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Django REST framework Blog API

The app is build with the Django REST framework and uses:

  • Docker
  • Postgres
  • Celery
  • RabbitMQ
  • Redis
  • drf-spectacular for documentation

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Rename .env.sample to .env and replace the values
  3. Run in your terminal docker-compose up --build
  4. Now everything should be set up and app's documentation available on http://localhost:8000/api/docs/


To run tests:

  1. If containers are not running, run in your terminal docker-compose up
  2. In the second terminal tab, run docker ps and get the ID of the app container
  3. Run docker exec -itu 0 <container ID> sh to get access to the container's shell as a root user
  4. Run python test to run all tests or python test <app-name>.tests to run tests for a specific app

API Endpoints

User app

  • Use /api/user/create/ to create a new user
  • Then use /api/user/token/ to create a token for the created user
  • Use /api/user/profile/ to retrieve user details and update password and user profile details
  • Use /api/user/forgot-password/to send an email with a link to reset the password.

Posts app

  • Use /api/post/posts/ to create a new post and retrieve all posts. Available query params:

    • tags - a list of tags ids to filter by. For example ?tags=1,5,20
    • sort - sorting posts by:
      • title-asc, title-desc - title
      • comments-asc, comments-desc- number of comments
      • date-asc, date-desc - created_at value
      • update-asc, update-desc - updated_at value

    each in ascending or descending order. For example ?sort=comments-asc.

  • Use /api/post/posts/{id}/ to see post details, update and delete a post

  • Use /api/post/tags/ to retrieve all tags

  • Use /api/post/tags/{id}/ to update and delete a tag

  • Use /api/post/comments/ to create a comment

  • Use /api/post/comments/{id}/ to update and delete a comment

  • Use /api/post/postimages/ to create an additional image for a post

  • Use /api/post/postimages/{id}/ to update and delete a post image

  • Use /api/post/votes/ to create a vote of a comment

  • Use /api/post/votes/{id}/ to delete a vote. There is no option to update it (change the vote_type property). If a user decides to change their vote, it will be deleted and then created a new one.

More information about API endpoints, with examples of data that needs to be sent with a request, can be found on http://localhost:8000/api/docs/. This will provide you with complete and easy-to-use documentation. It also gives the option to use every endpoint of this API.

More Information

This app uses djangorestframework-camel-case to enable the server to send and receive data in a format that is compatible with TypeScript. This package provides support for camel-case style serialization and deserialization, which is appropriate for the conventions used in Vue.js.