=3.7
source activate pytorch
# install pytorch dependencies via conda
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch

2. Create a test pytorch python script:

import torch
print('GPU available:', torch.cuda.is_available())

3. Create a job submission script:


# Specify the partition of the cluster to run on (Typically TrixieMain)
#SBATCH --partition=TrixieMain
# Add your project account code using -A or --account
#SBATCH --account ai4d
# Specify the time allocated to the job. Max 12 hours on TrixieMain queue.
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00
# Request GPUs for the job. In this case 4 GPUs
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4
# Print out the hostname that the jobs is running on
# Run nvidia-smi to ensure that the job sees the GPUs

# Load the miniconda module on the compute node
module load miniconda3-4.8.2-gcc-9.2.0-sbqd2xu
# Activate the conda pytorch environment created in step 1
source activate pytorch
# Launch our test pytorch python file

4. Submit job for execution:


Output will be 'Submitted batch job XXXXX'

5. Confirm execution results:

Local directory will contain a file 'slurm-XXXXX.out' which is the output of the job (stdout).

Output should be:

cnXXX - <nodename>
(4 listed V100 GPUs number 0 to 3)

GPU available: True